ITT: People of tech who you hope suffer a career threatening and potentially life threatening injury.
ITT: People of tech who you hope suffer a career threatening and potentially life threatening injury
all tranny "programmers" who wear their identity on their sleeves and have names that sound like they came out of a shitty fantasy novel and don't pass
I would've said "OP" but he's unemployed.
Whoever is responsible for the current GNOME/GTK garbage
But I'm sure they are punished enough already with ADHD/autism
>he's unemployed
My dad works at Nintendo
> t. Poettering
I have no idea what a pottering is or does sorry...
Steffan Esser
>Inb4 haha applecuck ecks dee
All tech lobbysts pushing for even harsher copyright laws.
Pic related because for the balls to leave AMD after he was done shitting up Vega.
He does almost nothing for this site nowadays (fortunately for us tho), what could possibly happen to him that could make him spend even less time on the site?
Then you probably don't have any business on Sup Forums
Nobody is forcing you to use system.d Personally, I like it.
according to wikipedia, lennart poettering's relation to secure coding practices is the same distance as his relation to analingus
Sup Forums
Literally everyone except me, I would be the most in demand programmer for a few months.
and by I mean (You)
You know what? You posted him. Fucking retard set Linux audio back 500 years.