Has anyone on Sup Forums moved to China and got a programmer job?
Has anyone on Sup Forums moved to China and got a programmer job?
Kys yellow fever nigger
>He wants to move to a police state
that seems to be the direction most countries are going in
>on Sup Forums
>doesn't like Asian women
If you know Chinese you could probably get a better job than programming
Why would you program when you can get a job teaching Engrish to JSs and JCs?
Good luck competing with 15 million chinks ready to work at 1/10 of your salary.
The phrases "to board a plane" and "emigrate" were banned in China last week. Going to China is going to become a one-way trip in the near future.
Most Chinese are highly nationalistic. If they can replace you they will replace you. (Unless you look Asian) Even if they hire you, it's for your western face and possible connections to the west, or they just want to steal whatever skills you have by making you teach their staff and then kick you out when they're done.
Sup Forums is Japanese only.
All you have to do to be able to teach English at a Chinese University is the ability to speak English (and probably know a bit of Chinese naturally)
I have a friend who studied abroad in China (she double majors in Chinese and Humanities) and while she was over their she taught English at a University for some money
It will be along time before any western country is even close to China's level of policing.
t. live on that island that's independent but China claims anyway
thats not USA
kekd hard
Move to HK or Macau instead.
>Implying USA censors everything, takes your organs, is a one party state, has no land ownership, bans speaking out against the government, takes DNA samples, puts pressure on emigrants to be loyal to the state, etc
Not quite the same
Macau is shit and HK is slowly turning to shit. There's no escape from thr CCP. Japan is unironically better in every way. Don't know enough about Korea to comment. Taiwan is lacking innovation but is pretty good. Not sure about Singapore.
numba wan
>implying the CFR, FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA, Congress and state authorities haven't been actively operating outside the constitution for nearly a century and don't regularly assassinate political opponents
The USA is the apotheosis of a police state, the rest of us are just learning by example.
I thought teaching jobs were the worst
Not that guy, but it's a mixed bag.
If you're friends with the right person, you could get some place nice where the staff respect you and treat you well. If you're not, it's a gamble which can come up nasty. You might get sent to a tier 2 or tier 3 city, only because the institution is required to have you.
user shitting all over "muh superior western civilization is dying" fuckhead gives me hope [spoiler]for this hopeless fucking planet[/spoiler]
normoids get out
>HK is slowly turning to shit. There's no escape from thr CCP.
The Chinese are having an extremely difficult time trying to control hong kong
>You might get sent to a tier 2 or tier 3 city, only because the institution is required to have you.
What's that mean? Is that like trying to teach schools in the ghetto or something?
Why move to a country that is moving towards the Great Leap Forward 2.0 under chairman Jinping? The last time like 40 million people died.
What did he mean by this?
Chinese cities are teired due to their economic and social importance, so International cities like Shanghai and Beijing are teir 1 and so on. By teir 3 and 4 you are likely to be in distant, heavily industrialised, polluted, grey, shitholes with little to no expats or facilities for non-Chinks. I don’t imagine the Chinks themselves there to be much worse desu, but the quality of life will be pretty miserable. On the other hand, your whiteness will still be a relative novelty - which is what you are really looking for anyway.
>user shitting all over "muh superior western civilization is dying" fuckhead gives me hope [spoiler]for this hopeless fucking planet[/spoiler]
Nice spoilers
China has a highly educated populance, they don't need programmers
you'd make more money teaching english anyway
Programmers are a dime a dozen in China
If you play your cards right and have some kind of qualification, you could probably swing a "white guy pretending to be a top engineer to look impressive in meetings" position.
That's a white monkey job, which they can hire random people for.