A n00bs guide

a n00bs guide


FreeBSD is deprecated. Replace with OpenBSD.

>code of conduct


The last panel makes no fucking sense.
Why are GNU and Linux seperate?
Did they mean LFS?
Can you even use Linux without GNU?

it just means putting it all together

Why are arch and fedora on different levels?
I thought those are always fighting for the same audience?

"Can you even use Linux without GNU?"
maybe you have heard of android, check it out.
also alpine linux

Why is debian in the same pane as arch?

The only added difficulty over say, ubuntu, is adding 6 words to a config file.

Implying Arch is hard...


>no freiBSD

do people really have the cartoon naked ladies on their desktop? do you not worry about people seeing your computer screen?

they don't

some even think they're impressing others


dude, arch and fedora couldn't be further from each other

I don't get it.
People who use mint and ubuntu eats sandwiches and who uses GNU or Linux kernel are birds?

No, fedora has a graphical installer that gives you a complete system, in all its bloated Gnome glory.

gives you a complete functional system for real developers who aren't jobless neets that like to rice their i3 desktop all day like autists

>people who call Gnome out on bloat must be i3 shills

>implying any BSD is hard
Every BSD I've tried has been easier than the majority of GNU/Linux distributions. It's easier to install Nvidia drivers on FreeBSD than Debian, for example.

well what do you use?

Mate, but eyeing LXQt development too.

Post your papes senpai.

No, as a Linux user I think that everybody else must suffer as I have suffered saucing these papes.
If it was hard for me to get here, it has to be for you as well.

why are u using a dead de? lxqt is dead too, only other option besides gnome is kde, and thats so fucking buggy i cant use it

>It can either be constantly changed or dead!
Yoou do realize there's also a state called "finished"?

>fixed it for higher accuracy

Here's you (You)
I'm against Gaynome and GTK bloatware, and I use LXQt, I dont have the time to rice i3 and learn useless binds. LXQt just werks and is breddy consistent, even on a netbook. I tried running Gaynome on said netbook and I just couldnt use my system, it was slow, and none of the programs fitted on the screen.

"finished" doesnt exist, if theres no active development its fucking dead and will only lose users, and become unusable by new standards


That's the generic BSD beastie, not specific to FreeBSD

Good thing it's open source and that user will be able to update his DE himself! ;^)


100% true!

What's the red one besides Slackware?

Uchiha linux?

Did you just use fucking quotation marks on Sup Forums

I'm allergic to peanuts


>based on gentoo
>same spot as gentoo

that doesn't make sense, I would have put sourcemage instead.

To: You wrote: "Did you just use fucking quotation marks on Sup Forums"



KDE spin is quite popular even among red hat employees.

>soy spacing

>why are u using a dead de? lxqt is dead too,
both mate and lxqt still have active development
>kde, and thats so fucking buggy
most bugs were fixed in 5.8, 5.12 is as stable as gnome (while being less bloated and more lightweight)


>Missing the point

i don't know who are you, but i hate you


Both claim to be bleeding edge, while one doubles down on free software.
No one gives a shit about an installer on Linux systems.

Arch is a rolling release with a package format that is way less bloat to build with. They claim to be minimalist.

Fedora is bloat city redhat test bed, the basis for RHEL.

Install both and I guarantee you won't be of this opinion. Even fedora rawhide ( their rolling version ) doesn't seems anything like arch.

Then you can suck my nuts instead.