Is there a way to block someone from using a website based on their cookies?
I am making my own image board and I want to ban all phoneposters and redditors.
Phone posters are enough enough to handle (user agent block), but what about Redditors? If I can't block someone via their cookies what would be the easiest way to do this?
Is there a way to block someone from using a website based on their cookies?
Automatic permaban when user uses 2 newlines to seperate single sentences. Reddit spacing detection, works everytime 100% of the time.
Good thinking.
Any other ideas?
Also, does anyone know how much it costs to run an imageboard? After paying all of my bills and putting money into savings I have roughly $2500 a month to do whatever.
I once ran a file hosting site for a few months and it only cost $25 USD, but it wasn't very popular
They could probably answer this on /r/webdev
>making his own imageboard
>asking webdev 101 questions
yeah, this doesn't look like a trainwreck at all
>What are paragraphs
Notice how I specifically said single sentences and not paragraphs.
There's paragraphs and then there's
I'm not a web dev, I'm a netadmin by trade. When I made my file hosting site I just copied some FOSS code
Yes OP but don’t limit yourself or box yourself in to the “cookies” idea. There should be something associated with the HTTP request that tells you what kind of device is trying to connect. Not sure if that is cookies or something else in the request header. Use Jelastic for hosting, prices scale based on usage
In addition to things previously mentioned here, you can also check the referrers and instantly set cookies for people who got to your site from ribbit.
Is modern Sup Forums really this retarded ?
The client can always spoof their appearance on your website. Never trust the client. Your idea is DOA
I'm not a webdev but perhaps you can find other useful stuff in the request headers, such as the referring website?
Most phone posters are not smart enough to change their user agent
>generic redditor/phonenigger
>spoofing their user agent
No fucking shit, Sherlock. But >implying that redditards or Applefags know how to spoof their user agent.
I dont think the people OP is talking about know how to do this
>he did it, the absolute madman!
>click link, ready for some laughs
>Sorry, Chris_Nishimura, your post has been automatically removed.
Ah legit fuck that site.
You can't see cookies for other sites. If you could that would allow you to steal session cookies and other potentially sensitive information.
I'm a redditor and I know how. It's trivial and there are add-ons that do it for you. You guys think too highly of yourselves.
"You may have noticed when hopping from site to site around the web that some links are shown in blue and others in purple. The former color is often used to indicate site yet to be visited and the latter, those which you've already been to. Some websites are embedded with special JavaScript code that has a sneaky peek at the browser history and looks for evidence of that color change to record where you've been recently."
Also it doesn't look like you're suited for the job as 'successful imageboard admin', but the idea is okay.
>reddit has a lurk before you post rule
>I'm a redditor
>I'm a redditor and I know how.
Good job being smarter, sorry less retarded than 95% of the population of reddit.
Yeah, any sane browser protects the user against this. It won't work.
Cookies are sent as one of HTTP request headers, you can just parse them for each request and redurect accordingly.
Then again, if you want to filter out phoneposters, I would also check send user agent + some additional browser data with JS (like viewport size).
I mean if my client figured out what's happening and spoofed their user agent I'd let him enter
You're one in a million.
Put a link to somewhere hidden and use js to find out it's font color. If it's purple block if it's blue pass
mild kek
I don't think you can get the link color with js, but you can get the user to click on it, for example make the captcha "click all the purple squares" so if reddit was visited the reddit square is purple and the user clicks on it but otherwise it's blue and the user doesn't click on it.
Honeypots, e.g. a fake upboat button on every post that gets you banned for clicking it.
unsplash pays ~15K USD a month
do redditors even use imageboards? Even on Sup Forums, people will do anything for replies, like using @[postnumber] to troll. The problem comes when everyone starts copying the trolls without understanding the joke, and then the trolling stops being ironic. And this whole "redditspacing" wasn't even a thing until recently, I used to type my replies like that but now it derails threads so I stopped.
This seems to be patched in Firefox since I can't get it to work on a new profile
Yes, there are people from Reddit posting here. Chances are if you see someone complaining about "Reddit spacing" it's in fact someone from Reddit complaining in order to fit in because personally I don't care how people format their text although it might affect whether I read it or not.
>This seems to be patched in Firefox since I can't get it to work on a new profile
The idea and the fix are old as fuck. Just check their bug tracker
>Reported: 16 years ago
Cultivate a culture that shuns people who have nothing of value to share. Your userbase will be your free moderation team.