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What is the best GNU/Linux distro and why?



OpenSUSE 10.3

Windows 10 unironically

I'd really like to see that, you know, I used to completely bash on windows always but nowadays it seems that they're taking the right steps, I wouldn't be surprised if they ended forking the kernel project


If WSL, this.

there is no right answer dummy. It's like buying a car. You wouldn't get a skinny little open top sports car if you had to drive through Russia in a snow storm- you'd get a truck.

It all depends on what you want out of it.

Something really easy to install and that just works right out of the box?- Maybe ubuntu

Want something less bloated and with a huge repository?- Maybe Arch

Do you want security? Minimalism? Do you want it to be free as in freedom?

Decide what you want and then look for the answer.

i'm seeing a lot of shitposts as of late

> arch
> huge repo
pick one

Kys pajeet shill. WSL is broken garbage. Better to use a headless vm and ssh into it. Fucking pajeet fags

I use Ubuntu LTS (KDE Neon but close enough) with PPAs for software I need to be up to date.

Kys windows nigger. How is this trolling? You wanna suck the shit out of Microshaft's asshole?


Gentoo because portage.

this post is reddit

>Better to use a headless vm and ssh into it.

What if I don't want another OS running even if it doesn't have a desktop? And even decent file access?

None, all operating systems are dogshit currently, the same as all the branded, marketed, overly complex NSA-spying useless-as web and desktop software. Unironically makes me want to quit the industry and go live as a wild man. Maybe you'll find more redeeming features in one OS/distro or another, good luck.

Just more bloat to an already morbidly obese os

Debian, the universal operating system.

That's not a reason to add more of it. I'm not arguing that Windows has no bloat.

Xen would fix all of these issues
You can have your Linux and your microshit and even run them stateless so you wouldn't worry about viruses

Not an argument shit head.

A headless Linux vm barely using any resources and you can share files with any decent VM software. Stop being a brainlet and go back to Sup Forums

What are you talking about? WSL doesn't lack any features I need, and is way faster than a heavy ass VM. As long as WSL continues to support AwesomeWM, PCmanFM, FileRoller, Ungoogled Chromium, PulseAudio, OGL passthrough from Windows graphics drivers, and faster than Linux window compositing, I will continue to use it.

Based Ted kaczinsky

That's because your doing your vms type ii. Literally install a type I hypervisor like xen and you can do whatever the hell you want

Ah, but that's where you're wrong kiddo, I need SLI support for ray-tracing for my work, using a Windows exclusive ray-tracing engine. Because the KVM virtual chipset doesn't support SLI, it become useless to me, as I can't do a proper passthrough without losing support for it.

>you can share files with any decent VM software
Right, but there is no good way for me to not have the VM in one huge file, use Windows symlinks in Linux and also being able to access all of the drives I have by default. It's just a mess.

>funcioning brain
>your brain
pick one.

Virtualizing both windows and Linux vms using xen is objectively superior in every fashion to going thru windows.
Less overhead
Stateless os's so that viruses never affect you
Paravirtualization for even less overhead
No decreased functionality or gay little windows to look thru
Single os computers are going the way of the dinosaur, get with the cloud user.
Knock on the cloud and hear the thunder

Manjaro using architect installer obviously

>How is this trolling?
if you weren't such a newfag and lurked more you wouldn't be making this thread. worst case scenario you'd make a post in >>>/sqt/


Iommu handles this for u


Iommu handles all of this you won't lose functionality

I know it works for Crossfire, but I have never seen any instances of it working for SLI.

It works for any hardware. It virtualizes direct io access for the vm, the vm sees it no differently as being directly connected to the hardware.

From Xen wiki:
Hardware and Configurations to Avoid:
NF200 Chipsets are not IOMMU compatible
nVidia Graphics Cards
RAID5 yields horrible performance
NF200 is a PCI Switch for motherboards sporting SLI and CrossFire, avoid it if you want be able to use those PCI slots for passthrough.

In other words it allows direct hardware passthru from vm to hardware

I can pass through both GPUs, but it can't SLI, it just says that my motherboard is incompatible.

>is politicaly oriented

Did you even read that?
NF200 is a PCI Switch for motherboards sporting SLI and CrossFire, avoid it if you want be able to use those PCI slots for passthrough
Don't use a nf200 pci switch

>it just says that my motherboard is incompatible
Can't help you with that one

If disabled, no SLI, if enabled, no IOMMU.

I just run Windows and it works.

The beliefs of some of the devs don't make the OS a political oriented one. Kys Sup Forumsjeet shit stain. Not everything has to be about politics.

Your motherboard has issues with the good hypervisors. Just because your host OS doesn't have problems doesn't mean your shitty motherboard will have issues with certain software

why there are no proprietary software/driver by default then ?
they make their OS shitter and less compatible/efficient just because of their political belief

There is no such motherboard that supports SLI through a Linux GPU passthrough. If you can find one instance of it, I will just buy a new motherboard. I feel like this is more of a Software problem, not a hardware issue.

>What is the best X and why?
Useless question without listing priorities.
Assuming you're a clueless twat, go with Ubuntu for a start, learn the basics, and only then start falling for meme shit.
Pros: huge community, lots of StackExchange-type content to help you with newb questions, etc.
Compare with me having to fuck around with Debian retardation to get this fucking blob-requiring printer working (grr).
OTOH if you're a sufficiently non-clueless twat, it depends on what you want from a distro?
- RH cuckoldery? Fedora
- muh libre principles? Debian
- Rolling "devs are lazy fucks" meme distro with instability? Arch
- Rolling "devs are overengineering nazis (literally)" distro? OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
- KDE integration? Tumbleweed, Neon
- Muh hackerman? Tails, etc
- Muh week to compile Chromium? Gentoo
Etc. Each one has its pros and cons, depends on what pisses you off in each to make it an unbearable choice for you.
But again, if you're a clueless twat (nothing wrong with that, we all started there), don't analysis paralysis that bitch and just start with the latest Ubuntu desktop.

They do roll ISOs with the nonfree firmware if you want it. The default installation media tells you what you need and how to install it. Their stance on non free software isn't that bad anyway. It doesn't make it shittier and they are pretty clear about it. You are just a brainlet or a free gibs nigger

unironically Gentoo

Actually Ubuntu. So far the only gripe people have is its security, even though the issues (amazon, app usage trackers, etc.) can be turned off easily in the settings.
Give me one reason besides "bloat" and "rolling release is absolutely necessary" and I'll switch

what I say is its stupid to call an hacktivist project universal

The one in your heart. Now stop asking this question.

It's pretty universal. Just because you are too stupid to install non free firmware when needed doesn't mean it isn't.


if I write an app to find jews near you they will not package it, so its not universal



can anyone explain it likes this again?


I agree with Saying that, this

Debian Xfce
Because ~650 MB only (you can even write it on CD!) for a full-feautered OS

I started searching it a month ago just for fun, and now i have 15 version of arch and 10 version of debian plus some ubuntu and void, for now, i run everything on WM, my favorite is as of right now is manjaro fluxbox openrc and devuan with JWM.

I like fedora, but debian the most solid/secure overall I think