lol we all knew it... are you retarded?
Lol we all knew it... are you retarded?
Did you know that according to top secret documents the internet was not a grassroots but was in fact founded by the US governMent??
Scare tactics used by the US government, tricking people believing that secure software is insecure, so they don't use it, and vice versa - tricking people into using insecure s/w, telling them they can't crack i, etc (see iOS, something they always tell the sheep it is secure, when in fact it is riddled with NSA backdoors).
Of course nothing connected to the internet is TOTALLY secure, but it's important to establish the details. One could always assume that every technology is compromised, and would be right most of the time, but knowing exactly how is at least interesting.
almost none of pedo and drug addict use tor to begin with.
would all be valid concerns if the code wasn't open for everyone to check.
it's within the government's interest to keep tor safe. they also use it for their own purposes, so they need it to be safe as possible.
i don't think they really care too much about the drugs or anything
>i don't think they really care too much about the drugs or anything
It is well known that the CIA uses drugs money to fund many of their black operations.
>Pedos and drug addicts BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
Implying the government isn't run by pedos and drug addicts. Come'on everybody knows TOR is shared and run by CIA/FBI/WhateverAmericanIntelAgency.
Sup Forums exposed Tor to be run by the government years ago and you have to be honest and it wasn't even a surprise, if the trend is pushing shit like Tor or similar services - it's always rooted by the government and Intel groups.
I always told people to stop using tor because Tor allows to gather the "cyber criminals" and track them much easier. Same for VPNs and VPN providers are also made and/or strongly surveillanced by the government.
>Sup Forums exposed Tor to be run by the government years ago
By starting a secret operation called "Going to TOR's goddamn website"?
yes. It was a short operation.
Literally this. It has been public information that the government is one of the big funders of Tor, and Tor makes no effort to keep that from being known. The government itself needs things like Tor to do shit like transfer information securely or to help destabilize regimes who's internet is censored to shit.
laughed audibly at this
Wow, op is legit retarded
It's not even remotely a secret that most of tor's money comes from the DoD.
It's public information exactly what PART of the government funds Tor, and how much. The DoD funds tor, as it's used to destabilise islamic countries.
Tor is not compromised you retarded faggot but for you to be really anonymous and untraceable very good opsec is also required.
Nice argument.
Reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with wanting to lick loli cunny.
>Scare tactics used by the US government
>to discredit the software made and supported by the US government
In other news, both ARPANET and Internet are US government projects.
I can see you glowing in tghe daark!! >.
wtf I hate internet now
look into timing analysis
it's useless if the US wants to watch you
>US government pays private individuals to develop software that it uses
B-but Twitter told me I was a FOSS Snowflake fighting Fascism!
I sincerely thought everyone already knew this.
Tor, software written by cucks who are happy with pedos use their software, but complain when the alt right uses it
>he thinks that it really was made and supported by the US government because they say so
Huh, it works, who knew.
>are happy with pedos use their software
>alt right
The alt right are dumbest retards though. They want to censor other people but get upset if they get censored.
americans are all retarded
this is a honeypot thread baka
What? Tor Project funding is pretty transparent. It was made for a NRL contract, and is funded by US government. This is not news by any measure, and there's literally nothing wrong with this.
But why would US government fund tor? Does triple letter agencies use tor for secrit communication accross the globe with their spies?
This is common knowledge already isn't it? Tor owes its existence to the US Govt., Anyone who isn't retarded knows this.
The thing with free software is that it doesn't fucking matter if the spooks developed it -- the source is available and well-audited.
Why would US government make the internet?
Why would a three-letter agency make SELinux?
Personification of a large bureaucracy and assuming it's a monolithic entity with some kind of lazer focus on specific interests you find convenient to argue about is retarded.
This is only notable if you know absolutely nothing about Tor.
they also leave JS enabled by default in the TBB. use i2p.
how are things at Langley cia nigger?
I love this image.
Safe communication internally without worrying about spies, and safe communication with spies out in the field. Tor was a product of red scare paranoia and the government need a way to communicate with itself that not even reds could hack.
>initial release in 2002
>when russia was absolutely fine and relations were at the peak
>red scare paranoia
I sense a millenial
Ironic that there was more freedom of information when people were sending plaintext down the telephone line from one computer to another, compared to our world-wide digital utopia.
I guess all the internet pundits in the 90's were wrong.
ikr, if even Snowden recommends it then it has to be secure
Check'd, american government BTFO!
Nobody just cared back then. Wide adoption made the net too important to go unsupervised
That's the point you dumb fucking nigger
this much was know already. still, there's not much to see on it anyways other than torrents.
All the internet pundits back then predicted the cyberpunk future and mass surveillance. They were right, you've just had to listen.
Snowden is a Trumptard. He advocated for nigger riots during Trump election to help him getting elected by triggering the alt right. Whatever Snowtard says can be flushed down the toilet
>18 months later and still 100% SALTY
Does my roommate, being in eastern Europe, have to worry about this?
He accidentally downloaded some illegal 1's and 0's via tor.
This, freenet and private forums is where its at
>accidentally on purpose
Without knowing what he was doing.
He is safe, no need to worry
Based on what do you say this?
He is very worried.
>Pedos and drug addicts BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
>get raided by fbi
>during trial
>ask them how they found you
>charges dropped as they don't want to releases their 0-day, backdoors
>buy drug again
>a bunch of shit everyone has known for years if not decades
wow, it's fucking nothing. good ""reporting"".
What exactly was it he downloaded? Detailed description would be needed to guess his threat level
I don't know, user.
Even if tor is compromised, usa security agencies definetely not gonna share that intel with some eastern european 'ally'. Given how light rulings are in eeast europe for pizza (often a fine and maybe a suspended sentence) nsa would be fools to waste such a resouce just to get some nolife neet pay 2k euros.
T-Thanks for putting my roommates mind at ease.
You can say this, but how often have you wholly audited a program and painstakingly combed over every detail to make sure it isn't leaking or doesn't have a backdoor. How many languages have you audited wholly to find that they are or aren't compromised?
FOSS becomes a house built of straw when you're reliant on others to validate your security. PS is just the same, but you're reliant on the Government and userbase to hold the company accountable. The former, hypothetically, is more secure and the latter less so. But in practical matters they play in the same field of grey.
lol this
Nothing is ever 100%, if your room mate is not very intelligent and does not follow good security practises (like not disabling js for anonymous browsing ) or leaving trace of personal details while in anonymous mode then he is an easy target for all kinds of organisations.
This is and has been common knowledge for years. Hell it started as a Navy research project.
They fund it for muh dissidents or whatever they claim. Shit works for 99.99% of its users so who cares either way.
Of course.
>pol/ exposed Tor to be run by the government years ago
Pol didn't expose shit, it's funding has been common knowledge from day 1
Did the journalism leading up to this groundbreaking revelation involve visiting the Wikipedia article?
reminder that if you use aes+sha encryption you've already got nsa's big fat cock up your ass
care to explain why the standard is insecure, user?
Kek, what a fag
Well it's a good thing I didn't use it for that.
> searches for 'crypto' on thread w/ 80 posts
> mfw dumbasses aren't making the connection whose behind that too.
as you were
> until many years from now and the clear and present truth is posted hindsight after people are raped
Due to being insecure or just general usage somehow invites a cock up the ass?
>Yasha Levine
Why is 8 chan so fucking slow? The memes are near incomprehensible. It makes you jump through hoops just to post a damn reply. I don't see why anybody would use this shit.
I can feel it user....
>Why would US government make the internet?
How else would governments communicate more efficiently?
>Why would a three-letter agency make SELinux?
In case of tor you'd think that government would have some secret and secure ways to communicate. Tor can leak information (on exit nodes), not sure if it's best way for governments secret communication...
You're retarded.
Link a few of these audits, please.
No you people didn't.
Sup Forums BTFO
>be me
>be cop
>salary depends on crime
>have people do more crime
>get more money