*fetch thread
*fetch thread
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Is this a bait post?
posting meme in meme thread
idk user.... uptime says 14+ hours.... could be legit.
I fixed it for you user.
please look up the command to remove all packages not in use by existing programs
apt-get autoremove
But I use all of them....
what the actual fuck are you doing?
Only unused packages....
> I'm a developer in multiple languages
> Side note full of cringe, I'm currently also running both apache2 && nginx && 3 django instances... because reasons.
"Fuck my headphones" --Beck a la "Timebomb"
Pls no bulli~
Are you actually using windows?
That looks really comfy user.
>university student
stop trying to make 'fetch' happen
Post feminine benis and socks
fetch, autistic edition
What did you do to make i3 look different like that?
polybar, on some changes as usual, here are my config files : github.com
All those tabs. Why
cool retro looks but it must be terrible having to wait to compile modern things with that processor
are you blind?
This is me.
>white themes or white Sup Forums...
third world tier
That can't be real, good bait 8/8.
It 's real and it works surprisingly well desu.
WTF is even going on.
I don't care if it's bait or not, because I feel like someone is actually running something like this
Windows 10 can be a bitch to tame, but once it is tamed. It works wonders.
good boy
probably uk "english"
More or less a back up/deep web entry point.
>deep web
>using brave
Not my ideal choice, but coupled with Duck duck go. It's a really great viable option/entry point.
To list what is wrong:
-shitty wallpaper
-fetch thread without a fetch
-3 fucking bars and one is overlapping the other
-the 3 fucking bars are using a different design (glossy/flat)
-logo are from different Windows versions
-the fucking edgy terminator skull in the corner
-shitty softwares that shouldn't be on a bar
-proprietary shit everywhere
The only way to make it shittier would have been to use a non-english version of vista and a shitty font on top of your already autistic "fetch".
>Duck duck go
Too much of an eye sore. The colors and theme also really piss me off. It's got the queer faggy vibe that I just can't stand.
Yeah, it stores some amount of data. That doesn't really bother me much as I'm using VPNs and router proxies. Duck duck go isn't perfect, but it's good enough.
I'm sorry my subjective taste doesn't please your homoerotic standards.
I'm not making excuses for them, but google and every other search engine is almost certainly doing that tenfold. What do you use?
u r so gay
Just out of curiosity, how good is Clover OS?
What fucking point is this even trying to make?
Is Ixquick bad too?
Whatever happened to formulating actual arguments instead of this fucking zoom in cropped greentext meme bullshit? I feel like I'm having a stroke.
Nu-Firefox will never look good on anything that isn't Windows 10 or macOS.
Not bad.
Bookmark for when I get home
Wow, now that's aesthetic.
is that J?
You need to approach this from the viewpoint that all cookies are tracking cookies, and if you sell a website, it is completely unethical include any data related to said website's userbase, and under so circumstances are Jews to be trusted.
You're under the control of Jews no matter how hard you try to resist. They either directly control you, or indirectly.