So, user

So, user
What's your biggest weakness?

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sage, report, hide
sage, report, hide
sage, report, hide

I uninstall everything from add/remove programs that isn't necessary. Usually I break servers functionality this way. I'm getting better though.

i don't learn from my mistakes
because i don't make any

I have too many strengths.

Little girls.

Welcome aboard.


I have no job experience or skills, that's probably my biggest weakness

Hired .


It's a cartoon you fucking retard sjw faggot brainlet

So, you wanna hear a real weakness or just one of those "weaknesses which are actually positive things" aka "I cannot stop working on sth until it is fully done"?


ah,man of culture

Welcom to LO magazine

I feel so uncomfortable when I look at this picture

I am a perfectionist.

Ironically SJWs would support that vile shit

Still CP you fucking degenerate pedo fag

Binary Trees

perfect for you then seeing how it triggers you

People married and fucked 12-13 year olds for thousands of years, suddenly its an issue.

le perfectionism xd

I work too hard ;-)
Am I in now guise?


kek. This

"I have a tendency to work too hard and burn myself out."

People also only lived till 30 back in those times, humans live until 60-70 now

I can't write curly braces by hand

I'm sorry, we don't think you'll fit in to our workplace culture very well.

That's wrong. People died more often of disease and/or accident, but life expectancy wasn't that low.

Still used to not too far long ago.

Crippling depression

I have autism

Im not white

What's wrong with cp though? I'd understand your argument if it was from the 'think of the chillums!!!' angle (though I don't agree with it - most of the stuff out there is self-produced after all), but lolis are fictional, and in no way involve actual kids. Is this just one of the "stop liking what I don't like" things? In that case, seems right up your alley.

>unironically defending cp
kys faggot

>no argument
I don't know what I was expecting, really.

>isn't necessary
obviously is was necessary

you are in the wrong place, pal

neck yourself desu

kek people dont like it because they realise it turns them on and then they point their self disgust in other directions

Pedophilia is only bad if it involves rape and/or abuse prove me wrong faggot

writing code on whiteboards or any other irrelevent boomer dinosaur shit

Literal retard, but what do expect from pedos.

>also only lived till 30
This is a myth, people have been living till 60 since 3000 years ago just fine. The average life expectancy is skewed towards a lower value because a dozen of pandemics trough history culled a significant portion of the population, and since there were fewer people the impact on the average was significant. You can see that this average is actually almost a decade under the median, which should clue you in the fact that the distribution is not normal. Brainlet.
>humans live until 60-70 now
Where? In the most polluted city of China? Somewhere in India where they drink from non potable water? Last time I checked the average life expectancy of my country was 93 years; I can't imagine the shithole you live if people live as long as in the middle ages.

You guys are beyond fucked in the head. They're children. They don't understand what they're doing. If you can't see what's wrong with that, you really need help.

You obviously have some kind of cp problem if you're trying to justify fucking little kids.

Also they have never seen it, just heard from it, from their friend's...neighbour's... sister's... dog.
The whole "greatest evil in the world!!!" thing really started just in the 80s, yet now they now behave like it's a law of nature, simply fascinating

I'm talking about loli and that picture kids can not consent which means it's abuse desu

Did I miss some rustling or what?

Graphics, I just don't have artistic touch.

I'm 22 and I've never had a job before so... *nervous laugh*
you could say job interviews are my weakness

It hurts when I pee.

I'm 83 years old. 60 to 70 is still a century ago. The average lifespan has to be in the 80s now unless it's incredibly skewed by children starving to death in africa

>*nervous laugh*
found your problem

I don't need them on my computer so obviously they're not necessary

My biggest weakness is "What is your biggest weakness?" question.

your computer mightn't be necessary at all

So, you're quite literally and oldfag

I'm a perfectionist.

My biggest weakness is I don’t like working with them negroes or jews

fucking normie who subscribes to casually explained
fuck off we're full

I work too hard, so a good work-life balance is hard for me to achieve.

what did say ???

Shitposting on Sup Forums at least 6 hours a day. I have a problem and I need help. Nobody would take my problem seriously, though

Thats an admirable trait, its strenght not a weakness.

>Little girls.
Also attached a picture of some mild 2d loli, not even sure why it was deleted.

Holy shit

It's a blue board, baka.

It was a nude loli user. That's why.

Don't understand that voluntarily masturbating on camera and uploading it to the net because they get off to it is somehow bad?

Its because its not.

Its just another way to destroy white race, criminalizing behaviour that is perfectly normal. Muslims can do it, blacks can do it but if a white man sees some skank playing with herself on the internet thats at least 10 years in jail and lifetime ostracization for being VILE sex offender by scared public who if they do not follow PC and sjw trends will be considered nazis pedos racists alt right anti semites and ostracised themselves.

I start to feel like you're on to something here.

I'm addicted to porn and sometimes I lose a whole day, it's hindering my productivity at home.

haha I like work very hard my dude

I am sorry, we do not have any open positions for you at this time. You can always try to apply at one of our business centers in india, I am sure you will find working condition there to your satisfaction.

No country has an average life expectancy in the 90s

Maybe user lives in the secret nazi base on the moon.