/umg/ - Unix Minimalism General

This is a general for discussing software minimalism and minimal software for Unix and Unix-like systems.

>What is software minimalism?
en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Minimalism_(computing)

>Why software minimalism?
- Fewer bugs
- Better performance
- Lower memory footprint
- Better maintainability
- Higher scalability
- Longer software lifetime
- Prompt delivery
- Smaller attack surface

>List of minimal OSes and distros

>Useful links
github.com/mayfrost/guides/blob/master/INITIATION.md (Guide to installing CRUX and Source Mage)

Alternative to Bloatware v1.2 pastebin.com/9NtiV5MB
Pure ALSA pastebin.com/yKhgKt8r

Protip: If you aren't comfortable with the terminal or aren't proficient with GNU/Linux, this thread isn't for you.

Other urls found in this thread:


Comparison of WM ram usage

Fucking faggot

I love you!

>7KB png for black text on a white background
Bloated. Optimize that shit.

How about the bigger ones for camparison? The ones in KDE or GNOME.

Pretty sure those stats are not up-to-date anyways.
If someone is bothered to make a new one should include way more infos.

Daily reminder that GNU Bash is bloat.

Indeed. Use mksh. Has tab completion and history similar to bash, but is WAY lighter


So which one of the list. I am bored and want to try one. I heard of slackware in the past. Is that a good start?

ksh93 has better programming features

It's also heavier than bash from what I can tell

ksh93 is lighter by 2 MB than bash, at least on my machine

I have always wanted to get into this but I can never seem to make my tiling wm look decent or have the same functionality as unity or KDE.


For me, tiling WMs work great on my desktop, but shot the bed when it comes to laptop specif features, like handling the backlight or media keys.

You should use something like xbindkeys to handle that, and xev to find out the actual name of the media key when you press it

what's the WM?

any idea how much is Dunst notification daemon useful?


>tfw using UNIX V7
>tfw bugs eerywhere
>tfw doesn't scale
>tfw no TCP/IP
At least it's 1/4 the size of an empty Electron distribution

I'm debloating macOS Unix. Already replaced bash with zsh and uninstalled other bloatware. I'm not sure which other apps are made by GNU. How can I find all GNU apps?

I know make is GNU make. Replace it and everything ever breaks, though.

whats the point?

So, do all Linux autists want to fuck little boys?

No, I want to be fucked as a cute boy

Oh, you meant disk space? Yeah, ksh is bigger. But memory usage is significantly less.

little girls here

Wallpaper name/author?

>hating on GNU
I told you OP, the shitposters came here and you are letting them do whatever they want.

Hating on bash is a meme, is better for a production environment, for home use of course may not be the same.

GNU is a project of several programs, not just bash, not just the coreutils, there is more. It has minimalist projects like GNU RCS, GNU recutils, GNU Libmicrohttpd, GNU Stow, GNU Zile, etc. If you dare to say any of those are not an alternative to a more bloated software, then you are in the same situation as bash.

Stop this anti-GNU shitposters OP, or change back the name to GNU/Linux Minimalism Thread.


little boys are /minimal/

More specifically, I think we should get rid of the anti GNU shitposters but not change the name back.

backlight controls "just werks" on my laptop regardless of wm, not sure if i did anything to get it that way though.
as for XF86somethingkeys just map those to whatever command you need it.
like the other poster said, xev can tell you the names

The title is bloat, if we change it to /minimalism/ maybe we can include more people without being specific to GNU/Linux. Hell, I dont care is macfags and winfags are here, but the anti-GNU shitposters WILL BRING license wars.

If we let everything minimalism enter this thread wouldn't be a bad thing, I would love to see minimalism beyond software and into hardware. But I dont know, that is just my opinion.

I'm more inclined to keep it open-source minimalism. If you can cherry pick features then it's not very minimal. Also one of the goals of minimalism is reduced attack surface.

any tips to debloat debian? sitting on ~1000 packages with my setup, gues it will go down after i switch from xfce to i3/bspwm, haven't found good config to use on it yet

How easy is it to replace GNU coreutils with busybox on CRUX? I see that there is a port of busybox, is it as easy as just installing that port?

bash a shit.
Almost every useful feature it has has been imported from ksh and the best ones are still missing (multidimensional arrays, for example).
The only good thing it ever did was replacing csh as the default shell in poorfag OSs that didn't ship Kornshell.

>GNU RCS, GNU recutils, GNU Libmicrohttpd, GNU Stow, GNU Zile
Literally no one (except GNU/Zealots) uses those.
Everything but coreutils, gcc, bash, and glibc is so irrelevant it's not even funny.

>is better for a production environment,
Why? Because it's slow and full of non-standard features?

>GNU is a project of several programs, not just bash
Only GNU bash was mentioned though.
And GNU software does have a pattern of bloat. Bash, glibc, coreutils, Gnome, Emacs, autotools, info, gmp, ...

Stop the anti-minimalist GNU shitposters

Ok I agree, maybe is just the title that bothers me that is why I want it debloated, I dont like to welcome shitposters. There is already a explanation in the OP that we discuss minimalism in Unix. Maybe generalize minimalism in open source to include other open source platforms? Like, not putting the focus on Unix so you dont give an excuse. I am the user who likes FreeDOS btw, that's my bias.

Package count is not an account for bloat. A software can be split into several packages so you only need to install what you want. This increases the package count and is the opposite of bloat.

What's ironic is that GNU people appear to be whining far more than anti-GNU people in these threads..
Nobody brought up licenses until you did.
Also, I will not be "stopping people" or "getting rid of people". That's a CoC mentality.

On a much lighter note though, Zile looks pretty good. I can't wait till they actually release the "lightweight vi clone"!

>tfw the shitposting starts

I thought of open source so we could include open hardware, like raspberry pi and arduino but I guess other software platforms are fine too.

I was dead serious, that was not meant as a shitpost.

Arduino is the least minimalist MCU platform choice you can make.

>i-it's just shitposting

>Unix minimalism
Is here actually anyone using Unix?
Isn't it dead since about ~40 years?
What is this unix posting meme anyway?
>Unix here, unix there, unixporn, unix minimalism

Listen here faggots. Unix is a dead system. Nobody uses it except that one guy who will reply. UNIX is a trademark, you can get certs for it like Apple did for macOS. There's also no need to glorify Unix or UNIX. Unix was a proprietary system. UNIX means 'let's sue the shit out of everyone'. Unix was shit. UNIX is shit. Stop the madness.

that's not what i meant, looking for useless preinstalled stuff, had to remove libreoffice and all that shit, though i guess most of it came with xfce

Thank you for listening, I am holding it back not to answer shitposters but damn they like to throw bait.

This gotta be the most useless general on Sup Forums right now. It won't be long until people turn it into a desktop screenshot circlejerk showing 1 MB RAM usage.

I told you OP. They want to nuke this thread now.

Can't touch the speccy threads.

I see. Wouldn't be easier to start from a minimal install? Also 1000 is pretty low for Debian. Your system is much more minimal than a ~800 packages Arch or Gentoo install.

Wow, the autism that gets unleashed when someone insults GNU

Calm yourself.
"Unix" is in reference to free operating systems that function in a very similar way to UNIX, and could be considered as clones. This would be the various distributions of GNU/Linux, as well as the free and open-source operating systems based on BSD Unix, and a few other niche systems.

Don't give them your (You)s.

Since you cannot post your degenerate pictures anymore, and I hope the feds are on their way to your basement, might aswell post apple shilling images to refect your personality more.

is this the new desktop thread?

Hey Sup Forums, what's the best minimal and lightweight Unix without bloat?

The OP should say "Linux", since it's a more minimal and universal description than "GNU/Linux".

high sierra ofc OwO

Linux is a kernel.

>UNIX is a trademark

>not pirating the trademark and using it how you please
>being an IPcuck

...or a term for a OS based on the Linux kernel.
It's pretty clearly from the context.

Like Android?

I dont like apple. I just like Windows even less.
On the Linux side, i'd say either Gentoo or Alpine. Alpine is a distro that uses musl and busybox, which are very lightweight. Gentoo obviously has the advantage of customizing your system with USE flags and such, and I think they have a Uclibc install option. Also, neither of these use Systemd (Gentoo has it as optional).

On the BSD side, I hear that Open and Net are the lightest of the three. The suckless/cat-v types seem to really like OpenBSD in particular.

Android isn't Linux.

This is the exact reason why I try to say GNU/Linux. Distance our systems from relation to Jewgle


It contains the same amount of Linux as GNU/Linux systems: the kernel.

Android is Linux.
I have bash installed on my phone.

It has some nice minimalist stuff like bionic

But saying GNU/Linux also distances you from Alpine, gentoo, etc..

Gentoo afaik is typically GNU/Linux, aside from some optional alternate libcs.
But overall, I get the idea of what you're saying. Maybe we need a new name for this. Something that keeps it from being related to Jewgle botnet, but without the occasional inaccuracies of calling it GNU/Linux.

BASH is BASH. Linux is Linux. Android is Android. I know it's hard.

Maybe it's Unix?

>Gentoo afaik is typically GNU/Linux, aside from some optional alternate libcs.
Gentoo devs intentionally chose to not call Gentoo GNU/Linux.
And they aim to let the user choose non-GNU alternatives as much as possible.

>Linux is Linux
So we should only go with the most used best known definition?
>Linux (/ˈlJnəks/ LIN-əks)[9][10] is a family of free and open-source software operating systems built around the Linux kernel.

>Even the Linux kernel devs call it the "Linux kernel" instead of just "Linux"
>Linux is a kernel

I have bash installed in my mac, does it mean I'm using Linux?

It means you're running GNU/Mac

I agree with this.

Linux (GNU) is basically FreeBSD (Unix) developed by Nintendo.

htop and top are too bloated. Which switches do you use to make ps nice?

every system using the linux kernel can be called linux. Not every system is free, as in free beer + freedom, so not everything can be called GNU/Linux.

This leads to a question. What is more important for minimalism less disk space or less memory usage?

Reminder that if you can't mirror your set-up on a Pi you're not really minimal.

Not him but why not both? But, if I had to privilege one, I'd say loc (disk space) is the most important count.

I like how you think.

I made a guide on how to compile the kernel with options to debloat in extreme ways and more gentle ways, you can mix options to suit your needs github.com/mayfrost/guides/blob/master/KERNEL.md

Also I updated the guide on installing CRUX and SMGL, trim it a little by leaving only Lilo as the bootloader of preference put bootloaders in its own guide. Also the package management commands of CRUX and SMGL are in another guide called distros.

There is more guides in there like IRC and I am preparing more. Feel free to contribute your ideas, everything is in FDL.

Is it really necessary to make this a general? Why can't this just be discussed as an independent topic?
I thought this too, so I switched to rc. Then I switched back to bash, because I realised I depended on history (reverse-i, !!).


I like this general, made me contribute to work and help other anons.


On the shell mem usage topic, here's what they use for me, from what htop showed.
mksh . . 4664 . 1660 . 1464
bash . . 11568 . 3624 . 3140
ksh93 . 16884 . 3236 . 2896

alpine is far more minimal than gentoo

Doesn't the Pi shit itself the second you try and do anything above the level of the framebuffer TTY?

What's the most minimal way to install latest KDE?

Different on my machine.

nah, people run emulators and shit on there.