ITT we pretend to be on Hacker News
ITT we pretend to be on Hacker News
Software developers need read Karl Marx.
Nice subreddit
>How I grew my [shit web app] to $Xk/month (
(Hoping HN tards upvote like sheep and make it $XXk/month)
>There aren't more women in tech because creepy brogrammers scare them off. If just get rid of the males in our software development department, it will work itself out naturally.
>500000 points | 500000 comments
They supported that Google manifesto guy who got fired.
Today HN is full SJW only comment on social issues and call everybody sexist,mysoginy and privilege men.
>I know I'm not contributing, but holy shit this thread is awesome!
Science proves that Universal Basic Income is doable. We all can live at the expense of everyone else! []
>Show HN: MsPaint in (frontend js framework of the month)
The google manifesto thing was last year. Change doesn’t happen that quickly
they're working on that. as soon as AI can write code, they can fire all the neckbeards and pajeets with their turbans they never take off which stink of sweat.
then they can hire women who will sit around the office browsing twitter, eating vegan tofu and farting, because the AIs will be writing the code.
Using citations[0]
That memo was scarcely eight months ago, are you telling me that Hacker News has managed to quadruple is SJW population since then? Where did they get the new SJWs from?
Nah, Sup Forums can't do it anymore, it's over.
I used to be in SF and in South Bay. Recently moved to Seattle , closely associated to the India and Swiss tech ecosystem.
In my experience further away you are from SF, less cutting edge you are. In my experience even South Bay is 6 months behind SF.
Yeah most of the thread is spouting dumb Sup Forums-tier memes, what the fuck? The stupidest stuff on HN isn't about political matters.
>some shit-kicker site
500 internal server error
It's because this meme is being forced too much.
We had a good HN pretend thread about half a year ago. You can't make one every week and expect it to be good.