You and your friends are working together for 24 hours to build a project. What do you all put together?
Hackathon Ideas
_|S E M E N
IoT butt plug firmware.
me and myselves makes a cross-platform IRC app that sends and receives asymetricly encrypted text after sending and receiving public keys.
plaintext irc = needs to be encrypted to be secure
>why irc?
anonymous if youre in a coffeeshop w/a un-identifying username. Quick and easy way for encrypted conversation, which is also anonymous depending on proxies/vpn/coffeeshop.
Smartphone vibrator.
>What do you all put together?
An incredibly polished powerpoint presentation of a mobile app that CHARGES your battery when used.
Guaranteed win.
pls respond
>What do you all put together
BAAS PoC, or
BlowjobAsAService proof of concept
Our VP of marketing, pictured in the OP, makes an in-depth comparison between the on-premises (under your desk) and remote (accessible even on the beach!) deployments, as the pros and cons between the two are necessary for the money shot slide in the presentation.
Kneepads on the blockchain.
whos that chick?
fuck you nigger
>You and your friends
damn op you lost me
I would just play a drinking game with programming challenges.
I'd rip apart her pussy and put it back together again.
>What is OTR?
More Unicode emojis
Yes she does.