I had one of the best teachers ever in my introduction to server administration class

I had one of the best teachers ever in my introduction to server administration class.

>First class is her talking about her teaching career, makes sure to mention that she has a PHD and 5 years of teaching experience in the U.S
>Second class, pulls out slides, obviously written by someone else and starts reading them verbatim with no pauses or detailed explanation of the concepts. You reading yourself would be superior due to her broken English making it harder to follow along.
>A student asks if she can explain paging memory in more detail, she starts: "what?! you don't look at slides? go read, don't interrupt class, I trying to make you think"
You will notice that "make you think" is a fetish in their culture because being obtuse and making the learning process more complicated is explained by them trying to make you "think", In an unavoidable incident I experienced another teacher of the same tribe who refused to publish Assignment instructions because he wanted to make you "Think" by checking every single possible way the program could be executed and told us that posting assignment instructions would allow people to complain and he didn't want to deal with it.
>On the test, one of the questions are, How much each version of Windows server(tm) costs

If you never experienced this teaching style, you really should, it will teach you things that can ever be learned in a class room. Its a real world experience but in the class room.

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I've experienced a physics professors speaking a broken Italian with a very heavy german accent.
He walked in the class, projected some slides, read them with a laser pointer, maybe do some hand example and then to the next slide.
While the lesson should last 2 hours, he was done in 1.

Just to put it into perspective at the beginning of the course there were 200+ students, 2 month later less than 40.

My programming professor has a heavy Finnish accent and he's dumb as fuck and always drunk.

My computer teacher is european and does not understand anything about computers, the asian and indian teachers got where they are because of hard work while he was given the job because his parents payed for everything and he had friends in the administration

If she was not the best they could find they would not employ her to teach the class dumb dumb.

I would be annoyed to if I had to spend 2 hours with Sup Forums fags trying not to slip up and be made fun of later

My programming teacher started first lesson with
"Screen is divided into 80 and 25, to write a character..." then we did Pascal for 3 years solving algorithmic problems, nothing of how computer actually works.
Luckily later I had real teacher (90 year old granny) who showed me what computers are really about, she was a passionate, oh she knew everything.

I had a teacher like this. It's so fucking frustrating. Everyone in the classes he taught complained to the college and he got "relocated" I think.

>On the test, one of the questions are, How much each version of Windows server(tm) costs

I literally just did test for an IT job at a police service and one of the parts was on windows 2012 server and that was one of the questions, like they just lifted it from somewhere. Such a waste of time, I bombed that part of the test. The other parts (networking, voip, and wireless networking) looked like they lifted it from Network+ test.

It was 2 hours of testing and I;m pretty sure I didn't get enough questions right because they haven't called me and its been a week :'(

Your first teacher was a good teacher that showed you the true path, but you decide to follow the code monkeys path.


Post pics or kys.

>giant mole on her forehead
Why are curryniggers so disgusting?

what country you in m8

>doesnt even know thats a bindi
kys nigger brain

Wow you sound like a whiny bitch op. Fucking deal with it and get thicker skin.

oy, that's not a bindi, this is a bindi


the best professors i had were men, and although one was a desi and the other a greek, they both spoke perfect english

like if you come to america to teach, please be sure you passed english 101 first, thx

One of my math professors was like that. He'd be "teaching" a new concept, writing in quarter inch chicken scratch WHILE standing directly in front of the spot he was writing on the whiteboard, while saying: "And uh d go dis here go dis and uh day go tree twintee ginda etc" then step away from the board and say "Good. now we move on, and promptly erase it.

Why I never get the cool teachers?

That's what happens to ex-nokia employees. Our uni is full of them.

>in America you need to speak English or get out
You are what's wrong with the USA. Not the immigrants who are trying to make a better life for themselves. You disgust me.

Nice try pajeet.

Oh fuck you and your tired canned platitudes.

Virtue signaling does not make you a good person.

Kys retard.

Glad I have not had a single pajeet or chink professor

They butcher English in a way I had not thought possible



You sacks of trash that do not accept that the USA is a legitimate nation with a legitimate people are the problem not Americans wanting to defend their homeland.

>pajeet or chink

Not only do they butcher English they are hyper smug and arrogant.

The United States of America does not have an official language. Read the constitution and tell me exactly where it proclaims English (or our perverted dialect thereof) is the official language.

>"I didn't like what you had to say, therefore you must be virtue-signaling!"

>"Goddamnit I ain't havin' my kids learn another goddamn language"

You have to be 18 to post on this website.

7 years technology education teacher here; taught both high school and middle school.

Call me a shop teacher if you wish, but mainly teach CAD/engineering/and intro to programming.

It amazes me how far these professors have their heads up their ass. They lack any sort of respect to teaching. Teaching is an art...you either have the talent or you don't.

I've had one Indian professor who taught Physics and the history of science. He was the only one I ever respected, because he understood teaching from being a high school teacher. One thing you have to understand, especially about most Indian people, is that they lack a sense of reality. They're try hards where they seek out bullshit rewards and certificate to polish their resumes but lack any sort of common sense. Quite possibly the most obnoxious group of people I've had to deal with. Asians are plain assholes, and exhibit similar traits.

I would love to be a college professor, but you require a PHd. I just can't be back in the classroom as a student at this point at 35, especially after teaching for 7 years.

The best teachers I've ever had in college, were ones that taught at a high school for at least 5 years.

>or our perverted dialect thereof

You wish you were British or something, you sad fuck?

When your country has a GDP of $13 trillion +, you better speak English for your wallet's sake.

You think the Chinese said "fuck learning Latin" when they traded with the Romans?

Do it at night, it takes time, but it ain't hard. The proof is those noodles got it. That's basically what stopped me from keeping going after my master, I don't want (yet) to be surrounded by those people.

>The United States of America does not have an official language

Yeah well it is not Spanish either paco, no matter how much you maggots want it to be.



>Official languages: None at federal level

Just die in sjw shithole

>Because you gringos did not write it down we should speak shit spanish instead.

Something only non-white people have.

That is what he will tell you.

Our country was founded on things like this being delegated to states. 32 states have English on record as the official language.

I've never had a CS teacher I can say was half decent. The best ones recognize who the smart kids are and leave them alone.

I'm convinced most professors of STEM at universities literally just don't give a shit. I have a 95 year old physics professor who doesn't even write on the board during lecture. He literally sits down and reads off a sheet of paper in a low voice. Another professor for discrete math who spoke in a thick Romanian accent, and breezed through complex, or unusual subject matters in the blink of an eye while describing them in the worst ways possible.

The best professor I've ever had was a dwarf man who taught calc at my community college. He had a genuine love for both math and education and took every opportunity to go above and beyond for his students. He would also whip up these insane video game themed PowerPoint presentations and games that he would code in VBA, and hold late night adobe connect reviews on his own time on Sunday nights. I'll miss that glorious bastard.

>I'm convinced most professors of STEM at universities literally just don't give a shit.

It is as if giving people money regardless of their performance or value produced shit results or something.

I have a professor that is super biased towards failing students
I had a B in the course and magically got a 20% on the final exam, resulting in me getting a 61% in the course where the passing grade was 65%
I asked him about the "optional 5% bonus in the course" described in the syllabus and he said "that's up to me... so no"
It's the third time I take his course and he's the only professor available
Did I mention that without the course I can't continue on and take my last 30 credits to graduate? FUCK him

I agree with your sentiment, but feel it is particularly bad in regards to STEM. At least when it comes to the humanities, professors are usually at least a little bit passionate about what they teach, while STEM professors come across as jaded individuals spit back out of the machine either due to old age or just simply not being good enough to cut it and fall back on teaching as a result. I've never seen more passionless individuals in my life.

What is this attitude?

If you cannot pass the test you should not be allowed to proceed, it is that simple.

Do you not get the point of your precious university is supposed to be a place where those who cannot achieve on a higher level are weeded out?

well, in the formerly mexican or spanish territories Spanish makes sense as a second language (same as Hawaiian in Hawaii, or native languages).

My attitude is I did the test and I know what my performance was, and it was certainly not a 29% work
I'd taken the course 2 times and I knew word for word what was going to be in the exam
You know the problem is not in the students when a person who has had a 4.0 GPA for the major part of their career (not me, because I'm not on that level) and they had to take the course 5 or 6 times and ended up passing it with the minimum required grade to pass (which is a C)
If I was not qualified to make this statement I would not have posted, dipshit

The spanish is only being pushed because there is an overt effort to turn this into a mexican terrory.

20% work*

Should have been German ...

>national language
>not official language
Come on, user.

Not an argument.

Wow, you are dumb. Imagine the day when the USA has balkanized and is irrelevant internationally. All those americucks by then would have to actually learn a language other than English, not that they speak it very well.

Fun fact: German used to be the second most spoken language in the United States of America.

Should have?

While we are talking about should have...

We should have castrated our slaves like the Arabs did theirs.

We should have annexed mexico after the war and trail of tears them down to South America.

We should have never changed the immigration rules in 1965.

If these things had not happened we would not be having to have a conversion about what the official language is.

The fact that most American spelling for aluminium is derived from a misspelling speaks volumes on how Americans can't into English and shouldn't be telling people how to speak.

The Chinese seldom traded directly with the Romans. Marco Polo was significant because most merchants would not travel the entire length of the silk road.

Also, why is this standard not applied to Americans? How do Americans intend to remain competitive internationally if they can only speak English? There's no such thing as a free lunch as you may say.

>we would not be having to have a conversion about what the official language is.
>we would not be having to have a conversion
And people we were mocking me when I said Americans can't even speak English correctly.

SJW cuck making up stories again

one of my professors made THIS FUCKING SLIDE

it is truly representative of her teaching style

Before I took this mandatory class I was sure that level of insanity would be a sure way into a mental institution... now I knowbetter and I learnt for life to leave any company immediately that hassomeonelike that in charge

>USA is a legitimate nation
A nation of what? Jews, Irish, Italians, Mexicans, English, Nigerians, Poles, Vietamese... Need I say more?

>if you come to america to teach, please be sure you passed english

>in America you need to speak English or get out

you need to work on your reading comprehension, retard.

>The USA was founded in 1965

just out of curiosity, when do you think the main wave of irish immigrants arrived? without googling, please

Muh irish.


> Transfer to new school after getting my AS in comp sci to get my BA
> Comp sci proof is a super hard ass die hard gnu/linux advocate (literally made you use the uni's comp sci computer lab that runs ubuntu to submit assignments to force everyone to use gnu/linux) oh and he's Korean and speaks in broken English
> Tfw been using gnu/linux for 6 years at this point so w/e just ssh into lab computers and submit assignment with submit assignment
I actually loved this professor to be honest. A lot of people fucking hated him because of the whole forcing to use gnu/linux thing but he honestly taught pretty well imo
I also had..
> Calc 3 prof
> Str8 out of Russia, only degree from a BurgerLand University was his phd
> Super heavy Russian accent
Good prof too.
> One day go to his office because I missed class and had a question
> Mother fucker is going hard in online chess
> Sit watching him play for 10 minutes before I ask my question

If your educational institution doesn't force you to get a passing grade on both in course work and on the final exam then it's shit.

>turn this into a mexican terrory.
It was originally a mexican territory anyway, anglocuck

Why are 90% of Germans completely autistic?

>has a heavy Finnish accent and he's dumb as fuck and always drunk
I... am your programming professor???

She is very pretty. You who is inferior and have fog 8n your brain and as well as your eyes cannot see this true beauty. It's because you are used to looking at your trashy friends and trashy family that makes you think that's how everyone in the world looks,yet you don't know that it's your trashy looks is what worldwide humans hate. 5

>geophysics, share a campus with astronomy (not US)

>all geophysics-related professors are people who worked in the industry for several years, with a very solid grasp of what they're talking about and genuinely great at teaching , one of the geodesy-related professors worked several years for the ESA
>the exact sciences professors they brought for in-campus versions of the courses they teach at the exact sciences campus; they somehow managed to get all the most passionate fuckers around to come to my campus, I had a physics professor who was so "never give up" he managed to get to where he is now even though he went blind as a young man and he still puts out academic papers like anyone else
>geology is a mix of easy theory and challenging but fun practical work, and getting to go on field trips with a bunch of typical natural science hippies; bust your ass in blazing summer heat from dawn to dusk to make full use of the day to get field experience, then going back to camp, lighting a bonfire, and getting absolutely fucking wasted alongside your fucking professor (no, really, I got drunk and had a chit-chat with my professor once), collapse in a sleeping bag at 3AM and have to get up again in four hours
>comp lab is 100% FOSS, debian based, and the sysadmin has kernel patches to his name, wears a sweatervest and official-brand FSF GNU wildebeest shirts; everyone is taught Fortran as a first language to teach the nitty gritty and efficient algorithms, then MATLAB to speed up development
>pretty even split on campus when it comes to genders, and we've got genuine fucking qts that would give a lot of other campuses a run for their money
>good job outlook, even if oil stays bust

>meet up with buddies who did CS or Mech Eng
>98% male skew, a handful of hambeasts with a herd of orbiters behind them
>professors are all old, jaded, some are crazy and they all explain things like it's still 1970
>b-but our building

I'm so fucking glad I didn't chose computer science.

>Fortran as a first language
I'm not sure I believe you. I don't want to. How many decades ago was this?

By that logic Spain should get all of Mexico back. Funny how none of you mexicunts say this though.

>I had a B in the course and magically got a 20% on the final exam, resulting in me getting a 61% in the course where the passing grade was 65%
>magically got a 20%
>I'd taken the course 2 times
> FUCK him
Magic? It sounds like you failed buddy.

The course was 3 years ago. Yes, they still teach Fortran. The scientific libraries for it are extremely fucking mature industry standards, not to mention that Fortran itself is a compact language that's only really ever used for a single thing; doing a bunch of math. The scope of everything you have to cover is very limited and easy to remember, the toughest thing to grasp is how to pass a subroutine as an argument to another subroutine and idiots not realizing integers can only hold up to a certain value before you have to start using larger ones (and that's, along with how floating point works, is all covered in the programming class theory). It's still used fucking everywhere in science, and it's the only sane option other than something like C++ for those incredibly compute-intense heavy lifting programs like most seismic. I think it was a really, really good choice to be honest.

Matlab (it's actually GNU Octave) is again, incredibly niche and oriented towards just doing math, but even simpler to pick up, quicker to develop (but not execute, the trade-off aspect is drilled into us), and it has easy built-in graphing tools.

If you asked me to manipulate a string in either of those, I could, but it'd take me a bit honestly. I can do fourth-order runge-kutta algos from first principles, though, and seismic simulations. The fags over at astronomy were taught how to into computer the exact same way, and their shit is even worse, those fags model whole galaxies and the same fucking Fortran program has been in use for decades, it's both ridiculously efficient and the innards look like black magic.

My favorite CS teacher was named Chip. Chip was a great teacher with a rigid gameplan; he wrote everything out on lined paper and put that on a projector.

My favorite part about Chip, though, was that in the first 5-10 minutes of every class, Chip would talk about one of the following four things.

1. His daughter
2. Germany
3. Chocolate
4. His bi-annual haircut

That order is also from most talked about to least talked about. It's as if when you walked in, you were suddenly in an if/else statement - if not daughter, Germany, if not Germany, chocolate, if not chocolate, haircut.

He was an incredible teacher.

Lol I had a Russian calc math professor who literally would get lost in ex problems, just give up, and move onto to the next example. I remember one day after class I asked for help on a putnam integral. he looked at it for about a minute and then just said no.

Quite a few of my teachers just straight read from slides during class but they could answer stuff if you asked them. Is that ok?

Spaniards are too cucked to take it back anyway.

so I had this teacher in uni:
>autistic to the max
>can't touch the chalk and write on the board without putting a glove on first
>literally putting MLP in his slides, I fucking shit you not

And he was the best teacher I had so far in my uni. Stuff he explain magically made perfect sense and he was really committed to doing a good job teaching.
Not like most others, who would just
>rush through the slides while not even trying to explain anything
>"just do your assignments while I sit there and browse reddit. All the info is in the slides, so don't ask me anything."

When this happens in my university, the class complains to the dean and simply goes to another lecturer's classes.
Even if the dean doesn't react, there are regular rector-appointed visits and if those guys notice 2/3 of the class is missing, the lecturer is held responsible.

She has a nose sharper than a spartan spear and bitchface eyebrows. Horrible cheap rag clothing shows off her lumped back but not her breast curves. Puffy boyish skin doesn't help, either.

>astrophysics class
>group email
>schoolmate writes out a long email, attaching his report, writing down statements, justifications and a bunch of questions to the assistant prof.
>ass prof's reply is literally just "Eh..."

Did he talk about how great the third reich was?

yeah those eyebrows are scary

>Tiny Indonesian Arab girl in her foreskin hijab introduces herself as tutor
>Tells everyone how she's been teaching in Australia for 8 years
>Can barely speak fucking English
>is supposed to be teaching discrete structures but literally just writes a question on the board from a worksheet then follows it with the answer and "do you get it?"
>Someone asks a question and she says "uhhhh, what?" 5 times before not answering it because she can't fucking speak English
>routinely writes wrong fucking answers down without explanation so struggling students copy this and try to wrap their heads around it until the class realises she fucked up
>Have to consistently personally reply to people asking questions to elaborate whatever rubbish two-worded response she gives in broken English
>"what happens to the 1's that move left over the age in a bit-shift?"
"uhh. What?"
>Class tries to explain question her before bluntly asking "do the 1's just disappear off the left side?"
>"Uhh... Yes. They gone."
Thanks diversity™!

It's bad enough I have to listen to FUCKING spanish-speaking cunts on the bus and Chinese always talking on their phones but now it's brought to the classroom!

Fucking speak English or die.

Where can I apply?

my slavic computer architechture prof cancels every class because of some eye surgery thing. Then asks every assignment to do a different sorting algorithm in assembly, doing shear sort rn and want to die. We were supposed to have finished assembly a month ago but he keeps going because of his autism for sorting algos. Going to email the chair or dean this weekend since we wont actually have time to cover the course material.

That covers like 80% classes in my university.
t. Software engineer major in system software master (slav).

At middle school we drew turbo pascal UI in copybooks because teacher had no fucking idea at both teaching and CS. To give you an idea at how clueless she was - she had an e-mail address with domain zone slapped into her id (like [email protected]).

She's poop coloured. Like your streets.

Objectively wrong


All my classes are like 3-12 kids including me

Imagine if I came to Japan and refused to speak Japanese?, What's the difference?, How are people gonna understand you?

Ummm Japan is not white sweety, try again

Got it, So if the country is white I don't have to learn the most spoken language there

>The fact that most American spelling for aluminium is derived
terrible grammar, stop butchering the language

>Cuckstraya being invaded
>Custayans do nothing but rant online