How come east asians arent very good software developers or computer scientists?

how come east asians arent very good software developers or computer scientists?

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Asians in general are a failure. Europeans is where it's at. Pic related, Russian qt3.1415926535897932384626433

her insta is off the hinges



C201, object oriented programming in c++. Class was huge at the beginning of the semester, even had normie white girls in it. At the end of the semester the class had about 30% of the people left and only two women, both East Asian.

[citation needed]

Sounds like an american university. here in australia only smart people enrol in autistic courses. the trend in america is for everyone of average intelligence to go to uni.

Because chinks are autistic and can only engineer dumb little manchild toys and trinkets check out chink shit general and /o/ for proof of these claims.

Why isn't there a carpet on the wall?


You can't blame them, however, since most companies now sperg out if you don't have a college degree.

>Chinese are top releasers of cracks
>Japanese are AI and robotic gods
>not very good software developers

They are though. There are tons of Russian, Polish, Ukrainian and other programmers working in the US now.
Russian were winning ACM for like 5 years straight.
One of the leading scientists in quantum computing is Russian. They came up with ternary computers.

When you live in a shit hole known as the Eastern Europe, you ought to find... something else. Programming, science, art, music, religion, whatever you fancy. Something to keep you sane and I say this unironically.
This is our curse. We have a high average iq, overly educated population with shit living conditions and history that will make the most vile and loud SJW shut the hell up about white privilege.
When you have little control of your life, you find something to distract yourself with. To gain some semblance of control. A feeling that you matter, that there is something you can do to improve life with your cognitive ability.
Remember that meme about people who were bullied at school being good at C++? That one, but unironically.

>will make the most vile and loud SJW shut the hell up about white privilege
You do know eastern europe is bullied and suffers racist slurs in western europe, right? Those "SJW" you meme about, those are the kind of people who complain about those exact same slurs. Just saying.

thems in training


Bullshit. They pretend to be pro diversity while their actual endgame is to erase it. Free helicopter rides for all of them.

what laptop are these??!?!?

You think cuz you release a crack for somebody else's software, that puts you on par with that person? If I rob Bill Gates, I'm as good of a businessman as he is? Kys

Retard alert

Slavic languages are OO. Once we started using OO in programming, all of eastern europe suddenly understood programming.

Have never heard an Eastern European complain about racist slurs. if they "feel offended" they will just beat you up, not complain like a SJW pussy.

something like this? i saw something similar in a thread a while ago

seems comfy da ne