What DE to use with arch?

What DE’s do you guys like?

install FVWM, nigger

started using cinnamon i like it so far

Fug a DE. Use a WM. i3 is the only correct choice.

KDE on Arch is one of the best experiences with it I've had. It's constantly up to date and unlike KDE neon the other packages are not old as fuck.


(I'd say LXDE, but LXDE isn't actively maintained and developed anymore)

Unpopular opinion: I like using gnome.

>LXDE isn't actively maintained
false but even if it were true it werks fine

Is it possible to be minimal with Gnome?
Like having a few hundreds of packages installed instead of thousands?

Openbox for now. i3 when i get a better monitor that's not capped at 1024x768.

Yeah. This is me. I want say gnome is 500ish packages, but idk for sure. My 721 is down from 900. I can only remove about 200 packages from gnome without breaking it. I like gnome, don't like the bloat.

>with arch

xfce here

Lol, do you work for toys-r-us? Where dat screenfetch doe?


KDE is best

I use XFCE, but I'm thinking of switching to a tiling WM like i3 with gaps.

How has the bourne shell not given you aids yet?

xfce is comfy


I'm going to change my shell to tcsh.

>first sudo pacman -Syu. Nvidia listed
>reboot and everything is fine
Is arch suppose to break a lot, or is this a meme?

Arch+MATE user here. Comfy DE is comfy.


actually I was kidding gnome sucks

but.. that's exactly why you'd use i3..

I hate the meme you're trying to force here. Tiling windows takes up way more space than floating windows because they don't overlap. I simply do not understand how retarded you "small screen is best for tiling" faggots can be.

Install Fedora KDE. Hidden fucking gem mate.

what version of mate? do panel icons disappear?

hi marisa

But maybe he's not gay?

hi nick

What's a DE?
I use the Apple's operating system that came with my 2017 MacBook Pro

Hi, you are using the Baghiraguic DE then.

mate-desktop 1.20.0-1. I removed the top panel and set the bottom panel to autohide, but FWIW, I haven't noticed any problems with icons.

you're using it wrong

Literal retard spotted


debian testing/buster, mate 1.20.0.
same problems in stretch 1.6. trash crashes in panel and panel add on drawer disappears then blinks back

also you can't make the panel as small in 1.20.0.

Took a job to swap a DIMM in a server at Toys R Us once. It was awful. Their useless helpdesk rebooted the server remotely and everything stopped working on the store's POS for an hour or so.

I use i3-gaps.Ladies, please contain your orgasms.

Fact: there can be parts of X clients (windows) that you're not interested in.
Fact: one cannot reclaim the space by simply hiding a corner with a corner of another window unless your windows are floating
Fact: you can always tile while floating but can never reclaim that space while tiling unless you float at least one client

get rekt, screenlet tilefaggot

Forgot to add I left with everything still broken after the server came up and showed the new memory was good. Scope of work complete!

English. Do you speak it.

I do; have you learned the difference in a question mark and a period yet?

i have
it was obviously on purpose and since you're not cooperative you can refer yourself back to my first post

i3 is good. Ranger is pretty good after you build some motor skills with it. I like to build my system using the ABS and use screen fetch while listening to music from SoundCloud with my custom script which converts the mp3 to FLAC so it sounds better on my much faster system built using the ABS with funroll-loops


>getting btfo by a namefag
>getting btfo by fucking jordan of all people


GNOME because fuck you I like it

Finally someone gets it.

and gnome likes your ram

So what. Also I'm not a ramlet

It will. Just be patient.


>t. Jordan
the only one who could get that gibberish

you're a gnomelet

Have you always been a fag?



Can the brainlets understand pictures better?
I understood the gibberish fine as I'm not retarded.

I don't like the sound of that. I regularly backup my xorg settings. Will this help?

>why the fuck would you do that, use case
>calls anyone brainlet

Gnome-shell takes up about 450MB and nautilus's tracker utils takes up 400MB when active. Sad, but true. Although, I do have 32GBs, so idc.

poorfags have to compromise, and tiling simply causes more compromise than not tiling. You really gain no additional screen real estate vs removing window decorations from any old wm.

>removing window decorations
sure you can
it's just more autistic and a hassle
i3 is [almost] ready ootb :^)
>press mod+space
>window floats
then you move it to your anus

tfw 32 GiB is barely enough in 2018 but it's the max my laptop supports


you don't need RGB for caps like these
convert -colors 255 +dither scrot.png scrotsoy.png
let's see how much smaller it gets

isn't that lossy? Eww...
I was able to reduce it quite a bit with no loss using pngout but that's not worth my time.
(it's on the left I didn't even feel like cropping as it's way past my bedtime)

I for one like having a DE login screen, I'm not very fond of login prompts or manually starting i3 from the commandline.

having to login at all is pretty antiquated. Booting straight into desktop is preferred. If someone has physical access to your machine you should consider it fully compromised anyway.

no if the pic is like what you posted before (and Sup Forums caps)
yes if it's a pic from /s/

Xorg settings are normally made on the fly nowadays, so no.

And I've had a stable arch install going since last July and have had several others before then. Things almost never "just break", a lot of it is user error. Know what you're installing and have things configured correctly and updates will be just fine.

but most DMs run xorg as root don't they?


What does using a DE have to do with display managers

I have to disagree. Not everyone is some 1337 h@xx0r. I'd rather have as much defense as possible. The more deterents you have, the better. I know it's at the cost of convenience, but still rather be safe.

>Things almost never "just break", a lot of it is user error. Know what you're installing and have things configured correctly and updates will be just fine
So, like every other system. Okay.

You might be safe when Chad tries to use your PC to check his FaceSnap account, but you can't be sure. Really comes down to how much faith you have in your hacker detection skills. I, for one, know I'm not very good at judging people due to some traits that I have. It's safer to be safe instead of sorry. For me login screens are annoying and not useful, especially since as you say not everyone is a hacker. You can just lock your screen when Chad is around and it's most likely he won't reboot your machine to try and get in, by your own logic!

>The more deterents you have, the better.
So I take it you have anime and shit plastered everywhere in your house and on your computer lol?

why would you use that bloat faggot

What I meant was don't make it easy for someone to just root around your machine; just because they don't know what a rubber ducky is, doesn't mean they don't know rm -rf /* . Also, you require a password to change bios setting and boot order. Encrypted your hard drive, lock your screen when your not on your computer; and configure some good firewall rules. It will be hard to hack your machine. You computer will still be vulnerable when it's on and unlocked hard drive, even with a locked screen. I know it's a lot, but my paranoid isn't for nothing.

No, I hate anime. I just don't want other people fucking with my shit. Fuck everyone who wants to compromise my shit. You'll understand it when you run production machines.

XFCE is the way to go desu.


Wait. I just got that. Kek. Excuse my autism.

Have you ever used i3 and do you know what stacking is? You are objectively retarded.

You got fooled bro haha epic

I'm sleepy lol. Shut up.

"Self-Portrait with Death Playing the Fiddle", by Arnold Böcklin.

fat cock


need to migrate from XFCE, mainly for the shitty dual monitor support it has. Even setting openbox as WM with xrandr does not entirely solve the problem. If you try to set the main monitor to the right icons and half the new windows get placed on the left. With pure openbox this does not happen. What do you guys recommend me? Openbox or i3? I don't mind switching to tiling and I use the pc to work, software dev, server management, kvm, firefox ofc.
I am starting to dislike to alt tabbing into 20 terminals to find the correct one or resize windows to fit the screen.

this, I used it before switching to i3


just tried KDE and holy shit is it terrible.
looks atrocious, hinders productivity, buggy as fuck.
why do people like it again?

Enjoy your autism OP, im.runming nothing but a WM