I am not implying all of them are bad. Some of them are nice. Let's go.
Sup Forums memes bingo
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate myself.
How are you supposed to get bingo when some of these are mutually exclusive?
>b-but what if I own and equally use four different computers?
Make a consistent bingo or don't make one at all
What's the point of lining down gentoo, vim, thinkpad and coreboot in one line? Half of the people will get a bingo.
So pick one, jackass.
That's why they are spread among the list
>mixing good and bad things together
This will only cause confusion
>Selects all the bad ones
Signal is a botnet disguised as free software, use silence.
Man, I can never win these.
What does OwO mean?
2 wide open eyes and cat mouth smile from furryfags
kinda new to this board, why are Noctuas a meme? Just 'cause they're ugly?
Also why is fb2k a meme?
>everything i don't like is a meme
>ryzen but not nuclearholocaust-x
>gentoo but not an arch
>signal and telegram but not an imessage
>w7 instead of windows in general
>thinkpad but not a macbook
>intellimouse but not an apple mouse
>Xiaomu but not an iphone
Butthurt appletoddler with either w10 or arch in dualboot
Why is OnePlus a meme, honestly best phone i have ever had by far
Huge mouse pad is Sup Forums, tho
It's mostly Sup Forumsir/g/ins who use them, also "battlestations" are a Sup Forums thing
Got rid of zowie crap
I want to die
>literally none of these apply to me
Is this awesome? Y? N? KYS?
Doesn't matter if it's good or bad,
>actually using waterfox
So uh... how'd the pepper meme start?
post racks
Eurofag, it's 1PM here, still at work. Will post if the thread is still alive when I get home
>he doesn't keep a picture of his rack on his phone to admire while at work
It's like you don't want to be a real gentooman.
There's prettier racks here at work, I'd pity my rack rather than admire it
I didn't do too well.
So you have rack envy?
mine is pathetic, I want to see other peoples' so I can live vicariously through them and have a standard to try and probably fail to live up to
I knew there was a boob joke waiting to be made somewhere in there
>not on fdroid
>cant download apk
wew, but still disappointed by no option for trackballs, chink headphones and non-meme umpcs like the n900
r8 m8 mastrb8
What did I win ?
Rip, not as embedded in Sup Forums culture as I thought. ;(
>being on an anime image board even though you don't like anime
A kiss *3*
I'm more of a Sup Forums meme than I thought, and I don't even work in computers or codemonkeying
Post battlestation
Anime is not Sup Forums meme.
I have failed
Out of these 2 only thinkpads are overrated tbqh
Have to step up my game.
professional gamer
come at me
>only 6
guess im not so gay after all
How'd I do Sup Forums
Not that bad. I don't use Firefox but Waterfox. I use a number of Sup Forums-approved alternatives to a lot of the things mentioned, but the chart is semi-ass.
Come anons, CloverOS is a great distro.
Shit, forgot the Model M
It's a gentoo installer with a pre-compiled kernel
How do so many of you faggots not use foobar? What in the fuck?
Also way too many people using on board audio.
Take thine life
I'll bite
>bought noctua fans when I was 16
>have a huge mouse pad for cs 1.6
>use st for no reason in particular
>bought a raspberry pi for a project and regret it
>bought a corsair h100i for overclocking
>use vim because it's superior
>still have windows 7 installed, haven't booted in in over a year
>have 3 monitors because I got the third one for free
>use telegram because I have normie friends
>use mpv because it automatically switches between pulseaudio and JACK
>have HD650s for that superior music experience
>use firefox because it's the better one of the two browsers that actually works on the modern internet
>have openbsd on a random machine in my room
>use gentoo because fuck systemd
>program everything in C
>have a keyboard with kailh blue switches (they feel better than cherry switches)
How did I do Sup Forums?
So far I enjoyed all the memes that Sup Forums made me fall for, so thanks guys, I guess.
didnt make it
Enjoying programming socks?
Not using windows and I don't have the audiophile strand of 'tism.
well, xiaomi -ok, yes
bonestock foobar - meh
does dell precision counts as thinkpad/thinkpadish?
does non lineageos custom rom counts?
Phew lad, at least I'm not as autistic as you guys.
>tfw have enough money to fall for all these memes
>decide not to cause of my financial obligations to my parents, still paying off mortgage and shit, and dad stopped working and is moving out to start a real estate business in the home country
>want to move out, feel guilty about leaving oka-san and imouto
>team is based in a different state, 3 hour time difference, meetings are kinda hard to schedule
>they want me to leave my state and come over there, currently working amongst several different teams in the same company cause of geography difference
The only consolation I have is that I get to hang out with friends and go on business trips semi-regularly.
Wow, that's a shitty bingo dude. I only got Firefox.
Also lurking Sup Forums since the beginning and even have no Idea about some of this shit.
I have to try harder
They're comfy.
Ever heard of resizing that shit? It took about a minute to load.
>tiling wm
>no systemd
>the c programming language
I wanna get a mechanical keyboard and an audiophile headphone but I'm a poorfag who lives in a 3rd world shit country.
filename related
Intellimouse, dumbphone, and socks
Literally nothing else and proud.
Could you please explain the appeal of this?
what is the difference between dell monitor panel and more than 2 monitor panel?
and what does this imply exactly. I thought it was just and emoticon.
Dell Ultra Sharp monitor