Listen to me you maggot piece of shit

Listen to me you maggot piece of shit
You think c is minimal? KILL YOURSELF.
Let's talk about a real programming worth a shit: forth. You can fucking do the following shit:
>no garbage collection
>no memory protection
>no arrays
>no types
>no linked lists

Other urls found in this thread:

>no memory protection
That's a function of your OS and the hardware, not your programming language.

>no arrays
If you have pointers, you basically have arrays.

>no linked lists
Same as arrays.

>That's a function of your OS and the hardware, not your programming language.That's a function of your OS and the hardware, not your programming language.
FORTH is often a standalone system and, when it isn't, it generally marks all of its memory to be be executable (pretty much necessary due to the way FORTH works)

>If you have pointers, you basically have arrays.
no shit, Sherlock
You don't even have pointers in FORTH, there's no type system at all, that's the point OP was trying to make.

>Same as arrays.
Yeah, but FORTH allows you to easily implement it as you wish.
I personally implemented it as a few very simple lisp style functions, but you could implement it as a "struct" too if you wanted to.

shut the fuck up you gay friend

I fucking loved Forth on my BK-0010.01 in early 90s, that's how I've learned to program. That machine was PDP-11 compatible (that ISA is beautiful), and one Forth word could be translated to precisely one machine instruction. It was pure perfection. Too bad the perfection doesn't scale, because it's already perfect.

You dumb son of a bitch why would you not want garbage collection. No arrays? No FUCKING ARRAYS??? How the FUCK do you program without arrays.

you are an ignorant

>when you're such a fucking webdev soyboy that you can't comprehend programming without garbage collection or arrays

You literaly need to suck a dick how can you program in a language that doesnt come with arrays. its like you lile being fucked in the ass

>I'm a fucking retard that gets scared by implicit pointers and your language offends me

Just don't be a fucking retard and know what you're working with, that's literally it.

what the hell this isn't a seinfeld post

You guys all suck, some 15 year old girl outproduces you now due to the JS everywhere paradigm.

>he cares about being a good lil productive goy for his ((boss))

the webdev thread is over there, cuck

ITT autism

>t. jealous normie

Tried using the gforth repl just for the hell of it and because I enjoyed using old HP Calculators.

this basically sums up forth in a nutshell; you pretty much have to define how you store and use your data to do whatever you set out to do.

At least with gforth you could call out to C FFI, but that kind of defeats the purpose I guess.

Yeah, gforth allows you to call c functions pretty easily.
I'm using it with ncurses for a simple editor and I have a few primitives from ncurses that I then use to define a few simple words.

It's a good way to give you the functionality of C while keeping the FORTH magic intact.

no thank you
t. not the unabomber

>Listen to me you maggot piece of shit
>You think FORTH is minimal? KILL YOURSELF.
>Let's talk about a real programming worth a shit: ASM. You can fucking do the following shit:
>>no garbage collection
>>no memory protection
>>no arrays
>>no types
>>no linked lists

>doesn't wanna bomb the jews and the academics
>t. good goy

>his 144 core CPU doesn't run FORTH microcode
pfft, pleb

>no garbage collection
C doesn't have garbage collection.
>no memory protection
C doesn't have memory protection.
>no arrays
C has arrays but they're just lumps of memory and the name is a pointer to the start of it.
>no types
You need types, else the compiler doesn't know whether to use MOVZX, MOVSX, FLD, etc. on it.
>no linked lists
C doesn't provide linked lists unless you make them yourself.

Something tells me you don't know C and have perhaps only used C++ for a week.

>Listen to me you maggot piece of shit
>You think ASM is minimal? KILL YOURSELF.
>Let's talk about a real programming worth a shit: MACHINE CODE. You can fucking do the following shit:
>>no garbage collection
>>no memory protection
>>no arrays
>>no types
>>no linked lists

>C doesn't have garbage collection.
OP wasn't implying that it did.
>C doesn't have memory protection.
It does, at least on mos OS's. (try jumping into your array and you'll see what I mean)
>C has arrays but they're just lumps of memory and the name is a pointer to the start of it.
Not according to the standard they aren't.
>You need types, else the compiler doesn't know whether to use MOVZX, MOVSX, FLD, etc. on it.
No you don't, and that's not why C has types.
>C doesn't provide linked lists unless you make them yourself.
Yeah, thanks for the news mate.

Something tells me you don't know C and have perhaps only used C++ for a week.

It's not that you program without arrays you morans its just you implement arrays manually

>implying webdev fags know how to implement arrays

I invented arrays using only objects amd strings in javascript. You are a fool

that's very impressive bait, buddy.

>using arrays to implement arrays

All you have to do to choose what number of cells of memory you want then go here number cells allot

Any babby could do it

>not programming in intel/amd microcode

if red bull gives you wings does forth give you jedi powers?

he's right you know