Average linux user

Average linux user

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haha look at the funni face

how did you arrive at auch average, any method in particular? or are you just pulling it out of your ass

> muh games
> linux

That's a strange way to spell Apple.

>average mac user

What's the award for?

Windows users are the soyboys because they play video games.

> Average linux user
Not even kidding. I've become paranoid af, learned networking, cryptography, and lots of different stuff for all these years being a Linux user.
Shit bait, desu.

>average Linux user
>using closed proprietary DRM'd hardware that can't run open-source software

**average amerilard**

fuck that guy needs to brush his teeth. Jesus

Dude zoomed words lmao

Gento installation speedrun


profiling fags in "post your x itt" threads. needless to say, they probably are like that.

>Shit bait
Yet you still replied

I seriously doubt linux-hardened-libre would work on it.

average linux user doesnt run linux-hardened-libre


C'mon, Snazzy is a good person, unlike other Apple shils

This being is not human. Humans can't open their mouths that wide. This guy's dad fucked a snake
