Have you ever shilled your channel on Sup Forums?

Have you ever shilled your channel on Sup Forums?
What is it about? are you famous yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


B8, you're not autistic enough to be Lukey boy

Yes, and not yet famous.
These are my current videos:
>a video of me unboxing a microphone using my feet
>a short meme video about an Apple shitpost
on Sup Forums
>sharing some feels of the NEET life

These videos aren't representing the real content that I'm gonna make but only documenting my beginning and allows me to practice my editing capabilities. What I want to focus my channel on doing is going from unsuccessful NEET to enlightened chad, from retarded brainlet to transcended big brained wojak, etc.
I want to first focus on providing a walkthrough of Sup Forums (eventually moving to other chans and more normie sites like reddit and YouTube) and synthesising all the knowledge found on the boards to become the perfect being. I will be doing that by collecting all the infographics found on /lit/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /sci/ Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /x/, /fit/, etc. and their wiki's and reading the books, watching the movies, doing the exercises, etc. and giving commentary and analysis. My end goal would be of course giving a tutorial on how to get a gf.
Is that something you guys would be interested into watching?

No. Music. 13k subs isn't fame.

Luke shilled my channel.

Now I have subscribers.

Once I mentioned my mixtape in a daily programming thread. Then people wanted to listen to it. It isn't a good idea.

follow the circle tripp

God, Luke is a fucking alpha

Luke and Lunduke show when?

thinly veiled shill thread? well my videos are sort of technology related

Bryan can be memed into doing this. He's probably just nervous about it since Luke is (a) basically alt-right and probably has little patience for tech soy boyism and (b) actually knows what he's doing on a computer.

Are you tripcode?


trying to get back in the game

I already have 1.3 mill subs before I came to Sup Forums.

But I still shill my channel here almost like clockwork

I forgot all about that asshole

god i miss techtv


Jupiter Broadcasting and L1techs(linux channel too) are the only worthy "youtube tech channels".
Everything else is either cringy and / or posers.

Not shilled it yet.
Not famous yet...

This is a bad idiot lil' pupper.
Luke is a glorified cheerleader and Lunduke is a tech drama spinner/attention whore.

You need a brainiac autist who runs Linux to even it out or else it'll be normie trash.

I mean't to say "idea" but half awake.
You're not a idiot pupper.

God damnit tripcode
The cringiest of them all


What about SneekyLinux?

This guy popped up in my suggestions recently, I haven't even been on Sup Forums consistently for like six or seven years now yet I knew straight away this shitstain was pandering to you faggots.

No, only a couple of my videos could be considered Sup Forums. It's mostly just a dumping ground for videos really.

>pass the thinkpad big brother