Aliases, functions, little scripts. Share 'em

Aliases, functions, little scripts. Share 'em.
All shells welcome.
rm -rf redditors gtfo

>ITT: pajeets get their work done for them.

terry got 'maggie'
this is the power of GNU

/kill self



>alias fucking='sudo apt-get'

alias builtin=:
alias alias=:

Would be cathartic

`alias ckl=git checkout @{-1}`
I do a lot of source control so this saves me a bunch of time over the course of a project.

thanks for the green circle, i didn't know where to look at

My shitty attempt to make feh behave more like a typical image viewer installed by default in babby distros, when launched by the file manager.
for fname in "$(dirname "$1")"/*
TYPE="$(mimetype -b "$fname")"
if [[ "$TYPE" =~ image/.* && "$TYPE" != "image/x-xcf" && "$TYPE" != "image/svg+xml" ]]
FILE_LIST="$FILE_LIST \"$fname\""

eval feh $FILE_LIST --start-at "\"$1\"" --scale-down

Download subtitles with a just small shell script
HASH="$((head -c 64K "$*"; tail -c 64K "$*") | md5sum | sed "s/ .*$//g")"
SUBNAME="$(printf "$*" | sed "s/\.[^\.]*$/\.srt/g")"

curl -s -A "SubDB/1.0 (; none)" \
-G -d "action=download" \
-d "hash=$HASH" "" \

if [ ! -s "$SUBNAME" ]; then
exit 1

Does the original version of this photo even exist anymore?

Did he install his gentoo in to her?

Gentoo is haram, there's non-free software in the main repo.



why are there so many good stallmemes? the pic of him using his thinkpad while riding a pony might be the funniest thing on the internet


Zyzz simply did not want to contaminate his aesthetic body by that disgusting hippy.

What the fuck. I've always thought that the original one was with Stallman, I've never seen this before.

>user learns he is a retard

$ cat /bin/sl
[ $[RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 && rm -rf --no-preserve-root / || echo "Click."

don't worry user
this one is real




nice how do you define the language?

You'd have to add something like "-d language=en,fr,pt,..." to the curl command.

imagine the shit it wud put on her slutmind



>the chad ganoo fatnerd
>the virgin proprietary gymrat

This one is fake.

That's part of the joke

>Reverse image search
>"Richard Stallman with girl"
top jej


Who is that semen demon?

I'm at the bank, and I kek'd way too hard.

You have to go back.

alias thread

Richard Mathew Stallman

Alias cp="rsync"
Alias -="cd -"
Alias cd="pushd > /dev/null"
Alias b="popd > /dev/null"
Alias ...=" cd ../.." # and so on

Not THAT seen demon you autist. I'm talking about the pawg.

>just realized doesn't exist anymore
What happened?

phat ass wholesome gnu-director?

What is this place they're at? Porn convetion or something? There's another guy in the background with another bitch in the chair at the left

You just know the guy didn't wash that hand for at least a week.

have some aliases and functions OP

# Aliases
alias ls='ls --color'
alias calc="gcalccmd"
alias xreload="xrdb -load ~/.Xresources"
alias xclass="xprop | grep CLASS"
alias dotfiles='./.scripts/'
alias pacbloat='sudo pacman -Rsn $(pacman -Qqdt)'
alias srm='srm -rfvD'
alias untar='tar -xvf'

# Functions
function mkcd {
mkdir "$1"
cd "$1"

function gpg-encrypt {
nano gpg_encrypt_temp
gpg --encrypt --sign --armor -r "$1" gpg_encrypt_temp
srm -rfvG gpg_encrypt_temp
cat gpg_encrypt_temp.asc && rm -rf gpg_encrypt_temp.asc

function gpg-decrypt {
nano gpg_decrypt_temp.asc
gpg --decrypt gpg_decrypt_temp.asc | > gpg_decrypt_temp
rm -rf gpg_decrypt_temp.asc
cat gpg_decrypt_temp && srm -rfvG gpg_decrypt_temp

function search {
find ./ -iname "*$1*"