Battlestation general /bst/

You know the drill
R8 H8 and masturb8 over your setups

Other urls found in this thread:

Going to live in a tent for 6 months soon. Enjoying my indoor space while I can.

Where's your gun?

i dont have one?

lol cuck

budget is as budget does

how to clean


improved my after some time

>being an amerilard
>thinks he is free



lol cuck

repostan, wasn't there already a bst?

t. soyboy numale

why are you going to live in a tent (for 6 months?!!!)

Just got this set up, proud of how it turned out


mine is the same

Shit forgot picture

Spring needs to come faster so i can clean all the things.

also part 2

Who /crt/ here?


What Kenwood is that, and how is it working for you?

TM-731A I use for shittalking and satellite work. It has exceptional sensitivity and the dual radios are very useful.

Just mounted a 1800x900mm block of sealed wood to the top of my desk so I'd stop putting burns in my old one

let me get that wallpaper senpai.

I like the desk , need a new one myself.

Looks comfy as fuck. I'm actually jealous of the space. Tidy it up though, you heathen.
Not bad, but the lack of leg room looks uncomfortable.
Get a file cabinet and use folders. Do you leave all your shit scattered on your virtual desktop? Then why are you doing it on your real desktop?
you should really have more respect for yourself than to live like that
Nice case
top comfy
Check this out (if you don't know about it already)
Your setup gave me flashbacks to an ROV control room
What's next in your project queue?
Nice setup, but you'd definitely benefit from a bigger desk

First time /bst/ posting, gave me an excuse to clean the garbage off my desk.

p sure ive seen you on here. dont you fucking lie to me

Once again, want more plants and new monitors
Productive start to the year nonetheless, hoping the best for everyone

Very nice
Good taste
2 more monitors for anime to be real
best yet
comfy light

>finally got a TV

just sold my desktop off so im stuck with this pc for a while. anyone know of a good lightweight email program or a web browser?

I, too, used a netbook as my main device for a few months. Good times.
Chromium worked well.



lovely tbqh

how about you turn your fucking lights on fucking cia nigger

I forgot to add my picture


Thanks for letting us know you smoke

I like this. What kind of speakers are those?

Infinity Reference 61i. They're old, but still sound great.
Sadly I can't (read: won't, it's impractical) use them with my TV, but that soundbar is surprisingly good for what it is so it's not too bad.

Do you broadcast on amateur radio?

Are the stands for the Yamaha hs8's stable ? I have mine on my desk and they are fucking huge.

Ah nice. Used to have a pair of old Bowers and Wilkins towers, but stopped using them in my station because they were just too fucking huge

Yeah I'm usually on the local repeaters and I catch a lot of the satellite passes.

What desk is this . Or is this 3 desks. Halp.

Don't hate bros.

I just got it all setup recently.


Hate it

what desk is this?

you again!

Christ I can't wait to move and get a nice big desk, after using triple monitors at work I can't go back to my single monitor, I'll either need to get a triple setup or some fuckhuge curved upgrade shit

your pad looks super comfy

DIY glider stabilizer, like basically the aelerons are PID controlled with the cheapest bits I can find

Yeah brah, got the one at the moment, legit just don't have a dvi-d converter

>>you should really have more respect for yourself than to live like that

oh alright

r8 n' h8

>Desktop Cable Management
>Windows 10 on a Thinkpad
>With a Default Lock Screen Image
>and a knot in the Ac Adapter
Keep fixing it user, eventually it'll be ok.

Damn dude that's a cumfy crib

Do you find your neck gets sore looking left to right all day?

So much porn at once


where do you put your feet

Well in front of the sub, or on top of the sub. Depends how i'm sitting

what's above?

What do you losers have your monitor brightness set to?


Photos like a year+ old, but nothing has changed since then. I'm a boring person. Someone help me.

>tfw I'll have more CPU performance under my bed than in my primary PC this weekend
>Ryzen 1700 incoming




Battle station



Hello Everynyan, r8

Edit it to 144hz you dumb fuck.

Nice audio setup

Republican's bogeyman checking in

Here is mine!

Very cute

I don't like the use of books for props, or the cat hair everywhere, or the lamp without a shade that probably burns the outside skin off your eyes.

Cool keyboards tho.

I currently have a 32 inch monitor, do you reckon a triple display set up would be too big?

But she's so cute! Worth the hair.
Also the lamp goes behind the monitors so they act as a shade and I find it reduces eye strain

Tru, very cute!

I have an IBM M2 keyboard I use for the head of my home server, I would totes use it regularly if it weren't for the fact that I only use Laptops now. Jelly of that feel ;(

What's that monitor? Looks great, user.

no one posts socks anymore ;(

It looks pretty cold in there, user. Hope you have a blanket or something to stay warm.

Y 2 phones?

it's win 8.1 and not a knot, it's the blow angle regulator.

o wait AC adapter, not AC. Christ dude you're gonna die alone if you keep neet-picking on everything.

Moving out later this month.

not overly, peripheral vision is a lovely thing