It's time to fight for youtube.
It's time to fight for youtube
This is for the demonetization of the videos
>Using jewtube
mfw americans discourage unions
quickly Sup Forums we need to save our ecelebs
Screw ecelebs, I want my gun channels.
germany gedding nazi again DD::::
I'm just wondering, how can yt have such bad AI algorithms.
Shit that we learn and write in college would work better than what they have implemented
And they say they are all genius programmers
>stop producing content
>other youtubers take their place
"E-celebs" literally have nothing to negotiate with here. There's literally a million people lined up to snatch their viewers.
Because Google have hired literal retards with barely, IF ANY, qualifications for the sake of diversity.
Everything from Google in the past 5~ years has been shit-tier.
Any changes they have made to things have been painfully shit, horribly written or downright broken.
Shit like Google Maps could run on a computer from the 90s. Not with Google it doesn't.
It got even worse in that recent update the other year. The sites stupidly slower and uglier, not to mention less feature-packed and unintuitive as fuck.
Youtube is near impossible to use on netbooks now. (even 240p videos)
The mobile site works perfectly fine. Desktop site is 2fps stutter for like 30-60 seconds for fuck knows what reason, I can't find it.
Gmail, remember that one update years back that made Gmail "really slow at loading up"?
Yeah, that was the "wrap everything in high-overhead library" days of Google. It still persists to this day.
Google are legit one of the worst companies around when it comes to anything software related.
Hell, to be fucking honest, they are one of the worst advertising companies around as well.
They are only where they are due to the same reason the Wii managed to outsell everyone: sheer fucking luck and a few right decisions.
That decision to make simple text ads and scrape the web with ads next to results.
They can't advertise shit to save themselves.
A bunch of useful things they have killed over the years were under the reason of "oh we can't make money off it". I could have made them money off it. Easily.
Shit like Google Reader and iGoogle, killed off because they can't make money off it. Can't make money off PEOPLES VERY INTERESTS. Yeah, fuck off dumb cunts.
Done properly, they'd be able to make a fuckload of money. More so than that shite Google+ ever would!
Unions are good when their core function is plausible in a free market. These people aren't worth anything because others will do it freely and willingly for less money or for free even. They have no right to be monetized by YouTube; every dime made by content creators on their platform is a gift, it is not employment or a contractual obligation in the slightest.
>fight for youtube
I believe they are going about it the wrong way.
Google's massive censorship of YouTube by ensuring funding for some things while de-funding other things (i.e a video saying the same thing about Trump and Hillary got uploaded and the one pro Trump got demonetized and the exact same video pro Hillary was funded) is a problem. There's a lot of other things that are morally wrong and problematic with YouTube.
I understand why some would see "fight for youtube" as a viable solution to these problems. But it's not. The only real solution is to not use YouTube. Creators would have to start another platform or agree to move to another existing platform and hope both their subscribers and advertisers follow. Some are already trying by uploading their videos to several sites. And some do the smart thing - which isn't easy - and by-pass YouTube by getting people to sponsor them directly (with advertisements inside the videos).
Youtube doesn't employ you you fucking bald faggot. The money you get from youtube is a reward for being a good cuck. It's the same as the people who fill out online surveys for 10 cents an hour, it's a reward, not a payment for your work.
>muh diversity
imagine being this autistic holy shit
Diversity itself is not necessarily a bad thing, however diversity for the sake of diversity is horrible.
It's not a "reward" though it's also not a payment.
If you own a billboard along the side of a highway then you've got advertisement space, a product, which you can sell to advertising agencies with clients who want drivers and people in general to become aware of their products.
If someone's paying you $10000 a month to advertise on your billboard and they suddenly tell you that they will only keep advertising if you spread political propaganda then that's problematic.
They need to call themselves a trade association because they are all independent contractors.
The virtue signalling of these people.
Fight for youtube? How about we fight to spread more and better ad-blocking far and wide to bring youtube, and every other site with an ad-based business model, crashing down in flames?
But youtubers don't have "advertisement space". Only advertisement space they have is their own videos where they are free to find their own ads, but then they get paid by the advertiser directly not by youtube. Youtube lets you host your videos on their platform, to incentivize more quality uploads they reward you with a % of the revenue that your video generates. Legally speaking it's a rewards program. They don't work for youtube, they have no legal right to demand anything from youtube.
So you believe in a giant conspiracy by Google where they illegally hire people based on protected classes for no reason? Don't forget your tinfoil hat.
One of the quickest way to identify if someone is a Reddit normalfag is if they unironically care about this YouTube demonetization shit. """content creators""" should just get real jobs.
>real job
>implying sitting in a chair moving petals with your feet and turning a wheel is a real job
>implying pouring liquids from one container into small cups is a real job
>implying standing in one spot and telling people the prices of things that are visible on the items themselves is a real job
Nah, let it burn. Everything went to thrash when content creators started to doing it for the money instead of doing it for fun.
Those aren't real jobs. They're for retards to feel useful and get handouts without feeling bad. The US economy would collapse if we were overrun by smelly homeless retards.
Time to contribute to Alexandria
Yeah wait and I'll just tell the people I knew at Google they were wrong and the people that suddenly flooded the company in massive numbers are capable programmers and not there just to tick a box.
Yeah, I'm sure they were wrong. Must have just been an eye-lash in their brain.
I'm sure they just left the company for no reason at all. Nope. Just up and left.
Google is a fucking awful excuse for a company now. Most people of worth left it and have started their own companies now, a few left the industry entirely because it is a massive clusterfuck of dumb shit like this.
Fucking poos especially. Qualifications amount to a summer course in how to ask questions on Stackoverflow to solve your problems and an introduction to JavaScript, Java and other generic-used-everywhere languages.
>transporting food and other vital goods, which is not only vital to the economy but the lives of people, is not a real job
>transporting children to school to ensure the prosperity of future generations is not vital to the economy
>paying to watch youtube-tier crap
Fuck off google shill
Ah, I see you moved the goalposts from "the company hires based on race" to "the old guard has left the company". What next? That they're controlled by reptilian overlords?
> It's time to fight for youtube.
No, it's high time we fought against it
Did you watch that video? They're asking for buttcoin payments to watch youtube-tier crap.
Where the fuck have you been? That shit is literally public now, people are starting lawsuits and everything
I've not moved a single fucking goalpost. The argument is still the damn same.
Learn to read.
Everyone left the company because of how shit it is with all the literal non-developers in the company, said non-devs being there to tick some fucking boxes and for cheap labor.
They are being sued for this. It's literally a legal issue now
You cannot argue against it.
The people suing it will win. It's fucking illegal to hire based on race, religion, age or sex. (among others)
The only case it is legal is when it is related to job positions where a specific quality is absolutely 100% required, usually race or sex being the top 2. But for generic jobs is it fuck.
ur mom gay
Are you retarded? The bitcoin payment is FOR CONTENT CREATORS. And the platform is open source, so you have no excuse.
It's great that people are able to dedicate their life to creating content, you retarded fucking commie.
Who the hell would create videos for literally monopoly money?
Ah, you're using the SJW argument where if a woman accuses a man of raping her, she is always right. Except instead it's accusing a company of hiring a certain race.
The better question is: who would pay money to watch youtube videos?
Not a certain race, excluding a certain race in favor of anyone else.
They've been caught out several times and are being sued for it.
Enjoy being wrong when they win.
Bookmark the archive link.
Why do you talk like a redditor?
I've been on that shite site in total of 7 times.
This is the only community I've ever been on of any significance.
Nice argument bro. Where'd you get it, shit?
When in doubt, call them redditors.
>Ha ha ha, I totally owned you b-b-bro!
Fuck off, cunt.
This is fucked up
That is retarded, Alexandria is not paid
Did he just say "Hello my name is, Jerk"?
hehehehe like you will listen to a guy calling himself "Jerk".
That laugh at 3:49
4:14 that stroke of the chin like commander data "when I stroke my beard, thus, does it not make me seem more intelligent"
Meh by 5:16 I was like "COOL STORY BRO"!
jesus christ a german called Jerk wants you to listen to his jew ambitions to make money
Jewgle vs "e-celebs".
Only good things can come from this.
and the piratebay exist for everyone else
>tries to accuse him of being a conspiracy theorist for bringing up information about google that's public and known now
>gets BTFO and calls him a redditor instead
and they say shills don't exist
Not the guy you're responding to, but this shit is hot off the presses today, and it was well known before today. Get our from under your little rock, buddy.
You're either baiting or actually retarded
You are now aware that the "moderate left" is exactly as fucking insane as you've been warned about
this is obvious bait
Youtube never did anything for me , I could never get a lot of subs no matter what , this doofus has almost 2 million. I can't even get 50. So basically I don't give shit about youtube or these high subbed assholes. Fuck youtube.
The first guy to propose the idea was a German actually.
you sound more pathetic than petty
your statement of your hatred is based on your hatred of yourself before that of the service
i recommend for delicate flowers like yourself
Ian is an eceleb
Fuck you bitch fuck your existence
>i'm bad at this thing
>People who are good at it are assholes
Anime website you fucking moron.