What went wrong Sup Forums?

what went wrong Sup Forums?

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He's a game hardware YouTube reviewer/advertiser and right now thanks to a relative lack of new tech and miners making building a new computers ridiculously expensive there's just less interest than there was a year or two ago

He's a leaf.

Took GNU and called it after himself.

He got vasectomy.

Nothing, he is a literal god and /ourguy/

Are you literally insane? He can rawdog that chink pussy day and night and he doesn't have to worry about feeding another ungrateful son/daughter.

Men should get them as soon as they have 1-2 kids so they can have amazing financially stable lives with less stress.

Consuming too much soy.

Are you referring to all the advertisements?

>be a beta faggot
>marry some fugly gook because no white woman would fuck me
>have kids that look nothing like you
>cut your balls off

You are a fucking retard. What if she is a cheater? At least use something for protection that can be reversed. Like an IUD for her.. Those last for 10 years... you know right?

Why would you want more than one hellspawn? They're disgusting, loud, good for nothing, literally money flushed down the fucking toilet. Even one is too much.


The same shit happened to h3h3, they figured out a way to maximise youtube normie revenue while still being ""cool"" but slowly end up straying further and further away from their core audience to appeal to the normies.

Just look at this shit

>haha hey guys look at this stupid shit nobody wants to ever own / can't afford / just straight up stupid shit we do!! xDDDD
>look how much money my new stupid piece of shit you can't afford costs!!! ROFL!! xDDDD :DDD
>ECKS DEEEEEEEEEE look we built something fucking retarded again :DDDDDDDDDDDDD--DD sponsored by intel btw :D they supplied us with this overkill as fuck 10k cpu :-dddd

I don't get it

>I don't get it
It's for the people that do get it.

It's GNU/linus.jpg

He's too much of a boring white man to make money just from normal unboxing and tech vids so he just shills tunnelbear , Intel and be quiey

mid life crisis

his birth.

hes gay

what went right?
yeah, nothing
that faggot has never had anything even remotely Sup Forums-tier stuff
it's all about muh gaymes

>it's all about muh gaymes

so is Sup Forums

Gay voice plus he's a leaf

That guy is so angry you can feel it in every episodes
I bet it's unbearable to work with him

he didn't have divine intellect

is he gay ive always wondered

depends on ur definition of gay. he's married to a filipino lady boi

wait seriously lol what fag

Sup Forums is about GNU/Linux and ThinkPads you fucking retard. Go back to Sup Forums...

>Check their youtube
>Video posted 2 hours ago has 77k views
>Video posted 1 day ago has 790k views

What the hell are you talking about? They have a ton of traffic.

Fucking CuckTubers

Apparently one of the female staff does not bathe very often and Linus has had to tell her to shower before because other staff complained.

>pic related

Then you fucking divorce her. Her fucking other men doesn't automatically make your kids not your kids.

Having even more kids is going to put more financial and emotional strain on you, is that really worth it? Especially when they grow up and constantly try to stuff you in a nursing home because they don't want to look at your face anymore?

Blame it on western society ruining white "women".

I don't know what it is but she's very attractive.

It's probably that you have no taste.

You're acting as if most asians/white women are actually are choices worth debating for.
Get better tastes, or is this just the beginning of the degeneracy that is /r9k/ becoming gay (trap degenerates) around here?
Get better tastes and a life.
It all goes downhill from here.
I'm just here for the tech updates once a week.
Thanks :^)

dont project your childhood onto others

I think it's just that photo, I don't normally think she's attractive in the videos

he became a boss and slave to money.

>You're acting as if most asians/white women are actually are choices worth debating for.

>Get better tastes, or is this just the beginning of the degeneracy that is /r9k/ becoming gay (trap degenerates) around here?
>Get better tastes and a life.
>It all goes downhill from here.
>I'm just here for the tech updates once a week.
>Thanks :^)
lmao are you a white female irl?

his kid looks like him though.

But I'm sure you encourage all women to get a refugee boyfriend and pump out 10 kids.

what does she smells like?

Someone of his status could be drowning in white pussy but this guy earned his keep and knows better than to go after "white women" who are either morbidly obese or SJWs (or both).

I have two kids, both under 4. It is great. I'm also not poor like you though, so...

My ex was like that.
Some people don't know they stink and for some reason they like touching their genitals and smell their fingers EVERY TIME.

>Apparently one of the female staff does not bathe very often and Linus has had to tell her to shower before because other staff complained.

Do you actually have a source for this or is it your autistic fan fiction?

it's called clickbait, they've explained before that they changed the thumbnails and titles to make more people click on the videos, and it works. the content is still relatively the same

>underage Sup Forums still unironically watches linus and his buddies based tech nigger and jayz2tons giving them views and money

Everything went according to plan.

>It's for the people that do get it.


[keikaku doori intensifies]

Nope, just a guy.
Just saying that the fight between roasties & asian women (they call 'chinks') is just some shit created by /r9k/ leaking into Sup Forums these past two years.
Also Sup Forums too, and yes white women in the U.S are pretty evident in social media to be spoiled and quite repulsive, but of course not all are only those in the social minority that get their voices heard mostly.
I would expect the same for asian women.
But I should always take note to never listen to any of the shit stereotypes or tales from this website in the first place, all from experience outside is the way to go.


The point of children is to raise an even better version of yourself to help mankind improve.

>lady boi


this, more kids = more war

WW1 and WW2 are perfect examples of that.


2015 LinusTechTips is miles better then 2018 LinusTechTips, and that's not saying much... Back in the day, Linus used to review laptops, in which, people might actually want to fucking buy, now he reviews only the dumbest fucking gaymerized products on the market.


The pasty leaf is swimming in dough, I'm fairly certain he's just doing it for teh moniez at this point. Wouldn't you?

No, you fucking retard.

Kids around here keep falling for the adverstising and viral marketing.
Mods could delete their post with direct links and shit but they do nothing

that's how I imagine all of you

Never adopted the FSF ideology

These Linus jokes are really fucking stale, stop.

he pivoted his company to cater to children

I dunno, suck cuck tips dick and find out.

It's GNU+Linus, you fucking newfag.

>le wacky click bait thumbnail with title ending in a question
Channel doesn't review shit anymore or really even provide tips. But his following of 12 year olds is growing so he's doing something right.

Are you insane? You are going to purposely mutilate yourself with a vasectomy when those things are not even full birth. Children born from a father with a vasectomy aren't that rare, and no I'm not talking about cheating before you go /r9k/ on me.

Nothing. Sup Forums is jealous that he is a lot richer than they are. He is better in every way.

Usually caucasian people are easily triggered to be jealous over anything.

They make a video a day. At that rate you're definitely able to make a good amount of content for genuinely weird/stupid shit and things for poor people like yourself. And in many cases from the vids that I've watched, a video that has to do with some ridiculously expensive piece of garbage concept tech nobody will ever use is often compared to consumer grade tech for poor people, like you. Your image also doesn't make any sense since you crossed out average consumer grade product videos like the 120hz tv and the smart speaker comparison video.

nothing really
he makes money unlike you

>marry some fugly gook because no white woman would fuck me

She doesn't look half bad. Gook chicks love them some tech.


I mean I've seen a lotta ladyboys on /gif/ and some of them have pretty convincing faces.

I think he's doing good for himself OP. Yea his video's are not like they used to be. But really I don't have anything against the guy.

>She doesn't look half bad.

She looks _all_ bad. It's like some depraved halfbreed between a human and a monkey.

I think the word you’re looking for is Johj

probably after a bit of plastic surgery

>I only like tech below $100, onboard graphics, and 20 year old game consoles

>marrying an asian woman makes you a cuck

At least they're getting laid, unlike you

where the fuck is this from lmao

i'm sure some of you have webms of this person

Has that kid wet himself?

Seeing him do crazy/stupid shit with stuff we can't afford is part of the entertainment. They do what we can't. There's a lot of other tech youtubers who provide cheap builds/advice for budget stuff (TechYes) and informative stuff (Level1 and GamersNexus)

Luke gained weight.

>what went wrong Sup Forums?
Nothing, unless you let him sleep with your wallet and PC.

everything is fine as long as Luke is still around

Anything under a million view is low for popular e-celeb.

>giving them views and money
>what are hooktube, newpipe, youtube-dl, adblocks

He's a sjw cuck, a leaf and on top of it all he's fat.

>touching their genitals and smell their fingers EVERY TIME

>they like touching their genitals and smell their fingers EVERY TIME.
I do that

though only in the privacy of my own home

wasn't he already gone or something?
I remember one video were he said he was out of linus tech grind, but would appear casually

so you're saying you're poor? k


You're implying you go out.


literally, sarcasm
the guy pushes it the limit, to the point were nothing that he says is valuable, because it is always a "funny exageration LOL"

the Louis Rossman X Linus collab has one of the most autismal social interactions I have seen in my entire life

and the technog one, too
stop the joke, act like a human being, fug

the fact that there are so many threads dedicated to talking about this guys shows you nu-Sup Forums

But Luke isn't around anymore.
He's only working on Floatplane anymore.