Echo vs google home

Which one does Sup Forums prefer? Please no botnet shitposting, I am fully aware of what smart speakers record and sell to Russians and advertisers.

fyi I currently own an Echo Dot but thinking about switching to Google Home Mini because the Echo isn't that reliable sometimes.

They're both gimmicky, useless trash.

>buying a literal botnet

OP here, my main use for smart speakers is connection with my smart lights and smart thermostat. also as a kitchen timer.

"Smart homes" are fucking useless.

>he pays money to turn his lights on and turn up the heat
>he can't use an egg timer

google kicks the shit out of alexa in natural language processing

but they're both silly


Do you guys remember that old Disney channel movie about the smart house that eventually became tyrannical?

I think that was a Simpsons episode.

I use Google Home
Voice Match is shit, I just turned it off
If you're using it for yourself do not ever enable it. For a family home, yeah. Definitely try it out but you'll hear a lot of "I couldn't find out whose voice I just heard"

If you're gonna use it for Music, You need Spotify Premium / Google Play Subscription / YouTube Red unless you like listening to playlists/radio stations. Not sure about Echo.

For setting alarms/timers, you can ONLY use their ringtone. The alarm sound is soothing, and timer is loud like a normal alarm clock. I find myself setting alarms using "set a timer at 8:00am" or whatever because of this restriction. Not sure if Echo is the same way

If the Google Home loses connection with your wifi it seems to not tell you about it, listen to your commands, and just not respond. Or something about not connecting to your smartphone. I don't know. I find myself resetting my Google Home once a week because of this. It's bullshit.

As for controlling smart devices, It does a good job with my WeMo switch. I have no complaints.

Both echo and home can answer weather, traffic, etc. so it's personal preference

In the end, it's which ever company you want listening in on everything in your home.

I can already do all that shit with my phone.

look up self-hosted alternatives.

Google Home Mini is great. I use it as an alarm clock, calculator, plays nature sounds, music, kitchen timer, task reminder, weather, news, phone calls, tell it to order things from Google Express, etc.

The sound quality is great and it's always on so you need not worry about batteries. You can share with other users but it will only use your account when it hears your voice so as to not save guest information. You can use it as a computer speaker and control the sound with your voice using commands like "softer" "louder", "10%" "40%" "volume 1...etc.

Go ahead and buy it on Google Express or

The speaker is better than a phone.

The speaker is better than a phone.
Not so. Very useful.

You have a brain tumor :(

My stereo with Chromecast is better.

What's the actual use of this crap?
>Alexa what is sexual orientation of OP today?

My echo is surprisingly much better than my Google Home. Voice recognition is more accurate and it integrates better with my other devices.

And for those paranoid NEETs bleating about "muh botnet" when you are carrying around a GPS device everywhere you go in the form of your smartphone - just stop it.

Why don't you buy a smart rope and hang yourself?

when did i say anything about a phone you fucking brainlet

none of my lights in my living room are controlled by a switch so i use this instead. also useful for turning off/on my TV, checking the weather while picking out clothes, and similarly playing some music while doing something else. not essential but it's fun and somewhat useful

that sounds like one sad life

>deliberately wiretapping your house

Are you retard or something?

Do you realize that you don't have to buy everything corporations churn out ? Just because it exists doesn't mean you need it at all.
This applies to smart watches, tablets, smart home devices, and to some degree, smartphones (if you already have a functional one)