The perfect OS doesn't exi--

The perfect OS doesn't exi--

--st in the realm of Microsoft.


Uh, sorry, wrong pic

that's not windows xp

I upgraded to 10 and haven't noticed any downsides yet. Guess I'd been falling for the meme for years.

Stop trusting g

>windows 7 meme


I love Windows 7


>couldn't finish the sentence because bsod

todos sabemos que la razon por la cual actualizan los sistemas es por la cantidad de fallos de seguridad que se encuentran en ellos y no hablo solo de windows tambien los dispositivos mobiles como iphone

>128gb ram

Yeah, this CPU does not support more RAM.

For me, the only things 7 does better than 10 are slim side taskbar and the ease of changing interface fonts.

XP was a copy of 2k for the plebs.


What is the opinion on Win10 currently? The last update was pretty good.


I've found it to give me more information and control than previous iterations, as long as you ignore completely the "PC Settings" """App"""


I've found it a lot less obnoxious with the whole bloat when using an offline account.

You're stupid if you paid for Microsoft operating systems beyond that first OEM computer that your parents bought for you when you were 12.

Windows 7 is old and slow.

It's faster than 10 on my PC.

7 is best waifuOS

It objectively isn't.

That's heresy.


It is. I've benchmarked all, 7, 8.1, 10 (LTSB2016, Pro 1607, 1703 and 1709). 7 was always the fastest, with 10Pro being the slowest.

>my opinion freshly pulled from my pozzed rear

Yeah nah, fuck off cunt.

Prove it. If you were serious about benchmarking all of those then you must be serious enough to document the whole thing.

Better than 8.

Aprende Inglés, pendejo.

What's this?

I think we can safely say that this faggot is full of shit and never benchmarked anything and is rationalizing his decision to stick to Windows 7.

Thats not macOS


choose one, nigger
god i hope the poojeets could develop a functional LOS or similar for mi max 2 soon enough

>no thumbnails

>10 LTSB
>slower than 7
Crock of shit, buddy.

Ven aquí y oblígame, cabrón.

What more do you need?

there are some things really stupid, like
- myfirstpowerpoint.ptt interface looks
- two control panels
- really aggressive update policy
- fucking immortal cortana
- shady treatment of personal data

>0.001 Rupees have been deposited into your account

Okay, Pajeet

we in here


>has to alter everything about how it looks

>shady treatment of personal data

you cant get everything in one move, people would notice. start slow, and little by little no one will care


>get windows 10 literally the first week its released
>its the education version, no cortana
>never had a problem getting shit done
>only thing I ever had trouble with compatibility wise was when I was working on a Linux Server which I just had to install WinSCP/PuTTy for
>never got fucked by updates, they install when I click turn off my computer
>everything just works including video games
>never paid a cent

damn im such a retarded cuck

my favorite wallpaper still remains from the times of Windows 7 beta.

Its a Beta fish !

The main thing that's going to bother me when I eventually commit to the change is the excessive simplicity of the interface style. I'm going to miss having something more than just plain white rectangles so much.

You are in no position to tell someone what and what doesn't perform well on their own personal devices, which you personally have never used.

That's a communist name!!

It would be nice if I could get all of 10s under the hood improvements without all of the visual oddities, such as breaking visual styles, along with the telemetry.

Telemetry removed*, shit

>XP was the greatest OS ever designed

Fixed that for ya.

This. If you listen to Sup Forums you'll end up living in a cabin on some remote mountain with no electricity eating berries and squirrels.

Not going the whole hog.

Couldn't see it properly at first and thought your pc was called VULVA-PC....

Yes I am, since Windows 10 will always be faster than Windows 7 unless there is a gross misconfiguration or driver problem. Also, you bitchass faggot, he claimed he benchmarked everything but never offered any proof so you can fuck off too.

>Yes I am
No you're not.
No Windows is faster than its predecessor on the same hardware.

Install Gentoo.

Not ReactOS instead

Hook me up with that wallpaper senpaitchi


Windows 8.1 with updates disabled since mid 2015 to avoid botnet is best OS.


I think it's a very beautiful name

Aero is shit.

Yes, that's what I've missing from Windows 7 so far.


Are you going to pay me? If no, then you can stop asking.

That is not Windows 98SE.

It's a tranny user...

Yes. But are you as beautiful as your name?



Well memed



>Shitty font rendering
>Poor customization options due to how hacky that shit is
>Bug ridden shit the newer and more up to date it is
>In constant need of security patches and still getting fucked in the ass
>Problems that haven't been fixed since the early 2000s
>Shitty file system


>Hardware exclusive, silly on some setups through hackintosh
>Almost no customization at all unless you call changing a wallpaper that
>Really, really silly bugs from time to time that are shown on the public due to how funny they are
>Generally slower than Windows under the same exact hardware
>They manage to release a big system update that only includes a new filesystem that sucks ass and in the process make the whole system a whole lot less stable than the previous version
>Fairly restrictive unless you want to pay for applications or torrent them
>There's no viruses, no. Just a lot of ransomware!


>There's like 10 different big important super popular distros and none of them is much better than any other
>Want decent production software? Have fun with WINE because for years we have perpetuated the notion that we already have amazing alternatives when it's untrue
>Have non-standard hardware? Maybe more than a basic computer? Want to disable mouse acceleration on that completely? What about that sound card? Just get fucked my dude
>Here's two display servers and they both suck complete DICK
>Here's 32 DEs because GNOME went to shit, XFCE is dying a slow and painfuld death and KDE spent years to get to a state where it wouldn't crash everytime you would fucking try to add a plugin or whatever the fuck
>We have games now! We can run a small portion of the popular 3 year old titles, indie trash and... I guess now our system is really good for older Windows games since Microsoft is shitting the bed on that one!

that's a fucking gradient thaT can be find on internet or done in 2 minutes in GIMP

Mommy told me so :3

Post hand

The perfect OS exists, user.

If you have that wallpaper on your desktop you're a pedophile

I thought cloveros only had wallpapers with big anime tiddies.


She (male) won't because it's a tranny

I already did, somwhere back in 2012.

Do it again. It's only a shot of your hand after all.

>No Windows is faster than its predecessor on the same hardware.

i'll send you 10 ELLA ERC-20 tokens if you do it

Used every OS and keep coming back to arch

No circles, confirmed

Пo-Aнглийcкий пoжaлyйcтa.

>perfect OS


Word. I love the giant text and flat bars of 8.1. Sadly you can't get that with either 7 or 10.