Where would you place Slackware in this picture?
Where would you place Slackware in this picture?
As the Demiurge
what was this thing called again? The philosophical analogy.
where is rhel/cent/fedora?
>arch not being a fat dude sitting near a wall and painting it
Plato's Allegory of the Cave, you dumb nigger.
I dunno, why don't you include them?
I say slackware should be placed right along with arch linux and gentoo because it's for advanced users who know what they're doing and what they want to do
We fedoristas normally above this meme because we have to make software for the others to use.
That should have Linux distros on the wall, projected by the users' own fallacious arguments which imply that "hard to use" means you're smarter for using them.
But not above poor grammar, eh.
basically the further out the cave the more you are seeing the world as it truly is. plato thought that there were metaphysical forms that all earthly matter was related to. these are called 'universals' in philosophy. an example of a form might be a square but this would be the ideal shape of a square all earthly square things are related to.
linux isn't hard to use
In the heavens for Slackware always has been and always will be. Praise BOB
the greeks spent a lot of time trying to figure out why stuff looked like other stuff. i.e. why does a chair-like rock look like a chair or why do all red things look the same. the forms were plato's solution. aristotle disagreed that there were forms but still believed in universals. he thought that red does exist as a metaphysical class of things but it is immanent in the physical world, ie. only exists in the physical world.
plato's argument has the advantage of calling out people for being materialists as getting lost staring at shadows and not focusing on reality. it also fits into his broader ethical arguments in the republic to answer why we should not behave selfishly.
Since when do Arch and Gentoo fags jerk each other off?
whoever made the image either browses g causally or put them up there because they're the "hardest" to use in some sense.
There's no productivity once you get up to the surface. Those are for neckbeards larping as programmers.
the whole UNIX derivatives is cave
TempleOS is the way to enlightenment
>Since when do Arch and Gentoo fags jerk each other off?
Since archlinux became popular. I don't know how old you are, or if you have been living under a rock, but Gentoo at a time used to be much more hyped in linux communities outside of Sup Forums, and it had the same obnoxious "I use Gentoo" people who couldn't shut up at about it in the same way you always hear arch users feel the need to mention "I USE ARCH!!1".
So what happened to kill Gentoo's popularity ? Archlinux happened. The older archlinux users are pretty much all ex-gentooers who stopped caring for building their own custom binaries and useless USE flag tweaking. The archlinux community is the same as the old gentoo community, the one that inspired the funroll-loops website that is made of REAL quotes of gentoo users such as :
> "The simplest difference between gentoo and binary distros is NOT that you compile your own. That is just a side effect. What is far more important is that you have the CODE, or rather more importantly, the HEADERS! If you EVER tried to compile a package yourselve on a binary distro you will have found that you first have to download a ton of headers, wich are often out of date, or you are using some weird binary. Simply put, if I want to compile a package on gentoo on my own I can do so by JUST compiling the package, I do not first have to download the package with the linux headers for my kernel, because the headers, and everything is already there."
Incidentally, archlinux packages are bloated with said headers, they don't do the split package thing.
/r/ that bugzilla rant about gentoo "he emerged this or that"
Arch should be on par with Debian and Slackware should be where Arch is.
Slackware is where the enlightened user ends up.
Arch and gentoo is for noobs who use it "to learn".
Gentoo and Arch should swap places