Prgramming language to learn

hey guys I was learning python but then I realize that only women use this language so now im discouraged to learn it, what new programming language should I learn now?

Programming isn't for misogynist

Real men program in assembly, anything else is soyboy shit


I don't really like python, but even if women used this why wouldn't you want to maybe work with the women that actually do program?

learn perl 6

If you code in anything less than Malbolge then you're basically broadcasting your womanhood to everyone

use matlab, everyone knows women can't into math.

> only women use this language
If it's a women language, why learn it in the first place? Hope you're joking, python is really used everywhere, has a module for everything you can think of, which makes it very good for fast development and prototyping. Don't give up on it if one of your buddies hates python. Anyway, you should definitely learn C, it's like a tow truck of programming languages, manliest of them all

python is for scripting statistics, javascript and ruby are the woman languages

Ruby is for women, python is like a penis and is manly

Women don't use python. Python is super easy and they still can't do it.

yeah ruby is more gay than python. I really doubt women can use python beyond the most basic bitch levels anyways. ask a women to even use lambda or generators or a list comprehension and her water will break and she'll be out for 9 months maternity leave.

the joke is that this is something some women actually say, switched up.

This is really weak bait. But I'll bite. Don't learn programming. Computers are a mistake.

Html is the woman language.

women like javascript too but again they can only handle basic bitch levels. and their involvement along with gays and soys is what makes front end web dev so cancerous.

Html was my babby first language when I was 11 so go figure grown women love it.

Women should do basic bitch level stuff like css stylesheets and let men do the real manly stuff like use python.

Bitched love a man with python.


>realize that only women use this language
Yeah that's why it's so popular among Physicists and Astronomers. Two fields known to be flooded with women.

Honestly this, go into trade of some sorts
this whole industry is fucked

I-i-is that a teletype?