Hey Sup Forums, if you dont want to get a fucking aneurysm, DO NOT BUY AN IPS DISPLAY

Hey Sup Forums, if you dont want to get a fucking aneurysm, DO NOT BUY AN IPS DISPLAY.

Holy fucking shit this is the second laptop i bought from asus after returning the first one for the same issue, IPS glow. You pay $1300 for a laptop with the specs you need and you get SHIT ON by the display. Absolutely atrocious they let this out the manufacturing doors. Dont do this to yourself guys, buy anything else or just wait for oled. Good fucking lord

Nobody cares about this except you, kys

>falls for the problem TWICE
>paying 1300 dollars for a laptop with ips screen
OP is a faggot

>ips is shit

Thanks for pointing that out, Captain Obvious. kys

I didn't buy a panel rated for better colors just to look at a black screen, user.

IPS is better than the alternatives.
Enjoy your burn in.

its probly noticeable with dark colors

enjoy your down syndrome

TN is superior to IPS

My 2009 TN CCFL LCD does not have this problem.

It really isn't. If it is, I notice the shittiness of a TN screen when actually using the computer far more.
I'm tolerating a TN panel at work while I have IPS at home, I get to swallow that dick through my eyes every weekday, so I'd find it very hard for anyone to convince me otherwise.

Why are displays from Tennessee better than the usual chink product?

Its not the IPS specifically, thats just ASUS using a really shitty display



lmao unless you're a >gaymer you should basically only be buying nice IPS displays.

I do not know what I'd do without Ultrasharps. Probably have a considerably less nice display set up.

Burn ins don't actually happen my dude, it's probably as common as burn ins on CRTs were, it's not really happening if you aren't using it as a train station departure times screen.

>buys Asus
>blames IPS
gee guys I got a geo metro, gasoline engines are GARBAGE

thinkfag here
our tn panels are really shit. on the x200 you can get an affs panel. Are those still shit?

They have no quality control. Avoid.

My xps13 has a perfectly fine display