How often do you do a clean install of your OS?
How often do you do a clean install of your OS?
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Once every 6 months
When I feel like testing out 10 and then going back to 7. That's every 2-3 months.
Reinstalled windows and arch a couple of days ago
One in a decade
Usually reinstall GNU/linux every 6-12 months depending on whats new and how busy I am. I barely back anything up and enjoy the feeling of letting data go.
If it's not a windows.
3d emojis.
What a time to be alive.
>tfw still alive
never, the only reason to reinstall is a upgrade
last time i did it was went i installed windows 10 on my toaster, and i got stuck with it for a few months, eventually i installed a fresh version of win10
Fuck i meant windows 7
My laptop every 6 months, my desktop every year/year and a half, my phone every 1/2 months
y use shit? and i mean both so-called os's you are using
Before I installed Win10, I used to reformat and do a clean install every year.
I think I've only done it once since getting Win10. Especially now that I've been using an SSD for a while, don't notice slowdowns as much. Will probably do clean installs every 2 yrs now.
Win7 doesn't run on toasters
Used to switch it up every few weeks or so just because I was bored. Then I installed Gentoo.
What do you mean shit? i'm not into linux or other OS for now, don't see much of a reason to switch them , i despise windows 10, 8 is meh, i'm pretty used to windows 7, much more confortable to find my stuff in it, besides i use a toaster
Windows 8 and 10 layouts designs are horrible
>74 °C
Just stay calm user, the fire department is on the way.
once a 5 years maybe
It's a windows but I keep it clean by not using C drive for anything beside OS and choosing standalone/portable installations of software every time when it's possible. I guess it werks.
I don't clean install because I know how to properly maintain windows performance, unlike you retards who keeps installing/uninstalling shit 24/7
Also not having antiviruses helps
That picture is a few days old, here how my toaster is at the moment
Every month pretty much
oh shit nigger what are you doing
When a new lts comes out
Have you tried, I don't know, cleaning the fan?
Or maybe just placing your computer somewhere air can flow?
Also I'd start cooling that shit down because you're asking for some solder joint to fail, and since 7/8 of Sup Forums just pretends to know about hardware, you're probably going to throw your pc in the garbage
emerge -e @world ?
every time a new compiler comes out
Every hour to make sure i didn't get pwned
every 5 days
Never. Rolling release is truly great
Needing to reformat is literally just a windows meme because when you use a package manager you don't have programs leaving junk behind and dumping shit all over the registry and filesystem.
but anything running W7 becomes a toaster
Almost daily. I have two disk partitions so i get to keep my data, but i always end up wanting so Change the operating system.
Do you guys think i have some kind of mental disorder?
/spoiler/ im not a neet /endspoiler/
RIP computer.
all we are is bits in the bucket
pic related is my computer, do note that this is a 10 year old laptop
heh, right now i was checking some stuff on facebook, and it eats ram like a fucker
I actually tried to clean it up one time, but this laptop is such a bitch to get into the motherboard, so i gave up .
i used a guide similar to this one:
Meh it doesn't really bother me that much now, do note that this laptop originally only had 1GB RAM, and recently i managed to get another 1GB stick from a friend who salvaged another laptop
nah, just clean off all your smegma from time to time and it'll run fine
>shitty HP G62
I installed Windows 7 on my desktop in 2011, it still werks.
On my laptop I have Arch Linux, installed in 2014 I think, also still werks.
Honestly ever since Vista SP2 OS slowdown is not really an issue imo.
Why would I ever need to? I don't install bloat and apt-get update frequently. Is this really something you need to do with Windows?
I had the same exact laptop until I bought a thinkpad. I am honestly so sorry for you, user.
Whenever I change what my boot drive is, which certainly isn't very often.
No, delete some junk and defrag from time to time and windows will work fine for decades.
Also not having a trillion bloats running in background helps
thanks, now imagine doing a degree in multimedia (adobe related software, and design related stuf) for 4 years on this toaster
also i have a main desktop slighty better, but currently is fucked and i'm not sure if it is the cpu or motherboard, all i tested eventually focused of something being wrong with one or another
never. because I use NixOS there are never any orphan files scattered around in my system. it is always pristine