Kubuntu sucks dick

You guys were right, Kubuntu sucks dick and does a terrible job at it. I didn't believe all the shit you guys talk about kubuntu and decided to try it out. Downloaded and tested in a VM and it shit itself. Couldn't even login. What the actual fuck? So bros, I want to use kde. What's the best distro? Opensuse, fedora, something else?

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>Downloaded and tested in a VM and it shit itself.
I think you got 3d acceleration turned on.

Suse, Debian, Gentoo. Fedora is hard Gnome.

> Fedora is hard Gnome
Eh? Just install i3 or kde or awesome or whatever you want.

I'm interested as well.

I've been using Kubuntu at work for the last 3 years. It's not perfect and shits itself regularly, but still much better than vanilla ubuntu. If any other distro works well with KDE and is more stable, please tell.

Gentoo has worked well with KDE since forever and still does.


If you want stability - Debian stable.

if you want stability pick a distro that ship the last KDE LTS version (5.12), not a distro for grandpa that ship the old LTS (5.8) like Debian, and will probably take a years to upgrade it.

go KDE Neon or wait for Kubuntu 18.04 or Opensuse 15

Imo opensuse has the best KDE experience. Very stable. The only problem is that I'm not smart enough to understand how that fucking OBS works, hence I miss some software

go GeckoLinux it's Opensuse but with good default

>if you want stability, pick the package less tested by time

>what means LTS

>its.. its ok if debian packager take a year to do their work its for stability !

shit tier distro

Needlessly complex systems like KDE will never work. Too many moving parts that could fail at any time.

>LTS means no bugs, because magic
>it's okay for shit to break all the fucking time
Some people have other things to do, rather than working around buggy software.

I actually tested Debian Stretch with KDE and then Kubuntu 17.10, and got more bug on debian.

shit tier distro

you don't know what is a complex system

KDE is a fucking DE

i just want fucking korora on amd is that so hard to fucking ask.

your mom's ass distro

Unironically arch
Unironically >install gentoo


>it's... it's not possible Debian Stable is Stable !

it's just an old crap maintened by some hobbyist that need Canonical works to be good, get over with that

Anyone used neon? What's your experience with it? Is it stable for daily use (unlike kubuntu)?

Thanks buddy! Have a wonderful day

Ubuntu is just Debian unstable with more unstable patches on top. The distro is barely usable till at least 2 months after a fresh release.

I love it when someone says something nice to another user. We don't have to constantly lob insults at each other. (Preparing to be insulted)

my impression is it's better than kubuntu, i think that's why it was started
someone here complained ubuntu LTS packages are too old, which is what neon uses but 1804 is around the corner

What ram usage does Kubuntu idle at? Xubuntu is great for a ramlet like me.

I wasn't able to login after installing kubuntu, but in the live session with 2 gb ram : 350mb on first boot and it crept up to 500 mb after opening a few programs and closing everything. It's not as good as xubuntu, but it's much better than gnome.

Ur a faget

Mageia is surprisingly good

>Anyone used neon?

>Is it stable for daily use (unlike kubuntu)?
also yes

...said an animetard

I've been using it for almost 2 years now. It is the best distro I have ever used besides Manjaro KDE, but that was killing itself.

KDE Neon is just awesome, highly recommended.

Hello maho, where are the shaman girls?


>representative of actual behaviour

>Anyone used neon?
>What's your experience with it?
Crashed weekly, made heavy window manager crashes every month. Performed around 20% worse when playing vidya than any other distro.
>Is it stable for daily use
From what I experienced a year ago, no.

>video game
spotted the Sup Forumsfags falling for the steam for linux meme, choosing its distro because of its nvidia driver support

Stop projecting.
I didn't even install steam on it.
I use AMD

spotted the supertux car player

>not using Neon

KDE is a buggy piece of chit since version 4 came out
Ubuntu is the closest to "just werks" but even then it's cludged together with duct tape and freetard magic dust

thx for your thought

Centos with KDE has been very stable for me. Makes sense, since it's a server distro.

if you want your os to just work then use windows, ganoo/lunix is only for autists that want busy work

unironically Gentoo or Arch, but KDE Neon for easymode

Not true. You just need to choose the good product, not some the one made by one or two neckbeards

I used Debian sid with Sidux (now Aptosid) and without, and it never broke. Was more stable than my Arch Linux ever was. Hell, it was suitable for daily driver, had it for a year or so, never had any issues with it really.

We had some German dude compile the latest kernels with requests within hours. Shit was cash.

Just use zswap you mongoloid weeb trash.

KDE user here.... try KDE Neon or Arch( or Antergos without antergos repos :D )

I've found KDE to run horrible on VMs, I think you need to tweak something, currently running it on my host and it works just fine

>or Antergos without antergos repos
try Anarchy next time

>still using mandrake-based distro

Maiu Linux
Solus KDE (not officially released yet)

good now you found shit tier distro we can talk about true distros

Arch user?