Wow! What a great resume!

>Wow! What a great resume!
>Mind if we check on your Facebook and other social media accounts?
>What do you mean you don't have any?
How do you respond?

Other urls found in this thread:

I take my security and the one of your company very seriously

I have more important things to do such as calling people niggers on an Indonesian basket weaving forum while pretending to be discussing videogames

fuck, this isn't Sup Forums

Isn't this illegal?

are you so sure about that?

no, most companies check your social media

I challenge them to find anything other than my LinkedIn profile. I'd be impressed if they discovered my online handles, but even then there's not much there.

Sure you can check my Sup Forums account

Why would it be, it's publicly available information.

Then why didn't The New York Times check Quinn Norton's Twitter account before hiring her?

That's a lot of (You)s
You're hired!

They'll have checked that *before* calling you for an interview.

>I see you are a dedicated bane- and whirrposter
>Want to start tomorrow?

Yeah sure, go ahead. Although you already did, as my recent visitor list on linkedin told me...

I don't use social media because I don't like wasting my time with it, I prefer to spend my time being productive :)

When do I get the job

>what do you mean?
Exactly what i said. Did İ fucking stutter?


>What do you mean you don't have any?
are you hard of hearing bitch? also lay off the tanning bed, you look like a shriveled onion

>being productive
sorry you wont be a good cultural fit


>we will be in touch

I'm not interested in it

I do not use social media as it is a botnet designed to harvest huge amounts of personal and corporate information for the dual purposes of governmental and corporate espionage.

4682 ban evasions?! Very impressive! Welcome to Anonymous!

You can have the password to my (alternate) facebook account. But im not very active on it. i prefer reading and spending time outdoors.

Besides with all the racism and pro-trump garbage that has infested social media id rather stay strong of mind and do more productive things with me time"

-This is how you'd answer this question.

I don't know what facebook is or what it does sorry

Certainly. My insta account is 69Hitler69.

I am professional so I only need LinkedIn account.

>still posting on a Nicaraguan latex distributor interface
Who are you fooling?

Ok user, so far so good, the last thing on the agenda is the EQ test. Let's see if you can handle conflict between some of our fellow lady coworkers!

>I don't have any use for them. I keep in touch directly with (chat app here) and my family doesn't know how to use it anyway
>I also don't have enough time to post stuff with my work and hobbies/workouts
>I don't agree with their Privacy Policies
Just don't go full autismo with your answers.

>In a laboratory study using a within-subjects design, participants completed the EQ-i and the MSCEIT in two sessions. In the first session (i.e., the ‘applicant condition’), participants were given a job description and asked to respond to the EI measures as though they were applying for that job.
>Participants returned 2 weeks later to repeat the tests in a ‘non-applicant’ condition in which they were told to answer as honestly as possible.
> participants were more likely to be selected based on their applicant condition EQ-i scores than their non-applicant EQ-i scores

What were you doing on that h/aco but even more warped that we can't find it board?
>Psst, he was on /x/, quick, call our contact.

what is the minimun acceptable hate comments per second?