Evidently Youtube has been censoring some channels. I cannot support censorship, so what are some alternatives that Sup Forums and Sup Forums reccommend? Thanks.
Also, threat to one person's free speech is a threat to all free speech. What channels it was is unimportant; Google/Youtube pajeets censored something. Unacceptable.
Lurk more before creating such a shitty thread, you humongous faggot.
Jayden Collins
Censoring is a political stuff, there is nothing with private companies you dumb fuck underage discorder.
Christian Thomas
Thanks for the help. Was only asking a question.
Brayden Perez
Just curious. What do you think about them censoring IS propaganda channels?
Oliver King
I live in the United States. I don't agree with a shit ton of the crap we do, but I think free speech is extremely important. But censoring videos of any perspective is hypocritical considering that we believe in free speech.
People should be able to think for themselves and form their own opinions considering (but never blindly believing what they see).
If someone else can be censored, then I can too. What if they changed their mind and censored anythng that disagreed with IS propaganda?
Xavier Stewart
>Censoring is a political stuff, there is nothing with private companies you dumb fuck underage discorder.
Ryder Morales
So why are you acting just now when they started censoring years ago? Because it affected you personally? Or is threatening to?
Mason Barnes
Man, I don't understand this particular bloc of Youtubers.
They’re all about corporate deregulation and the free market and how terrible government oversight is… right up until Youtube exercises its right as a corporation to tell them to leave. And then it’s "Youtube is a public good!" and "my rights are being infringed!" and "who will stop them from restricting my free speech???"
Like… my dudes, like it or not,this is the free market functioning as intended. This isn’t a liberal conspiracy. It’s literally capitalism. It’s Youtube responding to the needs of its powerful advertisers. If you want that changed, then… le gasp …maybe corporations need government regulation???
Leo Garcia
Tyler Martin
>…maybe corporations need government regulation???
yes but only to a certain extent. the debate on this can go on forever but the gist of it is that monoplies =/= free market. whether you like it or not, you need the internet to get by in america. you cant even get a fucking job at mcfuckingdonalds without internet access. since there is no internet equivelent to libraries jewgle can "monopolize" on this fact and shove their agendas down everyones throats'
Landon Morales
Just STFU, it is their platform, they can sensor wathever they want.
Mason Moore
youtube gone crazy again...
Hunter Scott
post in stupid questions thread then fagmuffin
David Collins
like how we can't post cp on Sup Forums?
Bentley Clark
Youtube doesn't censor anything. Now stop posting about this.
Daniel Campbell
>make rational argument >litter it with racist remarks and conspiracy theories but you were doing so good!
Blake Perry
jewtube does what jewtube wants politics mean nothing to me thankfully so the stuff i watch doesnt deal with censorship and to skip all of youtubes nonsense i use thunderbirds rss feed and watch everything via mpv you should do the same
Blake Hill
Jack Mitchell
Finally a straight answer.
Also pewtube.
Blake Foster
alternative to what? hosting videos? just buy a hosting solution. yeah it costs actual money to store and deliver video who would have thunk it. if only there was a platform that would let you upload hundreds of gigabytes of vídeo for free and then deliver it on a gigabit connection to anyone around the world plus offer analitics it would just be awesome
Gabriel James
Maybe they thought you were illiterate
Hunter Clark
They haven't been hosting beast porn since they were created. If you support free speech then you would have boycotted them long ago.
Luis Johnson
Werks on my machine Probably needed to spell it out for someone retarded enough to watch No Bullshit
Ethan Sullivan
took ya long enough
Tyler Long
you can start with hooktube.com
Basically it lets you watch jewtube videos but -no ads -no tracking -you aren't giving youtube views/ad money/anything -no global locks -uses your browsers video players -download videos like you could do in youtube-dl
Camden Powell
>elsag8 happens >OH SORRY WE CANT REMOVE THEIR VIDEOS JUST DEMONITIZE THEM >videos depicting feces and violence with syrines and urine >disney IP violations >OH SORRY WE STILL CANT DO ANYTHING
>disagree with something politicall >video removed >goy btfo
Benjamin Lee
pretty good argument to be honest. wonder why porn sites don't host regular content? too costly?
Benjamin Gonzalez
Soon we won't be able to discuss stuff like this >all information filtered by Google AI Soon we won't be able to talk about happenings >Chinese style censorship Soon YouTube will be ALL elsagate videos >the elite sicken the virtuvian man
Well it depends what you mean by censorship. Other anons have made the "its a company" argument, so I won't rehash it. But what about how certain right wingers discourage their followers from getting information from anyone except them? That's why Sargon reads articles to his audience: because he doesn't want them to go and look it up for themselves and that's why we get constant conspiracies about "the MSM". They're trying to cut their audience off from getting information from anywhere else so they can control what their audience sees. Isn't that a way of censorship?
Dominic Long
I don't think you should look at it as a threat to free speech desu. Think of it from googles point of view by making non ad friendly content you are directly attacking their source of revenue
James Cook
Already failed on its promises by removing Hitler stuff, then had a pants on head TOS. You are either a free speech absolutist or just when it is fine with you. Then their new design is very unaesthetic, innovative with cost mitigation, not too excited otherwise. Odds are they will keep your stuff on there but concerns are there. Then we have the issue of growth and creator incentives, nothing to see here as far as I know.
>pewtube Don't have much faith in this site, they took the bait on removing communism spam and justified it. Thus proving their ineptness, then there's the issue of the homepage, there's just simply more questions than answers for me.
This is the best option in my opinion, it seems to not be pure right wingers. They are fine with them, but other creators have came aboard which is good for the overall platform. Then they are built on steem which pays the creators and can be a good incentive to lure others over (although I personally don't see it sustaining and think the value will eventually topple due to it's worth just being market perception). The site is kinda ugly, but looks superior to bitchute/pewtube and then dtube has dlive which is decentralized live streaming for controversial streamers who are trying to make money through this new wave.
Jaxson Martinez
Charles Rogers
Is there anything more cringey than libertardians equating themselves with jews and the (((powers that be))) with nazis
Michael Morales
Is this Sup Forums?
Thomas Richardson
>expecting the right to have a consistent external ideology The right is nothing but "muh fee fees," which is why they can't get away from the supremacist label, because their feelings bias their reasoning towards things that preferentially advance them.
"I'm for freedom of religion." Does this mean freedom of any religion? No, it means if a Christian shop owner wants to ban a Muslim from their store, that's their "freedom of religion," but if a Muslim shop owner wants to ban a Christian from their store, they can't because, "by asking the Christian to stop practicing to receive service they're violating the Christian's freedom of religion."
The right's ideology is nothing but applying, 'Heads I win, tails you lose," to every situation and considering that "equality" since both sides are represented. So if a corporation wants to push a right wing agenda, that's their freedom, but if they want left-wing or even neutral, they're now "violating muh right-wing right to live in the fascist state muh fee fees so desperately crave."
Benjamin Jenkins
>he watches no sources he probably is
Chase Hall
Media globin and self-hosting?
Grayson Sanders
Nicholas Diaz
courts have determined that large social media sites are the public square, and as such are subject to the enforcement of the right to free speech.
Zachary Smith
Whole lotta intertwining (((coincidences)))
Charles Robinson
>Evidently Youtube has been censoring some channels. What's the problem? Youtube is a company, they rightfully don't give a shit about free speech nor they have any reason to.
Jaxson Cruz
Asher Sullivan
Jason Barnes
None. YouTube literally operates at a financial loss. It exists solely as a propaganda machine.
Joseph Sanders
Most of the people who shout "privet company" will cry when it's not in their favor, he ramblings of a hypocrite is irrelevant. Guy gets in trouble at Google "Privet company! People want NFL players to get in trouble "Free speach!"
Both or neither Idiots.
Chase Garcia
Brayden Parker
Lincoln Thompson
>watching youtube Grow the fuck up
John Ross
I'm stating that Most people who defend letting people go or forcing them to apologize Will shout "Free speech!" when the message is far-left leaning
They often support the guy being fired from google for a memo but When NFL players in uniform make a public display They defend it. I'm saying either both are covered by free speech or neither are, you don't get to have it both ways.
Jaxson Morgan
Well both are, doesn't stop stupid people from exercising their right to free speech, even though they should really refrain from doing so.
Kayden Taylor
i think what they are trying to say is that when a social issue becomes viral all the media attention becomes a left-leaning reformation. but when a company does 'x' which goes out of bounds, such as restricting speech (which is what happens in a big governmental system that the left continually promotes), they double talk and cry "private company can conduct business how they want." which is demonstrated in these posts here: past the parts where they ignore the fact that left wing politics and culture are already rammed so far down our fucking throats and the small reaches of right wing ideology are being silenced. >They're trying to cut their audience off from getting information from anywhere else so they can control what their audience sees. Isn't that a way of censorship? absolutely not. citing sources is an invitation to double check the work. to see whether or not a particular source is consistent with their journalism. more than likely, the people who go along and parrot discouragement of gathering information from other sources, already have their conviction that msm is 'fake news'. and anyone who is persuaded in not looking into other sources, is a sheep. >The right is nothing but "muh fee fees," you do realize it is the other way around, right? >dont say mean things. gay people are happy/ yeah, well ill call it how i see it. and it is by definition, queer. >"by asking the Christian to stop practicing to receive service they're violating the Christian's freedom of religion." this has never happened
Joseph Ramirez
Is that a problem?
Wyatt Turner
>2018 and not leaving JewTubw for d.tube and seemit platform lmao...
John Hall
How long does it take to get an account approved for dtube? I signed up a few days ago and haven't heard anything.
Robert Gonzalez
The first amendment is a right that the government is beholden to protect.
It is a God-given right. The government cannot take it away, nor can a corporation. What they CAN do is infringe upon your God-given right.
That is what is happening right now: Corporations like Google and Youtube are infringing on people's God-given right to free speech. A right that is expressly protected in the US constitution.
It is high time society started holding these people and corporations accountable for their crimes.
Christian Young
>reddit spacing >G
Tyler Gonzalez
Dylan Jones
>No argument >No argument meem ishyfd
Ryder Reyes
I was going to actually respond to your post, even agree with you, until I saw those things.
Leo Williams
stop telling lies or fuck back to pol. thats the trick. they only delete videos if you deserved it
You know what's also interesting? Major search engines, like Google, have buried search results for these stories about massive accidental conservative account deletions. I'm shocked. It's almost like there's a concerted effort to bury conservative viewpoints and none of this is "accidental" at all.
Jason Adams
Fucking CIA plants, get the fuck back to Langley
Joshua Jones
Fuck off, stop trying to shit up the board you CIA nigger
Zachary Torres
That site ltt Luke is creating I forget the name
Adrian Cooper
>conservative media Also known as "bullshit."
Hunter Sanchez
But you're fine with liberal media right? "Lies in my favor are O.K but are inexcusable when they're not" Before you bother, I'm a centrist. Fuck both of you and your lac of critical thinking.
Colton Jenkins
>everything's a lie! Sorry, but no.
American conservative media: "Democrats are bad" "Democrats are bad" "Democrats are bad" "Democrats are bad" "Democrats are bad" "Muslims are bad" "Muslims are bad" "Muslims are bad" "Blacks are bad" "Blacks are bad" "White Christians are under attack!" "White Christians are under attack!" "White Christians are under attack!" "White Christians are under attack!"
Liberal media: "Here's the news."
Thomas Green
OP just wait and see which platform Alex Jones switches to now that he is being flagged and losing advertisers on YT
Austin Carter
JUST TAKE THEM FOR WHAT THEY ARE A PIECE OF SHHHHIIIT be glad we got the free speech to do that.
Grayson Scott
Delusional and not able to be reasoned with.
Grayson Jones
Hey, OP, if you manage to find my post amongst all the funposting, VidLii is actually a fantastic site that has built up a quaint little community over the past year or so.
Ian Rivera
Nice effort, but this bait to too obvious.
Isaac Ortiz
holy shit imagine being this narrow minded and wrong.
Leo Cox
>quaint little community This is all fine and dandy, but what are the creator incentives and how far extreme can you go with content?
Brandon Robinson
What is this capital g you speak of?
Lincoln Wilson
fuck your god and fuck your american rights
Wyatt Morris
They have a partner system, and while there are still a few guidelines, it’s nowhere near as strict or as enforced as on YouTube.
Henry Robinson
So there are rules and then it doesn't advertise freedom ala bitchute/dtube. Then it doesn't have the attraction dtube has where they pay decently sized creators. Sell me on why vidlii over these two.
Blake Murphy
please dont post my extremely right site here to this honeypot thread to get blacklisted pls youtube.com/watch?v=nQ1ga8yuM50
Ethan Jackson
because of what they are censoring. Im ok with allot of what youtube took down in the post as its actual content that would either be illegal, or massively graphic. it's not a youtube thing. they use to go to oregrish now liveleak.
what youtube is doing now is just censoring ideas, which I do have a problem with.
Xavier Morgan
This is the rising problems with most people, problems are solved through communication, give-take and goals. If a problem exists and it's being ignored it usually grows and then gains resentment on the unwilling party trying to fix it if the other side is putting effort forth. The left is oblivious to the fact that they are making right wingers more compelled and feverish. Even if wrong, they become convinced the other side is afraid and it's no longer debate it's hostility and a call for battle.
I never see people complaining about youtube taking down gore, porn and other content of grotesque nature. It's the principles they were given to believe in via america/western society that are being denied. I wish we could move past this age of political dramatization and try to make better use of our focus.
Nolan Martin
>Spray paint "this person hates niggers and fucks kids" on the side of your house >you wash it off >"wtf muh free speech!"
Nathaniel Scott
Man this poster must be a really self aware person huh
Bentley Adams
>baby’s first strawman
Wyatt Brown
Please tell me this is satire.
Brody Lopez
>The Washington Post won't publish my article about how Emacs pwns Vim. >They're censoring my free speech, the hypocritical bastards!
Freedom of speech doesn't mean a private media outlet is obligated to publish anything from anyone, you insufferable faggot. It means you're free to start your own outlet for your bullshit. Go ahead and do that and I might even support it.
Henry Flores
ironic shiposting still shitposting
Elijah White
You've never listened to conservative talk, have you? Lucky you.
Chase Ortiz
>straw man the point was that it isn't 'censorship' on a private platform you fucking moron, it's an analogy.
Grayson Jones
Nicholas Wilson
It is explicitly censorship, it's just not a violation of the 1st amendment
Carter Flores
I've been using OGYoutube for background/turned off screen playing. Now it is blocked. Any alternatives (no root method for my device).
Jacob Lopez
Can we blame millennials for thinking a private platform is somehow now a human right? Youtube can remove all videos tomorrow, and there is very little anyone can do. Same thing with this stupid Youtube unionization. It's not a human right to make videos where you pet yoru fucking guinnea pig while humming iron maiden, *and* getting paid for it when you publish it on a private platform.
Mason Bailey
If only there was some way to remove regulations that a majority party could enforce.
Robert Bell
>Private company >Private storage infrastructure >1st amanedment Nope
Charles Lewis
>reddit spacing Does not exist. Christ you people are so fucking gullible.
Ethan Thompson
It's a public space at this point, watching videos online is near synonymous with youtube and same goes to be said with google. Then there is a barrier to entry due to the fact they operate at a loss and have thrown a mountain of cash to get where they are. The fact these aren't deemed monopolies is mindboggling to me, especially when you look at the nearest competitors, with youtube it's practically nonexistent.