The best way to protect yourself online is basically:

the best way to protect yourself online is basically:
>ublock origin

basically all i need for surfin' the web? what are you using

>Windows 10
>connected to the interwebs for anything other than multiplayer gay men
Pick one.

show me your screen

>to protect yourself

what's the consensus -- chrome is good give in to botnet

> Windows 10
No. Its maybe occasionally sufficient if privacy and competent attackers aren't on the threat profile, but it'll be near impossible to tell if you have been compromised or if it is just microsoft rummaging through your files or bugging out again.
> firefox
What do you think it protects you from?

t. CIA nigger

>using windows
Seek help

>What do you think it protects you from?
Firefox protects me from Internet Addiction by loading webpages SO FUCKING SLOW and render it WRONG.

what cha usin

>library cards are free

>giving a shit anymore

Fuck you, shill.

Windows 10 is really the only way to use the net now of days, especially with windows' latest security features in the latest updates.


Firefox is largely considered the swiss cheese of browsers. uBlock will not protect you from watering hole attacks.

>i pledge to be a cuck


I am using a sage for this half-effort bait. At least make it entertaining.

At the library

>the best way to protect yourself online is basically:

>windows 10
Stopped reading there.

Elinks. Surf internet from command line.
Also disable java everywhere.

Here u go brah

>wanting to protect yourself
>using any version of windows ever
Pick one and stop being so retarded.

>windows 10
Yes, good goy

>Debian 9
>Firefox with telemetry turned off from about:config
>uBlock Origin
>privacy badger
>OpenVPN connected to logless provider

More like "The Chump Pledge" .

12 steps on how to sell your soul to the cause of making other people rich.
