What would realistically happen if hell froze over and "software professionals" banded together and formed a software...

What would realistically happen if hell froze over and "software professionals" banded together and formed a software development union?
As a profession, it's only existed for 50 years but they get fucked harder than most other skilled professions and they just take it sitting down, unable to do anything because they've never unionized or formalized a minimum certification or even offered a pathway to apprenticeship in order to stop crop-up scam schools like coding bootcamps from flooding the market with worthless labor that drive down the value of everyone else.

That's a sexy girl


not a girl nyah~

The sexiest girls have dicks. It's a scientific fact.

Pajeet won't be in a union, so companies will hire him instead.

it would get infiltrated again and beat into submission

a girl without benis is useless

Shes canon trans. Read the novel you fetishistic retard and maybe also kill yourself

if we unionized then the industry would become blue collar and you would still be poor, probably poorer


your attempt at a reasonably serious conversation appears to have turned into an erect gay cock festival

Anyone else hear a helicopter idling in the distance?

How do you unionize something with a talent pool that goes from multimillion dollar proprietary software devs to open source programmers whose work is worth $0?

>Shes canon trans. Read the novel you fetishistic retard and maybe also kill yourself
The absolute state of Sup Forums

I guess you haven't read it either

>go to work at union software firm
>"hey pal join the union"
>I'll hold off before making a decision
>The union rep immediately gets loud, verbally aggressive, and makes threats
>over the course of a few weeks find that everyone handles only one ticket per day and goes home, works for less than a couple hours a day
>nobody else speaks to me, they've been told not to until I join the union
>start picking up a ton of extra work from the task board because I'm not entitled
>promoted within a month an a half
>ten union members band together an file an injunction against me because it's "not fair that I should get a promotion and pay raise" even though they've each been offered it and refused it because it was extra work
>decide to quit instead of wading through litigation for months that would be judge by, you guessed it, the company's (union) HR department

These organizations should be scoured from the face of working America. They exist to instill and reinforce a childish, hateful, crab-bucket mentality among workers and hold back anyone who has ambition, or simply doesn't want 30% of their paycheck siphoned off into the Union's collective pocket. The gross entitlement of it all makes me physically ill, I want to vomit just thinking about it.

>wahh wahh I'd rather do 5x the work for a 20% pay promotion
This is why you're an idiot and will never get ahead in life.

>he believes the lies his dad told him from 45 years in a shitty factory working as a scab

You'd get fucked harder.

Here's what unions are (least in the USA)...they are progressive fund raisers first and workers negotiating second. What this means is that while they negotiate for your salary, they do everything possible to secure your replacements successful migration to your country and your job. They literally promote the demise of your country and community...but most of all your job security as per their Marxist ideology.

All unions promote the left. Your literally paying your enemy to replace you. Unions...not even once.

Unions are the scourge of the American workers.

>Applying real world mental illnesses into fictional characters created by another person
Just end yourself faggot, she is canon a trap, know the difference

This is what wage slaves taken in by the propaganda that is 'The American Dream' actually believe.

>tfw you actively sell yourself out to your bosses to avoid the socialist boogeyman

Bullshit, this is the reality and you know that very well, actually, you are a shill yourself

People on the thread please ignore this shill

I'd love to work only a couple hours a day, regardless if I never advance in the company, that's why you jump to greener pastures whenever you see an opportunity.

>it's a bad thing to balance out a corporation's tendency to extract profit from workers' labor with an organization that attempts to maximize rights for said worker

sorry, who's the shill here? do you know what a shill is?

>please ignore this shill

wouldn't want any workers getting wind of unionization, now would we? no, that's bad for profits.

so your only real criticism of unions is that they're

lmfao case in point.

Legislation increasing the allowable number of H-1B visas get blasted to the front of congress and passes with ease.

Wages drop dramatically. Foreigners come in, do 1/5 the quality of the work, and companies pay 1/10 the cost in salaries.

That's what happens when you fight back.

>Americans fucked up every attempt at making good unions therefore unions are a bad idea
Just make good unions instead of bad ones, other peoples have done it many times. You can even have good white collar unions.

I kind of want to see what scab programmers would be like. I imagine them as a mix of anarchists that think they are libertarians and encrypt their source code so the grave remorse of their employer when they are gone in 2 weeks

In America the FBI was very active in demolishing unions by infiltrating them and linking it with communism. The corporate masters don't like it when their slaves rebel.

>muh communist cornucopia
programming as a professional profession would die. programmers would demand unrealistic salaries, which employers would naturally decline, and look go for loop-holes, out-of-the-box solutions and/or more financially feasible solutions.

sweet now you can go after employers AND companies who don't use union software and bully them just like every other trade union
unions are a literal racket

It's in the best interest of the union to only demand salaries that are sustainable.

le redpill me on union busting