How much if a meme is this language? I hear its good for machine learning, but I dont want to mess with it if it is a garbage language
How much if a meme is this language? I hear its good for machine learning...
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I've used it for support vector machines. It works well. It has an api for keras so you could probably do done nice stuff with deep learning but it's new so I am waiting a bit as I've heard they are still fixing a lot of issues. Never used it for anything aside from machine leading but it had good applications in other statistical modeling.
It's good. Some industries use it. Python is more widely used though, even for machine learning.
I'm a grad student in economics and it's great for statistics.
>How much if a meme is this language?
Isn't pic related from an obsolete media player? I'm confused.
I wrote my thesis with it, and I found it really excellent. Works great for statistics and has wonderful packages.
Everything R can do Matlab can do better.
Not price tag though
Its really good. Used by the nonbrainlets in data science. An easy way of knowing if someone is a data science brainlet is by checking if they use Python.
Good for doing stats work. If it’s too slow, you can write backend in C/C++, much like Python.
price tag?
I love it it's the best for doing statistics
I didn't manage to understand it. Eah programming language has its own logic, but I didn't get it with R. But I'm probably a brainlet, as said.
I messed around with it out of curiosity once, shat out some graphs and shit of the hailstone numbers and haven't touched it since
It's excellent for specialized models. Not necessary for someone doing more basic things. Not worth the effort
Data scientist here, I use R as my main language next to SQL, I know Python but prefer R over it for most tasks, it's more idiomatic.
The ultimate drawback for a beginner for R is its learning curve, the last ten years have seen so many iterations of what good modern R code is and most books don't really cover anything but base R which is not representative of how any experienced R user uses it.
If you want to get into it read Hadley Wickham's R for data science, it's free and without Hadley's packages R would have probably gone the way of the Dodo some time ago.
*instantly tidys your data*
he's so sexy
and writes such good packages
I really like him
R is becomming depreciated. Machine Learning is moving to Python. There are libraries now like Pandas that fill in for Python's previous shortcommings.
well hes gay so u have a chance
stateful garbage, Pandas is the main reason I'm not willing to switch from R, nothing currently beats dplyr+tidyr+purrr
It's not a meme but I wouldn't recommend learning it in 2018.
Python is becoming more favoured than R in the data science world because more people know it and it's easier to learn.
You don't really know R if you are using any of Hadley's shit.
But at the time he wrote advanced R programming he had a partner.
>You don't really know R if you are using any of Hadley's shit.
Bullshit, hadley made lots of stuff that was unintuitive and idiosyncratic streamlined and simple. ggplot2 produces the best plots you can get with any software package. the plyr and dplyr packages are daily regulars for almost anything you do. the only great thing in R that hadley did not invent originally is piping with magrittr.
dplyr is goat
>made lots of stuff that was unintuitive and idiosyncratic streamlined and simple
Thanks for proving my point about people who use the tidyverse not knowing how R actually works.
The grammar of graphics was around before he was around. But I will concede that he did a lot of work here.
Completely redundant when you understand how R works.
The power in R is in its functional programming which the tidyverse has more or less done away with. I guess the 'new' R programmers will feel at home in Pandas which is what he appears to try to be building nowadays.
Just don't use Python and you're not a brainlet. R can mess with you but if you spend enough time with it, its really efficient
r works with vim. you can install vim and r on you're server, and you can SSH into it with your glorious thinkpad x40 and enjoy pure love. with matlab, you're basically forced to use a pajet tier IDE with a pajet tier OS
pic related, you can code R like this but not matlab
But it doesn't have a good substitute for mdply, which is the real GOAT.
Your post is just "look at me I'm pretending to be retarded". Hadley didn't create those packages for people like you.
As an actuary who does high frequency trading at a cryptocurrency exchange, I can I love R. Some people may say R is slow or bloated, but there are libraries that pretty much asses those issues of the pre big-data/machine-learning era; pretty much you just need to look at
>tidyverse has done away with functional programming
wtf are you smoking?