Is this your favorite anime, Sup Forums?

Is this your favorite anime, Sup Forums?

One of them, sure.

Unfortunately for you the mods have taken a dislike to everything /cyb/ and few animes are more cyberpunk than this.

no, that's not mlp

Am I supposed to know what that is?

H-how did you g-guess? Been spying on me, user? Do you glow i-in the dark?

"just a little bit"


I don't watch anime.

Serial Experiments, right?

I watched ep1 and it was way weird, so didn't continue. Should I?


lain a shit

If you consider the first episode "weird" then it'll get massively weirder for you going forward. It's worth watching for the memes, don't forget to check out lain community outside of Sup Forums after you do. It's part of the experience.

No, Texhnolyze is.

you can't really compare lain and eva. i liked them both. lain wierded me out a bit, though.

Real brainmen love Eva AND Lain




Tip of the hat to my fellow r/anime narwahls!!!!!

Kirino a cute!

The word is a perfect description, only a brainlet would react negatively.

You came to the wrong neighborhood buddy.

>dislike to everything /cyb/


Nobody knows why, we just see /cyb/ threads are killed off, pruned or deleted it says. Rather sad, /cyb/ really was a comfy place and got a pretty good FAQ going. In fact there now are 3 FAQs on the FTP site.

Anyway, another /cyb/ and comfy anime is YKK. Pic. related.

what is this?

Just leaving my anime rating list for anyone interested.

>Chinese cartoons

No thanks

>Am I supposed to know what that is?
It is in a cartoon format, but far more sophisticated than almost anything Hollywood managed to produce in the realm of sci-fi lately. If you are interested in the genre, you are only missing out. No, this isn't Yu-Gi-Oh or similar landfill.


>far more sophisticated than almost anything Hollywood managed to produce in the realm of sci-fi lately
holy shit, lainfags are so delusional

>posting on a anime site
>not liking anime

Literally leave

I come here for the brutal honesty, shitposting and anonymity.
If you want to discuss anime, go to /a7


You better pray we never meet in person or you'll be walking home with a katana up your ass

You came here for those but you gotta accept the fact that the site has a deeply rooted culture of anime.

Noone can deny it. Realistically, one in fifty posts on Sup Forums are anime related.

YKK you mean? It is the normal abbr. for Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, literally translated as "A Record of a Shopping Journey to Yokohama". It is a comfy story (manga lasted 2 years!) that takes a lot of sudden turns, such as the main character not being what she first appears as. There is also a sudden leap into Cyberspace which is what the picture shows, where is in direct neural contact with a pulse jet powered sea craft.

The story is full of mysteries that were never explained. A lot of melancholy so you have to be prepared for some truly major feels here.

>(manga lasted 2 years!)
Bah! That should of course be 12 years.

>no one mentions Ghost In The Shell Season 1 & 2. I watched both season at least 4 times already.

I'm currently watching Westworld in 4k over again before the normies shit the show up in season 2.