What's the consensus on Discord?

What's the consensus on Discord?

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Pic related.

i use it every day with no issues

Is ok.
Obvious spyware though, so retent from posting personal information.

Bloatnet with shit coding


Welcome to Sup Forums


Legit question. I've noticed that the more tech-savvy/tinfoiled people at least try to avoid it and sure, there's a lot of stuff going for them such as the service being completely free without ads.

>Sup Forums

>expecting rational answers instead of holy warring



It killed Teamspeak
I will never get that tightly knit community of online friends back, that I could just hang out with, talking, playing or doing whatever else.
It's literally the casualization of voice servers.

>lol did you see that meme I posted in the channel ?? xxDD
>lel look there are 300 other people on here
fug, i am mad

another thing I'm forced to use because everyone else does

What's preventing you from creating a server just for the people from teamspeak days?

Convenient Spyware. It's an honest trojan.

He's just being stubborn. The others have already transferred to Discord. He wasn't invited because he kept going on about spyware and malware, and "public" servers.

Nu-male trash.

If you're working for Discord and getting paid to get a consensus. Take note of your nu-male employers.

Teamspeak always sucked. It's all about dat mumble, newfag.

And it's bloatware.

Use it till the chinese bubble funding runs out and they're forced to actually monetize it.

but not for anything more important than shitposting and memes because botnet

Mumble was always top tier. Too bad most faggots never actually knew what it was, and just screeched for Teamspeak and Steam.

Is there any actual proof about their initial funding?

Mumble was hugely configurable so it scared normies.
I got told that mumble had horrible voice quality and I just replied you sucked at configuring it.

Mumble is a fat pile of abandoned shit. It can barely handle images, has shitty audio support on Linux, it can't even allow special characters in channel names.

Riot.im is better


Yeah this


Its shit, but everyone fucking uses it so your sucked into the mix.

Stop using it.

No, it's not. Riot.im is a cluttered mess of weird features, and you can't even private message without creating fucking Rooms. You cannot connect to IRC, despite it claiming you can, and half the time the rooms don't even connect properly. It forces a spoonfeeding bot down your throat that follows you into created Rooms, which is sketchy as fucking balls on its own. The notification sound is absolutely aids.

This is kind of like saying "IRC has terrible video support".


Mumble is a superior VoIP client, Riot.im is superior if you want similar features to Discord.

It configures itself.

>can barely handle images
Not what it's intended to do.
>shitty audio support on Linux
Your distro or hardware is bad. Werks on my machine.

You're on the Internet. 90% of everything in 2018 does exactly this, because it is an easy way of determining what is relevant to the average user.

How so?

He's being a hipster. Matrix is a decent idea, but it is so fucking poorly implemented and most clients are terrible.

Because they will just invite all their new "friends" over and ruin the closeness.

>create a server
>don't give invite permissions to anyone else

It doesn't datamine, has a better interface and you can host your own servers.

its fucking shit.

>is better
It WILL be better, but it has long way to go.
Right now its mediocre at best (i am still using it tho

AIM Phoenix is superior.

private aol server


Good. If a product is obsolete, it should be killed. Mad, commie?


the captcha for your post is part of it too

Its not because everyone does it it become right

I never said I supported it or agreed with it. I just understand it, and in their position I might use the same methods to determine how to improve the service I provide and/or help others do the same. It's a good way to earn a little bit of funding if you sell the information (which they claim they won't do without your "permission").

>implying I have to fill captcha everytime I post


>teehee! Le soy maymay!

t. Soy boy