Is there an updated version of this?
if not, any suggestions on what you now use?
Is there an updated version of this?
if not, any suggestions on what you now use?
>antivirus meme
>ms office
>daemon tools
>desktop ricing meme
This guide does more harm than good
where can I find 'commonsense'
well can you recommend some replacements for them?
>Defragment often to improve performance.
What did he mean by this?
i was with you until vim friendo
>firefox nightly
>use web client
>deluge or transmission
>windows subsystem for linux has sftp
>asus-wrt is pretty nice so just get asus router
>AV is not necessary if you patch your system and don't download sketchy shit, learning basic comp forensics will teach you AV doesnt really find all that much
>your routers firewall is probably fine, add a blacklist or use pihole
>defraggler still works
>ccleaner still works
>VLC cone meme player for audio and video
> sumatra evince or your browser
> Gvim or unreg sublime text
>windows 10 has native tools
>Vmware is better
>dont rice windows its not worth
>dont defrag if you have ssd is good advice
>turn on file extensions
>disable cortana or install LTSB
>if you must have some kind of AV for you autism use a good remove only tool like malwarebytes
Sup Forums stopped recommending windows at all years ago. Maybe you will find something in the wiki.
>This guide does more harm than good
>muh botnet
>muh non-free
fuck off, not everyone is fucking autistic enough to go into linux
At the time Win10 released
really makes you think
>WinCDEmu for mounting disks (it's FOSS and it's god).
>Unironically, gVim for editing source files and shit although Notepad++ is also good.
>Mpv and/or VLC for media.
>7z for compressed archives
I unironically use Kaspersky Free on my little brother's computer and it's been fine so
>Kasperksy Free
Also, if you NEED Ms Office, go ahead and install it, although I personally use LibreOffice (it's not bad, the only formatting issues you could have are maybe missing fonts, but since you're on windows that shouldn't be an issue)
>LibreOffice (tl;dr It's good, dont' fall for the 'it's shit' meme)
Guess I'm too used to the *nix way of doing shit...
You forgot the 2 codec packs.
Noticed qbitorrent sneakily stays open in task manager perminantly after closing from sys tray. Is it mining memecoins on the sly?
This is just the stuff I'm aware of, so pls don't bully
Not my fault it's the current craze. I myself don't like using it, but if the people I talk to use it, what choice do I have?
Wow this is awful. I'll rewrite it if I have time next weekend.
>supporting software filled with ads and vulnerabilities
> no qutebrowser
You know, this got me sad, it reminded me of the days back when /g used to have actual advice and discussions, infographs, good humor threads, reviews and opinions, before the entire board got consumed with marketing jews and low quality shitposting.
but i use Windows 7
make threads about how stalman would disapprove and that there should be a linux version then link the thread to your "friends"
thx for the info, anyone else have some inputs?
Also, what are your guys thoughts on irfanview?
rocketdock is dead as far as I was aware. Objectdock is 10x better anyway.
Also there's really no need to hassle yourself with keeping a third party tool for defragmenting up to date and everything. The built in windows defragmenter is perfectly sufficient.
That's outdated as fuck
>Defrag every 2 weeks...
It's like they're ignorant of modern Operating Systems.
thats why I posted it and asked for an updated version, or at least info to get the latest software that Sup Forums faps to.
Notepad++, Firefox, and 7-zip are the only software in this image that you should still be using in 2018
so what browser should i be using then? Which video player and graphic editor?
Also which word processor and text editor do you use?
I appreciate your input on what I shouldn't be using but its not as helpful as mentioning what they should be replaced with.
Ever realized how torrent clients seem to start up by themselves when they notice a magnet link or .torrent file? Well most of them do that using windows processes. qbittorent uses it's own process so you can at least turn it off if you don't want it, most other clients don't even tell you this and they just stay active through some vague non-killable windows process.
Christ what god awful torrent programs are you using? The only thing that SHOULD be happening when you click a magnet protocol type or a .torrent file type is that windows detects the program responsible for handling them and then tells it to open. If you're using something that attaches itself to a windows process you need to delete it.
I'm not, I use qbittorrent.
Web browser: Chrome/Chromium or any Firefox fork if you don't support their bullshit
Mail client: lol
Chat client: lol
IRC client: mIRC
Torrent client: uTorrent 2.2.1/qBitstalled
FTP client: Windows have a native one, just type the IP in the address bar
>System maintenance
Antivirus: Common sense 2018, Malwarebytes for scans if you are unsure
Firewall: Your router
"Dragmenting": Come on gramps
Misc: CCleaner, Recuva
Video Player: MPC-HC/mpv
Audio Player: foobar2000 or any other memeplayer
Codec Pack: Not necessary but K-Lite
Graphics Editors: Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.NET
>Documents & text
Word Processing: MS Office
PDF Viewer: Your browser
Text Editor: Notepad++
>Disc management
Iso mounting: WinCDmul
Disk authoring: Imgburn, Alcohol 120%
File archiver: 7zip
Virtual machine: VMWare
Desktop rice: stop
>Advice & tips:
-Don't use Windows 10, if you really need it, get LTSB
-Defragmenting is useless, I just scanned my 3 year old Windows 7 install and it is 2% fragmented
-Don't use antivirus for anything other than scans
-Don't open random exes, you retard
-Get uBlock Origin to block ads on your browser
-Enable file extensions
-Disable useless startup shit
-Get 4chanX for a better shitposting experience
And don't disable UAC, you can lower it's protection, but don't disable it.
thx for all the info. what about viewing photos? Been using irfanview for years. Should I just stick with that or is there something better?
Also I use Windows Media Center for my tv tuner. should I stick with that too or is there also something better?
Also, a long time ago I used to use Zonealarm to allow me to control which programs can connect to the internet or limit their type of connection. Whats the replacement for a software that does this same thing?
It's probably the best image viewer
>Image viewer
I use the native one, it just werks. But Irfanview was pretty good when I used it back on Windows 95/98 and XP, I doubt there's anything better.
>TV tuner
No idea senpai
>Control internet access
I just use the firewall for that
the routers firewall? seems rather inconvenient opposed to a software firewall.
Firefox, like I said
>Video player
>Graphics editor
Unless you're an actual professional, none. Meme photography needs to end.
>Word processor
Google docs
>Text editor
Notepad++. Can't you read?
Replace video players with MPV.
No need for codec packs either in the current year.
>PDF viewer: your browser
>Don't use Windows 10
Remove K-lite from all recommendation lists ever. It now comes with literal Yahoo malware on installation (checked by default of course).
If you're on a non-10 Windows and want virtual desktops, I found VirtuaWin to be the best one.
What are you talking about? it stays open when you kill it from the sys tray. The only torrent client I've seen do that. it seems highly suspicious to me.
>using windows 10 unironically
pic is you?
But this is a Windows thread, FOSS is unnecessary here
Go and read the source code then, are you mentally challenged?
>Windows 7 is better really I promise
Ultimate brainlet
what's wrong with ccleaner
I know people who would fall for this.
Rufus and an internet connection is all you need for your (short) time having to use windows
Windows Firewall.
Nice selfie.
>just use sensible cross platform software version
>web browser
>mail client
unix mail
>chat client
suckless sic, ircII
>irc client
see above
>torrent client
>ftp client
>router firmware
alpine linux, openbsd, plan 9
>anti virus
common sense 2019
your router
fucking nothing
>video player
>audio player
>codec pack
>graphics editor
Affinity Photo/Designer
>word processing
latex, troff
>pdf viewer
page from plan9port
>text editor
ed, sam, acme from plan9port
>iso mounting
a modern os version
>disc authoring
life in 2018
>file archiver
zip, unzip, gzip, gunzip, etc
>virtual machine
the MS's one
>desktop rice
not being a manchild
>advice & tips
>i shiggy diggy