/wdg/ - Web Development General

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Last thread:
Web development roadmap:
Master HTML, CSS and JS:

Code schools:

Code editor:
Online code editor:
Browser support:

CSS frameworks:

SSG based on Ruby:
SSG based on nodejs:

CSS preprocessor:
JS compiler:

Popular frontend frameworks:
MEAN stack
LAMP stack:

Backend web frameworks:

API query languages:

Web related conferences in 2018:

Other urls found in this thread:


Might as well use sepples for web development.
Even Csharp core has better performance except the lightweight part.
Use a real backend and stop being a NIH faggot that doesn't serve a real product to begin with.

>Csharp core
>real backend
>real product
sure thing, kid.

>getting upset over a language existing
peak Sup Forums retardation

Anyways meistertask > trello for smaller projects.

Fourth for pure PHP

Yet Another Project Management Tool #1452


>Even C# has better performance
Quite literally does not

All these project management tools and you're still here on Sup Forums without any products shipped.

Could say the same about you


>No you
kek hit a nerve

>still posting on Sup Forums with no shipping products to show for


Well it is on par. See benchmarks in previous thread.
Go is trying to bring back the internet to the 80's by providing C tier built in functionalities and the only good thing is concurrency which you can get in ASP by changing the method signature. It would be a lot more useful as an easily interoperable language for backends like a side bitch but even that would be useless as most backends can use libraries built with C AND many other languages.
err is never nil with golang

>See benchmarks in previous thread
You mean all the worthless blog posts that one guy kept insisting were valid?

>err is never nil with golang
It is a massive amount of the time if you're not an idiot, to the point where I don't even do error checks on function returns 90% of the time.
You've very clearly never used Go if you think it's trying to replicate 80s style programming.

make eCommerce single page app with react is a good idea?

KEK stay mad nu-COBOL

React is good for anything, it's just that good. Unlike PHP which is shit and reserved for pajeets.

Not an argument

how would I go about making this paged selection thingey with limited JS knowledge?
and does it have a name that makes it easier to Google?

carousel or pagination?

it's a carousel. It needs very little js knowledge since there are already libraries like owl carousel or slick nav.

Carousel I guess? It's supposed to be kinda like how you swipe to switch pages on your phone's homescreen

>owl carousel or slick nav
I'll check those out, thanks

Because you and have one?
Go was made for pantsu on head retarded google 'developers' just for sake of string operations.
Literally a language for playing with strings!
>no proper IDE
>dependency mangament a shit
>shit garbage collector
>no reason to use over well-structured web focused frameworks
>for retards
>shit syntax
>hard to mock
>C tier error handling
>lacks dozens of features like map and filter
>only basic types and not even algebratic types
>it is not as felxible as python nor is it powerful as C
That is not even half of it.

no language is meant for all use cases what do you think people are doing in Go thats hurting your emotions so badly?

Also, generics is an important one.

I am really interested in having a good OP, so don't take the following critique personally please.

If a link isn't useful enough to refer people to it on a consistent basis, then it's ultimately useless clutter.
Lets say someone completely new to webdev opens up the thread and checks out the OP.
What use is a link to Babel to him?
WTF is he going to do with mariadb.org??
Learn that a piece of tech with that name exists?

Literally the only useful links are beginner guides for newcomers and maybe currently relevant information, like the list of talks in 2018 at the end of the OP.
The rest is a waste of characters.

why advertise some other gathering place? Do you like that one the most?
What if everyone would try to post their discord or forum address?
>Code editor:
I too use VSCode, but there is no reason to single it out.
The OP isn't the place for personal preference
>SSG based on Ruby:
>SSG based on nodejs:
useless links
>JS compiler:
useless in the OP,
no beginner is going to read about Babel and Elm and those who might get a use out of it don't find out about it first from a /wdg/ OP
>Popular frontend frameworks:
>MEAN stack
why single out MEAN?
>LAMP stack:
>Backend web frameworks:
>API query languages:
All useless links
those 2 links don't even relate to each other.
So people should get servers from AWS? what's the reason behind that link?

>damage control
You wanted arguments and here they are. I didn't mean to hurt your butt.

>im so retarded, debate me!!!
This isn't the thread for language wars.

>Go was made for pantsu on head retarded google 'developers'
>he thinks this is how you discuss things with people
>internalize Sup Forums spam and regurgitate it

When I develop a react application I have zero problems with styles. I simply write import './component-name.css' and it just works™.

But as soon as I want to make a reusable library I have a problem: I need to somehow extract my styles, put them into the separate css in dist directory and somehow force user to import this css file when the library is imported. How do I do it?

Nothing at all wrong with well constructed, modern PHP. It's just the pajeet tier programming that has given PHP a bad rap.

Sure thing kid

Why is something like react useful?

Can anyone with experience give me a practical example?

It's good to make yourself feel better because you're making higher order components, but honestly, it's just a view layer and Vue.js is superior if you want only that, and Angular is superior if you need something with real functionality behind it.

React enables reusable components which means less code to write. There's a plethora of react libraries already available that you can integrate into a project. It's lightweight, fast and enforces good coding practices.

whats are your guys thoughts on WebAssembly and its possible uses? has anyone written a practical example in which its better to use it?

Here jlongster.com/Removing-User-Interface-Complexity,-or-Why-React-is-Awesome

i swear all devs need an alarm clock that reminds them to "keep it simple stupid" every 3 hours

Sometimes things get complicated.
#life #itscomplicated

so that's how we end up with redux react graph ql powered blogs

Gatsby is pretty awesome desu and far from complicated.

It's a great demonstration of the devs technical capabilities (and I'm sure contributing to the project is also easy brownie points), but it's completely unnecessary for like the 95% of people who are considering it for personal sites/blogs.

Seems like something that you could smooth over in a webpack config

Yep, I definitely could perform some random rituals with ExtractTextPlugin and get two files — dist/component.js and dist/component.css, but:
1. I don't want to spend too much time crafting proper webpack incantation. I hoped someone could provide a simple working example.
2. I hope that there is a better way than generating these two files. I.e. naive approach would require library user to explicitly require dist/component.css, but there could be a solution which would magically import it whenever the library itself is imported.

Just started learning angular about 5 days ago, learning about routes right now, angular 5 is pretty fucking cool.

What are some good projects to build for a greater understanding of angular 5/one page applications in general?


Meh, WordPress? I know that most people will still use WordPress taking into account its popularity, one-click installers and third worlders that know how to "code" aka installing plugins. Wordpress is a bloat, an outdated one at that with a myriad of security issues that keep reappearing. Ghost is an okay alternative but only tech-savvy people use it. However, we, the tech savants, should know better so things like Gatsby come in handy. People are offered choices and the sheeple will opt for pricey underperforming shared hosting packages and bloated WordPress themes and dozens of plugins. At times I feel pity for them but ultimately it is their own fault. They choose the ignorance manifested in the form of WordPress.

In my job I encountered a client with a json rest backend api written in bash scripts

I'm serious, they wrote an entire server in bash script

>Can anyone with experience give me a practical example?
Fuck no, that's too much work. Literally nobody in a thread on Sup Forums is going to do that. If you're not satisfied with an abstract explanation of it then you can go fuck yourself. The value of component-based systems for UI is self-evident.

well that's one way to encourage suicide

Sweet, what's the performance like?


granted it's iot, so the server isn't running on strong hardware

based on what you say that?

This xkcd is relevant to web development as a whole, the scene is a clusterfuck right now and I hope we all figure out how to make everything nice and simple in the future

What personal projects are you working on right now?

Noob here, what is a 'component' in this sense?

Can one or some of ya'll give a simple explanation of what Promises are? From what I understand you write in a Promise to make something occur whether something else returns true or if it returns false.

Tools like react, vue, angular, ember, and some other garbage are all easiest to consider in their relationship with the web components standard.

The idea behind web components is basically that it would be great if the developer could register his own html tags and then use them on the page directly. Like in the html5 spec you have an input element, and it has all kinds of behavior. You have a video element and it has all kinds of behavior. You have an 'a', and a 'p' and they do things. They're great because you can use them all over the place as self-contained ui components and do stuff like hang css off of them. They have their own presentational rules, their own javascript apis, their own internal rendering and lifestyle logic. So why can't we write our own components with js / html / css and use them the same way? Doing so would allow us to add to this library of useful primitives, and then my components would be available for use all throughout my project with a simple API and straightforward behavior.

As it turns out, this is a really simple and effective way of building UI libraries. Code reuse is high, complexity is low, and when combined with vdom it becomes very performant and prevents the spaghetti-code of explicit two-way binding. React, vue, angular, et al, provide different mechanisms and ecosystems for doing these things.

Situation: There are 16 competing standards.

>I hope we all figure out how to make everything nice and simple in the future
With uniformity enforced and no chance of variety.
A nightmare scenario.

>you write in a Promise to make something occur whether something else returns true or if it returns false

You write a promise to make something occur when something else is done occuring, whether that is right now or later.

const wait = delayInMs => new Promise(
thingFinished => setTimeout(thingFinished, delayInMs),

delay(100).then(() => alert('it has been 100ms'));

Should be:

const wait = delayInMs => new Promise(
thingFinished => setTimeout(thingFinished, delayInMs),

wait(1000).then(() => alert('it has been 1000ms'));

I don't test things before I post them.

function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

I mean, that's not applicable to the KISS viewpoint. Especially not in web where all these tools do different things in different ways, so there isn't "15 competing standards", there's 15 different ways to do things that depends on what you're trying to do.

Which is where I think a lot of people get confused because they're so used to just one standard and no other path, but the freedom Web allows is IMO the best part about it.

Check out my new PHP library

It validates form data on the client and server automatically. The catch is that it can only validate using regex, or check for two fields matching (like repeating your password)

I'm doing a course on Udemy and while I'm starting to understand the frameworks and different shit I need to use I still feel like I'm lacking in actual programming/vanilla js stuff. Am I going this the wrong way?

Yeah you're only stifling your own potential with that. Frameworks are nice and cut down on a lot of time but if you don't really know how it all works then you pretty much waste a lot of time fucking with shit that would otherwise be really easy.

people can still keep using their meme frameworks of choice. right now we don't have a standard, we have a huge load of tools being dumped everyday reinventing the wheel with little benefit and being embraced like the second coming of christ. all this hype just doesn't feel right, surely we could do better.

Thing is I don't even know where to start learning about vanilla js with actual real world applications. How the hell would I make things I can make with express without it. I can't seen to find a decent resource for that.

Dude you have to learn the fundamentals first. Please put aside your big dreams of large applications for about six months and learn how to write a to-do list or something basic in actual JavaScript so you can learn what the DOM is and event handlers and all that jazz.

Why would you not google this shit?

I know all that shit tho, at least I think I do. Maybe my understanding of vanilla js is different from the usual


Is a great resource, use the sidebar.

>Citation needed

But seriously, I just started playing with Golang. Set it up as a web server serving simple html page.

If I wanted to make a more complicated/interactive website, is that all I need from the backend? Now I just need to make the front end with JavaScript/PHP/CSS/etc?

What else should I learn for the backend?

>What else should I learn for the backend?
Server-side input validation

At the very least

So try to work in vanilla JS and build projects that you think can be done with that constraint. If you know all that shit then you will know what is possible and what isn't. Technically everything is possible with vanilla JS, you just need to understand how to build it and how everything interacts with each other and the web page.

Like a to-do list for example, it's a common exercise for a reason, it involves DOM manipulation and event handling. Have you tried making one before?

Do you think that a lot of these frameworks will become less relevant once custom elements become more widely supported, user?

not that user

There is still declarative rendering.
If it was just the components, then you could just use some templating engine instead.

Can I just focus on Back-end using Ruby+Python and still be able to buy my dinner? Front is 2design4me and these days everyone seems to want Full-stack overworked monkeys, which is insane from a beginner's perspective.

Here's the part where you need to do your own research and see what's in your region lmao

Just messaged someone on linkedin for a job. Pay is 45-50k/yr with lots of neat benefits. The owner asked if I wanted to meet over lunch. Problem: I'm socially inept and don't drive. I can already imagine myself dropping a plate of food on my lap, and especially stuttering when the bill comes, "uuu-ummm h-how much i-is i-i-it?"

What do? I can't let this shit hold me back forever,anons. I need to establish my life. Give me advice, pls. :(

chill the fuck out, stop expecting the worst
you lack social practice, you aren't legitimately retarded
so go get some practice

Google "how to deal with social anxiety"

any houstonfags here? how's the job market over there? looking to move after graduation

How do we end the single page scrolling forever cancer?
It shouldve ended in 2015

This code does not seem to pass the array to function
sortByKey(visitList, "visitTime");

I can see the logs of the visitList but a log inside the function shows nothing.
But if I call
sortByKey(visitList, "visitTime");

In the console once the page is loaded it works fine.
What am I missing here?

There are far more important aspects to complain about and fix than "single page scrolling forever cancer". Quite literally the least cancerous aspect about website trends.

Anyone here working with OpenUI5? I hate it

Here is the function
function sortByKey(array, key) {
console.log("key=%s", key);
console.log("x: %s, y: %s, x

mmmm no thanks.

guys I got a job offer from Canada

I'm trying to setup a web host for a public repository with videos, audio, the works. Can anyone point me in the right direction for building a dedicated server?

>building a dedicated server
Do you mean like hardware, like you're building the computer to host yourself? Or like a software stack to do that?

>dedicated server
Now there's a name I've not heard in a long time.

>OpenUI5 is an open source JavaScript UI library, maintained by SAP
>UI library, maintained by SAP
>UI library

Sorry buddy, you're gonna have to kill yourself.

>Server-side input validation
Why? Surely you build all that into the front end?

Thanks though, will take a look into it!

It's easy to send a GET/POST/whatever request directly to your server, containing whatever content they want, entirely bypassing your front-end code.

This right here is why self-taught programmers shouldn't be a thing.

>develop an SPA website
>self-tested, nothing wrong
>try to deploy
>some users says they can't open the site from mobile
>dig deep into the code, nothing wrong
>some users insists the issue persists
>ask users to visit a test page
>most users passed the test
>finally found the problem
>during ajax call, the XHR doesn't fire, returning readyState of 0
>haven't heard of this before
>>A Status Code of 0 means "the browser refused to honor the request."
The funny thing is, since there are other users using the same browser and they don't seem to have this issue.
It's the network, right? Have you ever heard of mobile operators screwing your website's ajax call before?

Modern frontend frameworks have a way of shutting that down.

Nice meme.