
Unironically, what are your thoughts on kubuntu? Any other recommentations for a good kde distro for someone comeone coming from ubuntu unity?

Unstable piece of shit, even more than KDE Neon.
Use OpenSUSE or Gentoo with KDE.

I gave it to all my friends and family they've enjoyed it I'm on arch with kde

Xubuntu is the best -buntu. If you really want to use a distro that comes preloaded with KDE, go with something like Manjaro or Chakra.

Honest question : have you used the recent kubuntu release?

Has been shit, but seems to be the second best option after Neon lately.
Basically, the opposite of is correct.

>"KDE isn't buggy anymore, sware on me mum"
>Install neon
>Did nothing besides updating it
>Logout screen already shat itself and I had to shut down via terminal
Inb4 i-it's your fault, KDE dindu nuffin!


It was so bad KDE was forced to make Neon.

just use budgie if you want stable

What does budgie do that cinnamon doesn't do better?

GNOME is way better

KDE-Edition of Manjaro.

it's your fault, KDE dindu nuffin!

looks good and isnt a dropdown menu fest


Hi OP,
Tried it not long ago. It's shit. If you are looking for the best KDE integration out there go for OpenSuse.

porting its sourcecode to qt

Absolutely proprietary.


I feel like Kubuntu is intentionally shitty as some kind of deep cover Gnome shill distro.

It's pronounced Quinn.

Why would you use any *buntu other than Xubuntu?

if you want a windows like DE there's cinnamon.

KDE and GNOME laggy is as shit on my computer(yes, i have computer from 2011, fuck off) so i use xfce( which is still pretty bad) but at least it's work's fast, now i wanna compile openbox, or find another great non-tillingWM ( I'm autistic enough to use tilling WM) that will work fast without problems

And budgie and xfce with panel moved to bottom and mate with one of mate tweak options and lxde and pretty much anything besides Gnome and WMs.

Recently installed Kububtu to see how it was.

>Outdated version of KDE with massive clock
>Literally never properly rebooted or shutdown, would always hang before powering off
>Software Center locks up every time it's opened
>What updates?

1/10, use Manjaro if you want to see how good KDE can be.

Reposting this, because fuck Manjaro.

I installed Manjaro on my ThinkPad and fucking hated it.

>Closing the laptop lid caused some retarded screen issue, managed to fix it
>Installed the most recent (((proprietary))) GPU driver, somehow installing catalyst fucked Whisker menu, and it lost my config
>Graphics performance somehow managed to be worse
>Uninstall and reinstall free drivers
>Things seemed ok
>Few days later random crash while Pacman -Syu
>Have to hard reset as nothing is doing anything
>Whoops looks like it somehow managed to corrupt lightDM and I have a cli only system now
>Use LiveUSB to recover light DM, recovery and repair seems to go well reboot
>Whoops looks like grub is now fucked and how have no OS on your system

And that's when I reinstalled Xubuntu.

Fuck Manjaro. If you're going to make a "just wurks" distro, make it actually work.

Same crap happened to me too.
Im using xubuntu now.