13 Reasons Why Cassettes Are Cool Again in 2018


Are these autists the new vinyl or CRT collecting retards? Sorry, not falling for it.

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CRT have objective advantages in certain niches, so quit being a faggot.

Anyone buying these machines today won't have a scooby on fixing them.
I've been collecting/fixing carboot sale machines for years and theres still plenty I don't know.
If you want a lofi sound in a bad way then it's the format for you.

I want to explain why, but you're probably just full of snappy quips and greentext strawmans so I'm passing on this one.

CRT is good for classic games, but as a daily driver and viewing Sup Forums with is borderline autistic.

I was talking about cassettes, not CRTS.


Why don't you explain it instead of "I wanna but I ain't going to". That manchild post is what's exactly going to attract quips and greentext strawmans that you're tring to avoid.

They're not really complex, all the equipment that processes sound is solid state, the tape mechanisms are the only really big failure point and they are very easy to understand if you take it out and look at it. The older ones with mechanical switchgear are even easier to fix. I'm a brainlet and I can fix a tape deck.

Also a good tape recorded on a half decent machine with the right bias settings will sound almost identical to the source. You won't get the high cut and tape hiss unless you use very old ferrics or record at too low a level, and if they sound like literal ass you are recording too loud.
Beat up old chromes from a thrift shop sound just as good out of my decks as a PMP pushing FLAC. The tape cuts out some of the MP3 compression artifacts too, to the point where if you record say, a 92 kbps song, you can hear the gaps in the tones where the artifacts were.

13 Reasons Why Floppies Are Cool Again in 2018

>the quality is truly amazing when compared to records
Will he upgrade to CDs in 10 years?

>Are these autists the new vinyl or CRT collecting retards?
It's the usual audiophile bait.

There's one subgroup that will always go for the dumbest fads because clearly that cheap digital stuff couldn't be good enough, right?

Audio cassette tapes are fucking shit, and should stay dead.

>Manchild poster demands internet argument.
>100 inb4's
You own it, instead of getting some shitty streaming service that only works where you have internet, and refuses to give better than 192-256 kb/s quality.
Metal tapes sound good.
Arguably better form factor than cds.
Cheap way to get good audio equipment.

Disgusting hipsters.

there's just something nice about blasting a cassette boombox in a big, unfinished basement while you party, lift weights or work on some physical project.

i didn't even know cassettes were "making a comeback" but i've been transferring some albums that i listen to often to cassette for a few years now. it's nice just picking up what you want to listen to, slapping it in the boombox, hitting play and hearing music immediately.


>hitting play and hearing music immediately.
ok... I need to go outside and do some thinking.

>le cassettes are low fidelity meme
>what is dolby nr
>what is not using shit tapes and shit sources
>what is not recording to tape from a shitty radio signal
>what is hx pro
>what are cro2 tapes
Just kys man

You oversold the bait as everyone knows CDs worked in all the later boom-boxes. Cool story though, bro.

All you need to do is be super picky about your media and devices, devote time to seeking out second hand junk that still works, take extra special care of your read heads, and you too will get music quality almost rivaling 90's CDs.

Something about tape music is just 'warmer' and 'crisper', you know?

Kill yourself m it's better in *all* games because of input lag and refresh rate. Plus most 144hz monitors are shitty TN or IPS panels with worse contrast and viewing angles than decent CRTs

>TN or IPS panels with worse contrast and viewing angles than decent CRTs
Maybe in your dark, sad basement. CRT blacks are grey as fuck if any ambient light is present.

You are a dumb fucking retard if you would seriously make the argument that a Trinitron CRT has worse contrast than a fucking IPS or TN panel

That's wrong though. I picked up a used deck for 10 dollars thaylt worked fine after cleaning the transport (which just involved some compressed air and rubbing alcohol and took less than 10 minutes). And no, you don't have to take extra special care of your read heads, you just play tapes. I get cassettes unopened everywhere, I tend to hang out at places where I just tend to find tons of them, for free half the time too.

And they don't sound bad at all. I can't tell any difference versus a 320kbps mp3 file when it's playing over my speakers, and in any case it doesn't have serious fidelity issues. I never said cassettes were a superior sound qualify or audio medium than digital files, especially flac. I just said they're not horrible, and they sound fine. I have 200gb of music in digital, I just like using and collecting tapes because it's fun.

So get your thumb out of your ass and stop getting mad when people like what you don't like, you dumb faggot.

I've been collecting cassetes since my freshman year of high school (class of '15)

I used cassettes all my teen years and I hate them.
I remember gluing tap with nail polish because soon or later that will be break. That shitty size and that worst sound, or waiting minutes to rewind and listen a side...
CD was beautiful. Until mp3 made music free, of course.
Stop trying to be the cool kids and don't bring that shit to these times, enough with vynils that sound as mcdonals fryer

It's a nice physical memento that doesn't take up as much space as a record. I remember back in high school (2004-08), guys would hand their EPs out on cassette at shows trying to promote their band.

buying stuff that works for the purpose you want is not "being picky"

>dolby nr
>hx pro
No longer produced. The only tapes that are still made are the shitty ferric oxide ones.
You know, the kind that has a frequency response of 50hz to 12kHz.

Damn right about that, the rewinding shit was the worse thing about it. CDs have this problem where you can't shake it while using so it kinda sucked. But CDs allowed track skipping and mp3 allowed custom lists, I just fucking hate streaming tho.

What exactly are you "not falling for?" People liking different things than you?

Archive guy here. Used to work in an audio media archive.

Cassette tapes perform similarly to vinyl provided the technician on duty wasn't retarded—although the absolute limits of the technology mean that vinyl and other lossless will come out on top. The issue with magnetic tapes is that they have a limited number of read cycles. This is worsened by write-overs. The read/write heads on a tape player rub off the protective and magnetic data encoding layers. As a tape ages, you lose the ability to recall the data precisely. This is especially true of reel-to-reel, but few people own the machinery to play r2r these days. Old magnetic tapes, in particular those that have not been stored correctly, may well have a single read event left on the tape. The technology was simply not designed for extended, repeated use; or rather it was explicitly designed for consumer media and not for collector media. A unique tape of a recital or concert might blow your socks off, but there's a good chance that if you did not capture it in FLAC or another lossless format, the data is lost forever. Magnetic tapes just sort of die over time. Temperature and humidity flux in particular destroy magnetic tapes. Eventually, magnetic layer lifts off, and crumples up on the read head, destroying the recording. It's an objectively inferior medium due to this fault. It sounds great, no word a lie, but unless you're storing it in archival conditions (15°c low humidity) then your tapes will die. If you properly archive your tapes, you'll triple or quintuple their lifespan, but they'll die all the same.
>my tapes sound fine and I keep them in the microwave
That's nice. They won't in a year. Capture some lossless files of your brand new tapes and of your tapes in a year. You will be saddened.

>Metal tapes sound good.
No they dont you collassal faggot. You only think this because you are an edgy contrarian that is used to digital garbage rips.
>Arguably better form factor than cds
This is such a retarded statement that it doesn't deserve a response beyond being pointed out as retarded
>Cheap way to get good audio equipment.
It's a good way to waste your money. Ffs tape decks aren't good audio equipment. You just have shitty hearing. Nothing cheap about adding extraneous worthless equipment when you already have a dozen devices laying around that perform the same function in a better way.

CRTs can do things LCDs can't. Cassette tapes are infection technology.

>t. Lifts weights in front of a mirror

Modern hipsters are such fucking cunts. They actually believe this shit. Those of us that lived through record to tape to cd to file never talk this kind of trash. It's one thing to enjoy album over cds or files. Tape over anything is just fucking retarded.

>.t owns garbage speakers

Tapes are cool for the same reason old cars are cool.

>what is tape saturation
tape does really nice sounding things to music, nobody these days is listening to tape looking for high fidelity

> Comparing records to tape

> "tapes just remove the data while you play"
records literally scratch the information with a diamond needle?

> bashes r2r

you realize records only exist because r2r was too expensive per unit? say what you want about cassette quality but r2r is the gold standard for pre-computer quality. What even is a master?!

I think national audio produces cro2 tapes. You can get them on amazon. Or they might be under the name audio pro.

Obviously not gonna say you're wrong but my anecdotal evidence has been playing 30 year old tapes with little to no issue. And vinyl wears out as well.

Not entirely sure what you're trying to say, and i believe "that shit" because it sounds good on my deck. I also never said tape has superior audio quality you dumb fuck I just said it isn't so bad.

Yeah this is also partly true kek.

Imo old cars are cool because they arent pozzed by safety regulations and such whereas tapes are just an interesting physical format

Sorry for making so many replies but my jimmies have been rustled

meme technology desu

>Ad Hominem: The Post.
My car has a cassette player.
I got a Nakamichi and 20 metal tapes for Free. The old man gave me good carver amp with it too because I used to babysit his kids.
It's fun.
I already have a good FLAC collection.
This is far too many words for such staunch faggotry.


>what is ebay
>what is a thrift shop
>when things go out of production it means all of them cease existing

I am pulling beat-ass old mixtapes from the '80s out of the "shit nobody wants" bins at my local thrift shop and they re-record and play fine. I've got a Decca release of Tchaikovsky from 1969 that sounds like it was recorded yesterday, and undated ferric blanks with the old Compact Cassette logo which sound great when you give 'em some actual music instead of a room recording of a church recital or the entirety of the movie Legend (that was a weird one). The only ones I've had that were sticky or visibly degraded were all '80s Memorex DB, and they're notoriously bad anyway.


Only dobly S rivals actual easy to access good media. dolby S doesn't exist on portable devices. Only matters if you used good tape to begin with, no one sold prerecorded albums on good metallic tape so you have to make your own by recording them from your already better digital media player.

>entire legend movie

Sure but tape doesn't sound super low fi is what I'm saying, I don't know why people keep thinking I said tape is better than digital or anything. I didn't. I have 15000 songs in digital format on my pc, I know the difference between digital and tape. I still enjoy tapes, they're fun.

For old music, if they were made directly from master tape, tapes, just like vinyls, can be alright. For modern music which is digital from the beginning, he'll no.

It's 2018 and people are still watching clickbait?

Can you even buy tapes these days? Where I live they started disappearing even from the thrift stores almost a decade ago.

I've seen some offers on Bandcamp.


Read the thread

Dolby S is backwards compatible with B.

it's also completely unnecessary on a chrome or metal tape, record with good media and you won't need noise reduction at all.

Vinyls have their legit advantages. Cassettes are the DVDs of analog formats, ie. an especially harmful form of cancer that became way too widespread and overstayed its welcome by at least a decade.

t. recently bought first cassette in over 20 years to support my waifus

>an especially harmful form of cancer that became way too widespread and overstayed its welcome by at least a decade
Nice buzzwords

yeah, because vinyls were just perfect

>Eat shit because muh hipster feelings
>Get mad when people point it out
stop eating shit

>tape does really nice sounding things to music
People say the same thing about tubes.

People are autistic in general.

oldfag here. they were convenient, when compared to vinyl and reel to reel, but their shelf life is around 10 to 15 years, a little more if you keep them in a refrigerator with a nitrogen atmosphere.

i have a box full of cassettes here, and today they all sound like they were recorded through someone's colon. even the expensive TDX ones.

floppies had such high end fidelity, particularly the 5 1/4 variants. we won't see that again.

what is all this dark brown shit at the bottom of the box? it's all the chromium dioxide that's fallen off the tapes as they dry out.

comparing how tape affects audio to how tubes affect audio is apples to oranges
tape saturation is a completely different thing from amplification

It's the truth though.

>Vinyls have their legit advantages
>because vinyls were just perfect

>I watched a yt video about cassettes and now I'm an expert

If you were old enough to HAVE to use tapes to listen to music, you wouldn't bother defending them just because they look cool.

>Vinyls have their legit advantages
>casettes didn't have legit advantages
nice cherrypicking

who the fuck is defending them cause they look cool? he's calling you out on your misinformation and incompetence

>t. hipster that never used a cassette

8 Track > casettes
Minidisc > Other shit.

>liking proprietary shit quality atrac
>being this much of a cuck

I just needed this one final confirmation
You gave me two

I literally work in a studio and produce shit on tape, magnetic tape isn't some kind of mystery magic that only aims to ruin your shitty mixtape

>t. hipster that never used a cassette

KEK, fuck off delusional faggot. CRTs look like SHIT (yeah, let me spell that, S H I T) compared to a decent IPS panel. FUCK OFF with your dumb old technology.

learn to read, dipshit


>he fell for the contrast meme

Are you implying that I'm talking shit about CRT because I haven't ever used one? Fuck off, I have tech in my garage older than you.

everything in your house is older than you

Wow, sick burn brah! Quick, post it on r/Sup Forums!

No, I'm implying you're underaged based on the childish way you type your posts.

Same to you
>inferior contrast under any form of ambient light

explain to me exactly how less-than-optimal lighting would make a superior contrast ratio inferior

the only thing I miss about those is how you press play button and it has this little windup to it
probably nostalgia googles, last time I did that was in ~2001
hm, I wonder if it's possible to replicate for media players, the button is not hard to do, the delay and distortion either
I'd buy media player controller thingy like that to sit near keyboard.

Having the light on or using it any part of the day, ambient light will make the phosphors reflect grey. Just how CRTs work.
It only has superior contrast ratio in a very dark room.

Here's the supposed top Trinitron FW900 compared with a garbage tier TN display.

Look at those gorgeous blacks... oh wait.

How fucking thick are you!
I was on about cunts who get machines haven't a scooby on how to fix them and stick a D90 in with an azimuth out of alignment on a dirty tape head.

So quick to jump to the defence you didn't even read my post.
Look at all those fucking replies.
GTFO of my fucking gene pool.
Tapes can work wonders on shit quality MP3's.
you're right, a lot of machines are an easy fix.
My minds just been spent lately on this pain in the arse sansui deck that ain't having it.

EVERY SINGLE FAULT under the sun with it and it's just been a nightmare.
New bands, new motor, rec/playback levels needed adjusting, tape head needed aligning, frequency responce between LR channels needed seeing to.
What a mess!
And back to you smartypants!
>I watched one techmoan video and i'm a fucking tape expert.
I fucking hope the tech to bring prople back from the dead comes around so I could kill you over and over for being so thick.

Cassettes were cool not because they were technically superior, but because they were relatively compact, easy to transport and share plus there was a culture around home recording and mixing on tapes.

If you reduce this to just the specs, you are underselling the format. This revival is still retarded.

I put my favorite porn jaypegs on floppy because the drive motor sound gives me a nostalgia hardon from fapping to porn on floppy when i was 13.

It's strange you didn't mention anything about the differences between the Dolby versions, and the inherent drawbacks to having multiple differing standards on consumer devices

20 year old CRTs are so out of spec, with little hope of getting them right again, it's disingenuous to suggest a CRT is better in any way.

But made completely obselete with MiniDiscs, that were even smaller, and easy to record shit on as well.

If I like eating shit (which is subjective anyway) why do you care? Just let me eat it man

This doesn't happen as much as you think, I have boxes of 30 year old tapes and this has not happened at all

I never said I'm an expert but I probably know more than you since I repair tape decks and walkmans. I have multiple decks and a lot of tapes. I'm not defending them because they look cool, I'm defending them because they're fun. And for the nth fucking time I never said they're better quality than digital, seeing as I have 15k songs in digital. Just kys

You're right about people using them wrong, I was only addressing the lofi meme and that's why I only quoted that part of the post. Lrn2 greentext m8.

And I didn't "watch one techmoan video and become an expert", I started collecting tapes because it's fun and I learned about it by fixing things.


Virtually no one has Minidisc players though.

>Cassettes Are Cool Again