What's a computer?


Can Sup Forums explain this to me?

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh look it's this thread again

The jews did 9/11

t. smart person

GenZ rushing us into an era of complete technological darkness.

wats compters

What's an american? A goblin or a creatura?

A man uses the machines you build to sit down and pay his taxes. A man uses the machines I build to listen to the Beatles while he relaxes!

Fuck you I heard it in his voice.

What is this a reference to?


I actually really like the ad. Shows all the features.
Tag line is brilliant as well and definitely relevant.

Sup Forums has to get over the little Sissy Boy.

>Tag line is brilliant as well and definitely relevant.




>adults that look like they're 15


>hurr durr watz a kampuutor

what's a gender?

You just saw this on pewdiepie's video today and decided to post it here didn't you?

You really have no idea that this is old as fuck and has already been spammed to shit.

Sage, faggots

Hey man we have weekly threads on here where people say they're shocked at how unexperienced normies are with computers are and this won't get any better. Convertables are definitely the way to go for non-enthusiasts.

>knowing what that cocksucker uploaded today
unironically kill yourself
slit your own fucking throat and remove your shit eating genes from the pool

Cry harder

how often you think she charged that thing during the commercial?

This might happen now that cryptocucks are basically destroying the hobbyist market and majority of prebuilds and laptops are pure garbage

but steve!

Is that a boy or a girl?

came here to ask the same. I say it's a girl

Thank you for watching this apple advert.
This helps to pay for Sup Forums but without the pressure of being forced to watch it.

Thank you, again.
We, at Apple, are testing whether Apple Corp
will be able to gain enough revenue from Sup Forums's following
have a nice day

A computer was a machine built by a homosexual man by the name of Allen Turing during the 2nd world war under the command of MI6 for the purpose of cracking the German Enigma encryption machine. Ir proved successful but the result was germans lost the war and let jews take over everything and now no one even knows what a computer is.

woots a gummbuter ?

the child is retarded and does not realise he/she/it is using a computer. basically retardation awareness public service announcement.

Is that a speech impediment or is he retarded?

Why not just buy a pre-built with a high end card?

so cute. any iCloud leaked nudes yet?

i low key wanna fuck her brains out

la creatura...

Delet this

You are being genderphobic

Holy fucking shit how many newfucks are going to come here every 2 days and make this same thread? Getting real fucking stale.

A tablet with a keyboard is just as much a computer as any laptop

Modern day Apple marketing in a nutshell
"We're revolutionary! Why? Because we say so!"

Advertisers what you to think kids will take care of expensive computers and use them exclusively.

iNiggers will defend this

can we please stop having these threads


>"We need to get more girls into tech!"
>this ad

Is apple gonna get backlash for this??

He is probably pretending to have some sort of accent.

a) Apple is insulting it's own customers by implying they're too stupid to realize they're using a computer.
b) Apple made a controversial ad in order to publicity and make faggots like you go into full blown nerd rage.
c) Apple is having grandiose illusions about itself and truly believes they are beyond being called a computer.
d) All of the above.

computers were invented by Konrad Zuze


>an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

Shit thread.

Apple has an armie of hippsters who will defend it into death.


I'll curb stomp that bitch in a heartbeat

>The jews
That's a funny way to spell "Bush".


>you'd murder a child because she hasn't learned what you have learned
You must hate African children who don't go to school a ton.

id fuck her while she on her computer

You people are aware that they call him "David" in the start of the ad, right? It's a boy.

It's a little fag that should be run over with a lawnmower with the line:
"What's a 4-stroke engine?"

>What's a computer?

That thing kids your age more than 2,000 years ago knew about, you ignorant little mutt.

You'd murder a child with a lawnmower because he doesn't know what a piece of tech is? Jesus, seek help.

This ad had to be pretty fucking effective if you faggots are still talking about it.

Pretty sure it didn't make anyone actually want to buy anything though. This "all publicity is good publicity xD"-meme is just a phrase coined by advertising companies who found it easier to do their jobs poorly than well.

Apple actually advertises macs as an alternative to PC. They insist their products aren't computers.

I don't think the "install gentoo" NEETS are in the market for iPads somehow.

a computer is a thinkpad x220

>Apple actually advertises macs as an alternative to PC. They insist their products aren't computers.
They are correct. They are overpriced toys.

I have this odd feeling like that's not entirely true for kids 2000 years ago, user.

Please don't bully Piggu-chan, s/he doesn't know any better.

It's the new step in computing.
Why use heavy laptops when you can use light tablets with attached keyboard.

>Comments are disabled for this video.

Which Apple invented of course.

Asus, but close.



There was no kids 200 years ago

lel. why don't she just ask siri? what a retard

deserved dumbs

hey... this commercial is unironically good

Thats not really a boy is it?

Seriously, if seeing a fucking ad for a company you don't like makes you this autistic, please see yourself off of this earth.

56% is an understatement. I can' neither tell what gender nor nation this kid thing is part of.

>Is that a speech impediment or is he retarded?
both, because he is from boston

This. Sure is reddit in here

...so Jesus fapped to anime back then? or no because he wasnt a weab and no internet

fight me irl tranny nigger

A lot of pre builts have one or two components that are shiet tier even if the card is high end

old people called everything a computer
young people call nothing a computer

what's a gender?

>Steve Jobs must be spinning so fast his copper casket is generating electricity.