At what age did you grew up out of Linux?
At what age did you grew up out of Linux?
the same age you will be when you understand the english language
There's nothing strictly better for my use case - even MacOS or BSD would probably be a side-grade.
I'm sorry that you are not strong enough to fight the power of Corporate Capitalism so that you need to rationalize your failures as "growing up"
When I was 15 and got my first Mac
It was the opposite for me. Gayming and Video Editing was keeping me from using Linux full time. Once I stopped most gaming outside of emulators and got a real job, Linux became all I need, and I will never look back.
I only use Windows because of gaming and hardware compatibility.
Gaming is for soyboys.
at what age did you grew out at drinking water
Linux can't into thumbnails.
Linux can't into tabs on title bar.
Linux a shit.
>not using sidetabs
All the embedded tools I use are Linux only though
I can't imagine ever using a different OS for my laptop.
> being this underage
You realize that Linux is the most widely used operating system in the world right? Leave this board and never come back
been on it since i was 12 or so.
a cool older kid showed me it and ive been hooked since. he showed me how to install linux mint and he'd be constantly dismissing my issues with 'install gentoo'.
i didnt know that was a meme back then, but eventually i thought it was an inside joke.
I just got a job as C++ developer in a Linux enviroment. What now OP?
oh i misread the title.
wrong, gaming is for well adjusted individuals such as myself.
kill yourself.
When I learned it's just a kernel made by mac users wearing proprietary butt plugs.
>made by mac users wearing proprietary butt plugs.
That'd be FreeBSD
There's no better kernel as on for now
>using the term "soyboy"
y i k e s
>t. mactoddler
looks like garbage
i stopped using linux on the desktop when i got to ~25 i think, and fucking around endlessly with stuff like vsync which is irrelevant to getting things done became unfun
i run a lot of linux servers though (mostly debian and some centos) because unlike the desktop it's the best tool for the job
I've used Linux when I was 10-16
Then I switched to Windows only
Couldn't be happier desu
Windows is my gaming OS still, so that's the one I would grow out of. Actually I have played some games in Debian already so it might not even be that far away. For any home desktop use Debian feels much better than Windows 10. That's why I started installing some games there, I just didn't want to boot back to Windows. I bet that's making you shills very nervous.
Nope i didn't, btw i use arch.
When I started gayming
install gentoo
nice try faggot
i'm too dumb for that.
Well it's really not that hard if you follow the guide.
I can't even do this with arch, I only use scripts to install it.
But if you don't know how to install it then you don't entirely know how to maintain it, so why even use it then?
Well, you see user, the great thing about Linux is that you can entirely customize it to fit your needs. So with a little bit of tinkering you can make it not look like ‘garbage’.
for ricing of course, there no other purpose for linux.
Well if you use someone else's install scripts you aren't configuring everything yourself and therefore you can't "rice" your install completely.
You may as well just execute 'rm -rf /' as root then
Somebody's mommy recently bought him a Mac.
low quality bait
Windows is such a terrible OS holy shit I can't believe you niggers still use that garbage.