I'm going to a decent 4 year university for software engineering this coming fall. It's no Stanford, but I still don't want to look an imbecile when I start. What should I do to prepare? I was thinking maybe some of the longer courses on Udemy or something. Also, what language should I start out in? I know a bit of python but I know that won't cut it.
I'm going to a decent 4 year university for software engineering this coming fall. It's no Stanford...
Other urls found in this thread:
C, C++, and Python. Or check your syllabus.
Just learn the basics of programming, the language doesn't matter
a bit of python will definitely cut it for your first year, but if you want more to look into your school is probably going to be using java over c# or otherwise i'd suggest c# over it 500x so check out java and be familiar with how to do the basics, atleast using strings/collections/creating classes/light OOP shit
check out some udemy courses, you will most likely be pairing up with others at some point so learning git for your source control will be important, as a fellow SE major you will probably get memed into learning about Agile so watch like a 20 minute video about Agile focused on software dev just so you're familiar with it
be familiar with how to compile java from the commandline and using the command line in general and know how to fucking change your PATH environment variables without having to waste everyones time asking how
its not too hard of a time OP
Check your syllabus
Likely it'll be C++ for the language, then discrete math & data structures & algorithms and Big O Notation
I expected to get a bunch of screaming NEETs, thanks for the help all
>he studies and works
>not faking a disability for govbux
if your school is shit it will use you C# in most of their classes because they'll be getting bux from Microsoft to shill it. if it's a traditional, respectable school, it will use Java in it's entry level bullshit-classes since Java is open and dosen't require a specific OS/environment to write/compile it. And before you ask, no, Mono isn't going to cut it. After the first year crap is out of the way, you should be moved on to assembly and C, unless it's a crap school, in which case lel, hope you enjoy using windows.
The fuck are you talking about? mono is fine for anything you could throw at first year students.
>if your school is shit it will use you C# in most of their classes because they'll be getting bux from Microsoft to shill it.
I'd pick MS over Apple or Google.
>doesn't even consider GNU/Linux a viable option
why are you still trying to LARP as a CS major?
We are talking about college students, not grads or professionals. College students are going to be taught on an OS that they are familiar with, which is going to be Windows for about 95% of them.
Or maybe 99%, if you are talking about location outside Burgeristan.
> Respectable
> Java
My uni uses Lisp / C to teach first year CS courses, and Lisp / Python for those just wanting a 100s level CS course. IMO it's pretty respectable
hey there is nothing wrong with hamburgers, what do you have against a delicious, filling, savory burger
Oh no, no! Do not misunderstand! I am absolutely the last person on earth to deny the allure and beauty of the hamburger.
The hamburger is almost (almost!) as wonderful as deep dish pizza.
Going through these courses
Pretty good so far for basics and sin tax
You will probably spend a lot of your life using POO languages (Java/C#), SQL, and stuff like that.
But I'd actually recommend you do something fun, like Racket/Scheme How To Design Programs, SCIP, etc. Or learn C/Assembly and the guts of a program.
I learnt Java first semester
Doing C++ soon
I found this website which seems to have some really good tutorials that I went through.
C# is God-Tier
Lambda Expresions are orgasmic
myObject.Event += (sender, e) =>
But C++ is just C + 1
Java 8 also has them you know
>Learned c#
>gets cursed to write .net app for windows forever
Wrong. It's C += 1, C.
>C# is god tier
>because of a feature that's been present in other languages for decades
Language doesn't matter, courses barely matter. Find some projects you're interested in and work on them.
Kinda offtopic but my uni uses Scala in CS courses which is kinda rare from what I know. Good language tho.
>durrka durrka derpa
At last!
There are only four languages you ever need to know forever for every application:
Want a job? Learn C#/Java. Don't listen to this retard Albeit verbose, Java is good for beginner. The language is simple. If you want to kill yourself, learn C++.