Why are you using Manjaro instead of something like Antergos?
Why do you use Manjaro?
>Why are you using "Arch for babies" instead of something like "Arch for babies"?
Just use Arch, you nerd.
I like how familiar it looks
Arch/Antergos = too many updates
>I don't like having fresh and patched software
Just update once a week if it's such a horrible thing. I've never had an Arch break on me.
this, update once a week never broke anything
That's basically the same update cycle of manjaro, normally Arch packages get into stable manjaro repo within 3-4 days. Security patches are an exception.
I do not like Manjaro's fetish about self-branding though. But antergos' installer is shit.
antergos's installer constantly crashes and its xfce config ootb is default for some reason lately
That's exactly what Manjaro does, except they have their own testing repos to test things even further. And support threads/polls.
I had to start somewhere and I liked the logo better
idk. both works fine.
i'm using manjaro. are you autistic?
Manjaro is probably the only distro I've found to "Just work", it picks up my printer, my phone, any usb devices without having to search manually for drivers. There's only a few tweaks I've had to make like making thumbnails visible and having to change permissions in directories. Other than that it is literally windows in terms of user friendliness
Because it's the only distro that just works on my stuff.
i use both and it's because i've just switched to linux
>just delay all the security patch for a week
yeah like Ubuntu
I don't use manjaro because...
1) Its developers are incompetent, they cannot even renew their SSL certs, and keep on making the same mistake over and over again. I don't trust manjaro or its developers.
2) Manjaro's repos get older packages than arch because manjaro's maintainers have to deem them """Stable""" before they push the new packages to repos. This is *very bad * practice for a distro that's based on arch (or any other muh bleeding edge distro). Because this leads to a situation where bugfixes get delayed. I wouldn't be surprised if this meant that some security fixes got delayed, too. Again, I don't trust manjaro or its developers.
3) It's cucked by microsoft now; it's literally a botnet.
4) it's very bloated
5) You don't learn how to maintain your system. However, you should, as manjaro is based on arch and arch is prone to breaking for time to time. also, arch has been going downhill recently, i wouldn't use arch or an arch-based distro atm.
6) Don't even mention AUR. AUR is bad for those who are new to linux, because you should be able to understand how the pkgbuild-scripts work!
7) CloverOS justs werks and is better in every way. And Gentoo overlays are way better than AUR.
Why are you distro hopping like an idiot? Do you even use your computer for anything else?
It is shit. Won't even install. Dumb shitty Manjaro ass crappy shit.
For me Manjaro was always more complex, more elegant. Anyway, comparing Antegros and Manjaro is a bit like comparing two apples with diffrent colors. I'm on Arch now, and I like it, but I know it's not for everyone.
t. Autismo who thinks installing Arch/Gentoo through terminal proves his superior "intellect".
It was an option for a noob like me. Alternatives were Mint and Ubuntu MATE.
It's kinda annoying however, that when I search for some solution to a nooboob problem it's invariably some Ubuntu-based answer that may or may not be somehow applicable to this arch based stuff.
Maybe I should switch until I get the hang of this system.
top kek. using a bad distro only proves that you are a brainlet
>t.brainlet had issues with the install image
ex-arch user (~2008-2013) who got sick of system-breaking upgrades (/lib -> /usr/lib, fontconfig bullshit, systemd transition, etc) and a very poor attitude and lack of sympathy from the community and maintainers.
> fuckin n00b you should have read the news post
next breaking update, read the news post.
> fuckin n00b that was announced on the mailing list, read that.
sub mailing list, system still breaks
> fuckin n00b the manual steps for that upgrade were offhandedly referenced in a forum thread
> fuckin n00b that was warned about in IRC
So unless you stayed on top of every communication channel for arch, you're damned to a breaking system on upgrade. Manjaro hasn't done that once for me.
Unlike some folks, I rely on a working system for my job, stability and smooth upgrades are an important factor.
Is it possible to install Manjaro like Arch to have only wanted packages?
lmao I run arch on my workstation for ~2 years and I have never had issues like this and I pacman -Syu almost daily. if you actually understand your system, troubleshooting breakages is not that difficult. the
>le enjoy spending countless hours troubleshooting broken xorg le le ebin trol :DDD
is overplayed, and I've never actually had any issues with my xorg configuration, if your system breaks this hard, it's probably because you DON'T know what you're doing. Think before typing mouth breathers...
How often does Manjaro break for you, if at all?
Oops, I'm retarded. Only skimmed your post.
probably. I just installed using their "architect" image. Is that what you mean?
My biggest thing is that I just want to be able to "pacman -Syu" without reviewing every single changed package and be reasonably sure that my machine will boot. Even my debian-testing/unstable boxes can "apt-get upgrade -y" 99% of the time without problems (been using debian since ~2003)
>My biggest thing is that I just want to be able to "pacman -Syu" without reviewing every single changed package and be reasonably sure that my machine will boot
if you had ever rtfm you'd know why you're dumber than fuck for saying that. do you know what a man page is?
Why are you so rude user?
>like amazon botnet
I don't
did you just assumed my distro
>implying I use manjaro
Fuck off autismo, not everyone is neet that spends time compiling and "ricing" their os. I'm using Linux for last 15 years professionally and privately and it's refreshing to have distro that works so I can... Do real work you know.
Architect looks more like Ategros for me. Tbh I can't belive that there's such diffrence in stability betwenn Manjaro and Arch. When I was using Manjaro it sometimes suprised me after pacman -Syu. But also it's been never any serious problem, mostly have to link some lib or reinstall something. I'm using Arch for about week, and nothing has broken yet
Why are you using an Arch based distro instead of Debian stretch?
Debian sucks for desktop. Follow the creator and kys