Reminder to stop procrastinating and go buy that fucking UPS already, Sup Forums-kun

Reminder to stop procrastinating and go buy that fucking UPS already, Sup Forums-kun.

>implying I'm not poor

no, thank you, merchant of known nationality

I don't live in a country where it is relevant.

i have one already. its some cheap fsp but it works.

What for? I live in a civilized nation, power almost never fails. I'll live if I have to turn my pc back on once in 10 years or so.


I can't even remember the last power failure.
Maybe 3 years ago.

>one UPS
cute, is it for your single laptop?

>Uptime: 2482:19:23:31

What's a good one I should get for my 24/8 i9 rig

>the need to power your rig for more than a few minutes
Hello Uganda

why? is your work SO important that you need assured continuity 24/7 ?

Why would I buy another UPS, though?

it dies before it need to act

I cant afford one, but i do want to buy one.

Itt: people who only use computers to shitpost.

Buying an UPS isn't just about power outages, but as a 'clean' and stable power source.

The power doesn't need to go out for your parts to get ruined. It can happen silently. This is especially true if you have a desktop that's on 24/7.

What about when the power company does some work in your community and kills the power and also your NAS?

Are you too poor to afford 100.00 peace of mind?

tfw power goes out and somewhat kills my monitor
tfw constantly low current
I really wanna buy a UPS

You can buy used APC UPS for dirt cheap. One of those old ass white ones. It's not sine and battery will be dead, but it's better than nothing, just make sure not to replace battery with APC ones since those are expensive as shit.

Yeah, my $200 motherboard got fucked recently by an irregular current. I don't know how, but I plugged a lamp into my surge protector and my entire computer shut down. Took 20+ mins to turn it back on. After that it just got worse, until I just couldn't turn it on anymore. I pressed the power button for almost an hour straight and just didn't happen.

Bought a new mobo and it works on the first try everytime, so something fucked it up.

Meow we're talking. I need a reliable UPS for low draw devices like a router. The router in my grandparents house cannot be allowed to remain offline otherwise their personal alarm would not work in the event of an accident. Any suggestions?

Just bought this for $150. My PSU is 850W, probably 600W on full load, so this should work for maybe 10 mins or so.

The included software gives you the option to have it safely auto shut down in the event of power failure, so memory/HDD corruption shouldn't be an issue.

It'll also just curious to see how much power my desktop draws on a daily basis.

Remember that you also need to pass at least one monitor through that bitch.

There hasn't a power outage here in my lifetime.

Move to a country with proper infrastructure.

>what about when the power company does work
They announce it beforehand. Also got insurance on everything so who cares.

Well sounds like your dumbass has an answer for everything.

What about some dumb bitch wife vacuuming and using microwave and dishwasher at the same time and blows the breakers right when you are in the middle of getting the perfect take from a visiting vocalist from another country, and you lose your data? Does your insurance cover that you smug poorfag bitch ass nigger?

I cheaped out and bought two shitty ones. They dont work :(

What kind of baby ass breaker do you have?

Jesus are you using some murrican tier electronics that draw so much power you can't even use them at the same time?

>buy that fucking UPS

Eric Raimond, is that you? are you shilling your last project?

I'm in a rural area, so if the power were to go out it would mean a tree fell on a line during a storm and would take more than a few minutes to bring it back up.

>not modding it with a car battery just for the lols
hello Zimbabwe

Unaffordable in my 3rd world shithole

Well it's relevant in every first world country, so I'm guessing you mean you live in a country with no electricity?

They cost $100 to $200

For a $2,000 computer you’d be a retard to risk losing your rig

I have a $600 computer

Every single first world country has had multiple power outages in the previous 7 days.

I guess you're right, power can't go out if you don't have electricity to begin with, poorfag.

It's just like $100 bucks man.
My onahole cost more than that.

You don't need to buy some big $10,000 industrial battery that'll keep it running for a week, though that'd be pretty damn sweet

>he doesn't have a $15 surge protector to keep his $2000 rig safe
>he thinks he needs a $200 meme machine to keep his $4000 Sup Forums machine safe

Sure. Localized power outages. Small chance actually being hit by one of these.

Shit you right, I'll stop wearing my seatbelt thanks for saving me the headache.

Yeah, you probably should.

Thank you sir. Thanks

A $15 surge protector still killed my motherboard.

I mean, there's really no reason not to buy it. You have car insurance right? Well this is a one time fee for your $2k machine, with valuable data on it.

You don't have to just use it for your desktop. Once you shut down your desktop, you can use it on low powered devices like a router, which it'll keep running for 6 hours.

Of course, there's no real point in needing wifi since most people have 3/4G networks on their phones.


I would only buy one for the whole apartment, if that meant getting a clean power supply especially for the lack of interferences for speakers and audio stuff.

If you're making music you should get some sort of power conditioner and make sure you have a clean power supply.

But other than that, it's kinda pointless if you don't have an unstable power supply or you don't do critical work like nuclear plant level of work.

Already did. Never needed one but who knows what could happen?

> or you don't do critical work like nuclear plant level of work.


>getting this assblasted over someone else's electronics
>calling someone who has insured their electronics a poorfag

entertainment of the highest caliber

What would I need a UPS for? Power here is extremely reliable. I can remember a grand total of one outage over 30 years affecting me.

>not having a Tesla powerwall

poorfag gonna be poor

UPS'es don't clean the power. They have dinky MOVs like any power strip and maybe reuse their transformer as an AVR for brownouts.

>not pure sine

You fucked up nigger.

>Used UPS
I bet you have sex using used condoms.

>Provides clean, consistent AC power by automatically regulating low voltages and over voltages, within defined tolerances, when incoming utility power has minor fluctuations.

That is only one small aspect of clean power though. That is very much not enough to provide clean power. True double conversion UPCs do provide actually clean power, but those are very expensive.

ups? i use e-shipping

EE here, UPS do SHIT to save your shit, they are a scam, and i would even dare to say they cause more damage than what they prevent, the only ones that prevent something and dont damage your equipment, are the pure senoidal ones and are expensive as fuck, stop buying this scam technology and just buy pic related

Most power supplies can handle 90V~250V

As if I'm listening to some retard on Sup Forums.

1) UPS aren't just type 3 surge suppressors (power strip/surge protectors)
2) Type 2 surge suppressors that attach to the breaker box (like you shown) are designed to work WITH Type 3 surge protectors at the outlet.
3) By "pure senoidal ones" do you mean pure sine wave UPSs or a series mode filter / isolation transformer? SMF are good albeit expensive (~$150) protection. PSW UPSs don't have special protection over cheapo UPSs in them but they are better than "simulated sine" garbage for you stuff.

>EE here

EET maybe.