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does anyone know what pic related is all about?

Should I install gentoo or just continue enjoy my life and OS?

Can I install Ubuntu after Windows?

Yes. It's usually a bad idea to install windows last because it will overwrite your bootloader.

Just enjoy your life and OS (so long as it is unix shaped)

Did not work either and now it says I only have one thing of ram when I look at speccy even though it says I have two in the bios.
Maybe one of my rams isn't seated well enough.

Why are all my Skype calls recorded through Audacity sounds so quiet? The people I talk to have goo mics, are used to talking into it and have strong internet mostly. Why do they sound like they are on a bad phone line

I'm looking for a new TV but don't know jack shit, but I'm basically planning to use it with my PS4.
I wanted to buy one with HDR, but I know that I won't really get something good in the price range I'm in (400-600€).
Anyway, my question is about the difference between HDR and Active HDR, and if the latter one is just a meme or actually better.

how much does virtualization help when running VMs? does it actually need to be enabled in order to run VMs?
im on a ryzen 5 1600x; i have virtualization disabled since i overclocked the chip. im gonna setup dual boot when i get another hdd, but for now i plan to try running xubuntu in a VM.
another thing im wonderin, does having virtualization enabled cause instability in overclocks on ryzen chips? my previous rig had an old FX-8350 and i got really into overclocking and tinkering with it. virtualization caused instability with some overclocks on those chips, so i kinda just turned it off outa habit when tuning my ryzen chip.


What is the best tool to recover data from a bad USB drive?

My USB drive suddenly crapped out while connected to my PC and now it only shows up as a SM32699AA Memory Bar. My PC recognizes it but can't pull any data off it and doesn't see it as a drive anymore.

I had some sensitive data on it and I just need to get access to it for a few minutes at worst to get what I need off it.

If I'm moving from Canada to Europe, can I use my PSU and just replace the cord? Will it fuck up my PC? Or should I just get a new PSU in the new country?

What THE FUCK is up with Huawei and always putting the phone to sleep less than two minutes after the screen goes off, even when you SPECIFICALLY TELL IT NOT TO?
I needed to do something once every minute for ten minutes so I acquired a wakelock. The Huawei didn't give a shit. Substituted the wakelock with Alarm Manager + Broadcast Receivers. Purposely used setExactAndAllowWhileIdle. The Huawei didn't care. Keep in mind both of the solutions worked perfectly on my Samsung.
Fuck Huawei. Any ideas how I can keep my Huawei awake for a few minutes with the screen off?

They are both meme.
The best TV for money right now is LG OLED.

It shouldn't be necessary to replace the PSU if it supports both voltages.

bumping bc what is the point of the wake lock permission if you're going to roofie the processor regardless? fuck huawei

Older PSUs had a physical switch on the back that allows you to change between 110v/220v. I'm pretty sure the conversion happens automatically now, but you can always email your PSU's manufacturer to confirm.


Anyone familiar with qt and QML?
I'm just dicking around seeing if it is a good framework for a project and I've made a simple QML application with a menubar and a couple of textareas in a row. But the program is really laggy when I resize the window. I thought qt was "light weight". Even microsoft word responds better.

take some demo application
resize it
is it laggy?
of course not
so you made somewhere mistake
usually its some unnecessary call on resize event or some shit
great mistery solved

check for a voltage switch (typically red), do not switch it while it's plugged in
if it has none, check the label to see if it says something like "120/240v, 50/60hz", if it does, then it supports either automatically
yes, you can replace the cord, the connector on the PSU is standard and works fine with all mains voltages/frequencies
if the label doesn't mention support for the voltage and frequency of where you're going, don't use it

Does Qt have something like GTK's load glade file and autoconnect or do I have to do it all in code/designer?

Qt is lightweight. QML is not, and lags even more horribly if GPU acceleration isn't available. Use normal Qt widgets instead if you care about that.

Dumb question about webdev, specifically imageboards.

I found a couple of imageboards that worked without databases, they just used static HTML files and appended them as needed, which doesn't lock the file. Imageboards are perfect for this, it seems, since almost all operations are just a small addition of HTML representing a new post.

As far as I can gather, this databaseless model works great for small sites because it's faster and uses fewer resources, but with a large userbase a database would eventually be necessary. Does that make sense?

is now a good time to sell off my 1050ti if I don't do much gaming anymore? what can I expect to get from it?

yes i saw the wikipedia page; theres like 30 relevant links to other pages and i dont wanna read all that, thats why im in this thread. just need a few answers, not to understand the entire process. thanks though

to add on to this, would I be able to sell my i5-6600/z170a for a better AMD replacement?

I'm only looking into QML because it is suppose to work on mobile and tablets. I thought if I'm going to use qt because it is cross platform, why not use qml because it is even more cross platform. I guess I'll have to decide to only make a desktop application or not.

The text editor example is laggy as fuck

>i want answers but i dont want to learn about any of it
Fuck off


That is a nice thing about QML. And on mobile you don't have to worry about resizing.

I'd suggest making separate mobile and desktop GUIs for other reasons though. A good mobile GUI is not a good desktop GUI, as Windows 10 demonstrates.


you don't always need to learn the ins and outs of every issue you have. in fact, i'd argue that in many cases it's a waste of time, specifically when its an issue youll only deal with once. or when you literally dont care about how something works, you just need it to work.
like a vehicle for example.

Ignore the other faggot.

VT-x/AMD-V definitely helps. You'll need it to virtualize a 64 bit OS, though it's optional if your guest OS is 32 bit still improves performance significantly.

Try enabling virtualization and see. It generally shouldn't cause issues with overclocks but Ryzen is a strange beast.


>Does that make sense?

thanks fampai, just what i needed to know. appreciate it

Windows 10 keeps going to sleep after like 30 seconds of inactivity and I have no idea why. It's ticking me off because I get up, grab a drink and need to wait until it boots up so I can insert my password. Is there some kind of hidden setting regulating this? It's making me insane.

If someone may have seen my sudo password, can that person hack me?

Power settings.

check your power settings in control panel. make sure its not set to go into sleep/hibernation mode after x minutes of inactivity.

install npm

This, right? It's set to an hour already, but it shuts down after not even a minute from time to time. Honestly, it almost seems random.

Edit the profile you are currently using or switch to the one in your pic.

My teacher said if you're using FOSS and something goes wrong you can't hold the developer liable for damages. Is he right?

I am using that one. I'm not an idiot user.


Yeah no shit. It is not like you can do that for most paid programs anyways.

No, good foss licenses disclaim responsibility for damages.

Thanks. I looked it up and I'm currently trying to figure out how to find the device because the program forces me to pick a drive and obviously mine does not show up as a drive in Windows.

You wouldn't know how to get it to look up something it can't find on its own would you?

Im on an old ass 920p(1600x900) monitor and wondering if this resolution would cause streaming video games to look like shit to people on 1080p+ displays?
My cpu/gpu/upload are all fine and should be good enough for streaming, but even when I jack up the bitrate and tinker with other settings in OBS, my friends(who both have 1080p displays) say that the image gets pixelated/blurry-ish during motion.
Dunno if this is related but it looks fine on my end, though strangely it wont stream in 60 fps despite it not impacting game performance at all. I used twitch's stream analyzer thing and it said everything looks good, however it cannot seem to detect what encoder im using(standard x264) and reports 0 fps.

Is it safe to set facebook messenger connections to go through tor on android?

OK thanks what I'm getting is just be careful. He's a good guy tech isn't his main field of study though.

hey guys I just gor arch on my computer (base OS) Now I want to get a DE working. I'm trying to download xorg but every time I try, it just shows errors all across the board. and in the end it says "Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded" What is going on?

Also test

Yea I have that all set up. It's obviously unrelated to the energy settings.

Yeah, mine did the same thing. Basically the issue is your OEM fucked up and doesn't correctly report the wake reason to Windows, so it thinks that it woke due to a timer. That activates a different sleep timeout meant to sleep the computer again after it wakes for updates.

There's some registry setting that makes an option to change this appear in advanced power plan settings. Sadly I forget the setting.

install gentoo

Damn user, that sounds promising. I'll try to find out but if you remember please help me out.

>Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\System\Power Management\Sleep Settings
No idea what is down the rabbit hole.

This is the Group Policy editor?
I don't seem to have it because I'm on the Home Version.

Install mint

Can you install other packages? If not, are you root, can connect to the internet, and have an Arch mirror list? (If you aren't root: I don't think Arch comes with sudo, so you'll have to set it up yourself if you want to use it.)
If yes to all, which pacman command were you using? Normally, pacman -S xorg-server should do the trick. If it doesn't, do pacman -Syu first and, assuming it works, try installing xorg-server again.

Im pretty sure

I've tried pacman -Syu but it continues to show me errors (download library error) Could it be a problem with my mirror?

I just got a powerline adapter to use ethernet and it's a major improvement over wifi, getting 7.5 MB now where I would usually just get 1. Is there anyway I can boost this performance?

hello guys, I have a problem with MS office on macbook in our work, in short macbook ignores that file is locked because some other user (on windows) have it open
windows computers doesn't have this problem between each other
googling it gives me only millions of examples of how to unlock a file which is complete opposite of what I need
any ideas how to make sure macbook accually check if file (doc and xls mostly) is in use?

Alright, thanks. Do you know of a ballpark of the number of users/traffic/host PC ops/whatever at which performance would be better off with a database? I googled extensively and found plenty of comparisons between different types of databases, but couldn't find a single damn one that included dataseless performance.

install gentoo

Please help. My S4 smartphone is currently broken. In the meantime I'm forced to use a Xperia E smartphone. One of the things I am desperate to do is to login to Discord to alert people of my forthcoming downtime. But it is very difficult because the Xperia E is so slow. I cannot login to Discord before I confirm an email verification message due to using a different phone. Logging into my email and clicking the link takes 8 slow minutes to do. But then it tells me:

>IP authorization link has expired. Please login to Discord again to resend link.

How long does the authorization link last? Does it seriously only last for less than ten minutes?

Use a computer.

>Use a computer.
I don't have access currently to a working desktop computer. The Xperia E is my only option unfortunately.

Make sure they're plugged in directly to the wall with no surge protectors or splitters.

Is there a program like mp3 tag but for pdfs?

I want to look at the pdf and be able to rename them, while "open"

Use the browser version

What is the root`s password on the Debian Live DVD?

I have an external hard drive full of stuff that I'd rather not let anyone see. Best way to add password protection or hide folders from family? I tried to make a 7zip file and added a password but it doesn't help that you can still basically browse through the directory.

My retarded windows 10 thinkpad has a problem where if you select shut down in the menu and then close the lid the fucking thing will go to sleep before it has a chance to shut down, then as soon as you wake it by opening the lid it completes the shutdown. Any way of making it less retarded?

Couldn't you just change the length of time it takes for it to go to sleep when the lid is closed?

I'm a bit of a brainlet, is there any commands for doing this on Windows 10 as I'm fairly sure there's no GUI setting for it

It should be in Power Options and then pretty self explanatory from there iirc.

Thanks I'll check it out in the morning


I just can't believe that they didn't fucking account for the possibility of someone closing the lid after hitting shutdown, I think the people working at Microsoft are dumber than me in some ways

Pic related if you want to use 7zip. Otherwise look into Bitlocker of Veracrypt.

Completely missed that option. I looked into bitlocker but I want it to remain cross platform between my PC desktop and my Apple shitbook.

What's a good all that would let me text and/or make calls using my cell number on a pc

>Use the browser version
Maybe that would work but I was just searching for the browser version for 20min and couldn't find it. I found a community forum page and some weird lookalike page. Can someone link the browser login page please?

Why does a book about operating systems have dinosaurs using computers, tablets, and listening to music?

>buy Xeon E3 1240v2 for around £100
>looking at upgrading now and checking eBay prices
>going for £140 now
What the fuck is going on with CPU prices mang?

Forgot to say, 3 years in between buy & selling for a 2012 processor.

try contacting the individual placed in charge of cover design, and on the off chance he responds, please post his response here cos you got me curious too

Go to the library.

What is the cheapest GPU that can do VR?
HTC Vive to be exact.

The cover designer's email address does not appear to be in the book, or at least I can't find it.

It's pun memery. Just read the description.

piratebay says a file has 100+ seeders, but when i download i only get 4-5. why is this?

You dont instantly get connected to every seed/peer the nanosecond you connect to it. You have to be announced and propagated in the swarm.Not every seed is setup to connect to 5000 peers.

how hard is to crack an office doc file password?

970 is about as low as you can go. Ideally 980+

I keep getting memory errors on my PC, and have tried every individual piece of RAM in every socket and done the same with a new stick, am I just fucked or is there something I can do.

I got (if the computer booted at all) error code 55, but with the new piece I got 22.