/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

The New Cabal Order edition

Previous thread >GREAT NEWS
A minor rTorrent exploit has netted some faggot $4K in crypto. arstechnica.com/information-technology/2018/03/hackers-exploiting-rtorrent-to-install-unix-coin-miner-have-netted-4k-so-far/
The vulenrabilities are 'No authentication required for XML-RPC communication' and 'Sensitive XML-RPC method is allowed'. Not enabled by default. ISHYGDDT.

All versions of uTorrent 3.x BTFO. While 2.x also exhibits these entrypoints, at worst a highly specific crashing prank works.
Set net.discoverable to false under Advanced and disable WebUI, and restart your client.

Allowing 2.x: HDB, BTN, PTP, AHD, BIB, GGn, APL, MAM, JPS, BakaBT
Barring old versions: RED, AB, OT, IPT

If this concerns you, consider switching to
↳queueStalledmeme: qbforums.shiki.hu/index.php/topic,3224.0.html
↳Deldonteventhinkabouthavingover100torrents: github.com/Laharah/deluge-uTorrentImport
↳Transmission: github.com/mikedld/bt-migrate
↳Headless Autism: btpd, transmission-daemon + Remote GUI
↳Non-curry: rTorrent

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/thLgSkNE
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


first for qgodtorrent

second for updated blacklist:
Allowing 2.x: HDB, BTN, PTP, AHD, GGn, APL, JPS, BakaBT, MAM, MTV, The[Geeks|Vault|Place|Empire|Occult|Show]
Barring old versions: RED, BIB, AB, OT

Yes. Stupid decisions, overall incompetent people, faggotry on fanservice space and not so comfy rules made AB from pathway to cabal to curry house.

aldy was unironically the best mod AB ever had. Blossom was fine too.

Transmission is a good client. ESPECIALLY with the based remote UI. Why is it no recommended more here?

But BIB is allowing 2.x.

nothing wrong with transmission and anyone saying otherwise is just a memer

I just copied and pasted. sorry. Please add it to the next OP guys

faggot OP

>attempts to turn back the clock
It's 2018

Do you think when they finally shut down all the private trackers people will just start mailing each other hard drives or something?

I hate Japan for what they've done to us during WWII. Is AnimeBytes the perfect tracker for me?

this is what we need. more demonotaku. really good thinking, user


Thumb drives
OT would be perfect for you

>obsessed with events from 2016
your opinion really matters to me

Maybe AHD isn't dead. Maybe it is just undergoing a new BP system.

>Barring old versions: RED, BIB, AB, OT
Emp is missing.

>Due to the recently discovered security vulnerability affecting uTorrent we are no longer going to allow uTorrent 3.0 or above starting on the 5th of March. Older versions of uTorrent may no longer be allowed at a future date.

Tell me user, why haven't you made the switch yet? Choose LFTP today and enjoy the superior performance of tomorrow!™


That dress does not go with that hat. Just saying.


>A grand total of 47777 torrents have been uploaded, with ONLY three more days to go, we are perfectly capable of reaching 50k perfect FLACs!



based as fuck o is cool




global freeleech never bros

ass the headphones? explain this meme, please


t. sadistic

qBittorrent is the Lord's client.

>Transmission is a good client. ESPECIALLY with the based remote UI. Why is it no recommended more here?

Because some people can't stand the basic UI and how it doesn't run well on Windows right now unless you install the discontinued Qt version or the custom 2.77 Daemon by cfpp2p

That's pretty much it.

OK im an idiot that only downloads 3-4 files per week and [spoiler]never seeds[/spoiler]. What should I install on Win 10?

The latest and greatest qBittorrent 4.0.4


Confirmed: AHD gone and never coming back. All user and torrent data lost. RIPPIPO

>we will be back soon
>nothing has been lost

confirmed honeypot

How to get fast bp on ptp?

pretend to be an girl in IRC

Tell me your name and how many you need, user.

That doesn't say anything. Any client may no longer be allowed at a future date.

Can add U2 to the list of those not banning 2.2.1 and below.


i ate too much and now my stomach hurts

>I never seed

qBittorrent is the thing for you. We consider that client ratio suicide. It's strictly for leechers.

Yup. uTorrent 2.2.1 is superior in every way except one: you have to click "no" when it asks you if you want to upgrade after install and then you have to disable updates. Since qBittorrent avoids those steps it's sightly better for your average idiot, even though it sucks.

So what should I take as an alternative for 2.2.1 if I'm looking to maintain a respectable ratio among other things?

there's nothing
can connect to peers, but can't handle more than a 100 torrents
can handle many torrents, but can't connect to peers for shit

Lol, ur a big boy

qBittorrent will still upload enough to keep you quite alive on a tracker but if you want the most upload for Windows you should get either Deluge or Transmission (Transmission is trickier for Windows since the official version is beta-only and you have to get the discontinued QT version or the custom Daemon version by cfpp2p)

>can't connect to peers for shit

this is utter bullshit. Transmission can connect to peers well. Just not as well as Deluge. No client seems to peer as well as Deluge. qBittorrent is the worst at peering.

>qBittorrent is the worst at peering
can confirm

>idiots blaming their client for not connecting to peers
>idiots favouring one client over another
>idiots haven't considered being connectable
>idiots haven't reimagined their internet package
>idiots don't realise each ISP routes differently

>idiot thinks all clients connect the same
Install uTorrent 1.4 and see how that works out for ya'.

No matter what connection you have, connectable or not, Deluge uploads the most and qBittorrent uploads the least. Everything else is somewhere in the middle.

This is why qBitorrent is considered ratio suicide.

good meme


I can't install that, I'm not running Windows 98

Go drink some bleach, shit for brains.

he meant the transgui remote gui, look it up
it's basically a utorrent 1.x rip-off in terms of the looks and it's quite comfy

Upload a full blu ray for 300k.

>can u explain the function of ProLeech?
If you export a ProLeech torrent and give it to someone else, they'll be able to download it without having an account on the tracker, or even knowing which tracker it's from at all (automated ghostleeching, essentially). The person in question must also be using the mod, as it's the only one that supports this feature. You can load a ProLeech torrent on a regular client, but it won't have any peers and will never start downloading.

>Not sure , but i m looking for a tracker for 720p 8bits from 4K .
what a fucking retard LOL

>upload music to RED
>but still stuck on just 100% upload because seedbulls steal it all
music for this feel?

this is interesting. ProLeech torrents are what in difference? Without looking at it, does it enable PEX for it? My guess

It adds the IPs and port numbers of all known peers to the .torrent file, as a value that is only read by this mod. Enabling PEX or DHT would require flipping or removing the private flag on the torrent, changing its info_hash and rendering it unusable.


you were lucky to get any downloads at all, because if i uploaded some perfect flacs to red i didn't get a single download when seeding for more than 6 months


holy shit the stalled meme is true

Would using Deluge for Windows offset this I wonder

Retarded redditor with retarded opinion.


tell that to the goons who harass innocent qbit users like us. they give other clients a bad name

Is transmission 2.03 any good?

But why.

because I said so
now goto bed

fuck off schizo

God damnenstein! AB still under maintenancenhagen?!

I’m in bed. I dream of trying Deluge next time!

I am using UNIX sockets because I thought TCP IP was dumb. I am not affected by this exploit shit right? I mean listening on IP sounded dumb from the moment I looked at that feature.

It's up for me?

AB has been down for months

another day another 416mb upload on red

Can’t really say I’ll miss it.

useless meme

>deluge can't handle more than a 100 torrents
Explain this meme. I have 392 torrents announced and "seeding" on Deluge (only one is actually being leeched from me right now) and everything seems fine. What would be happening if I was using Transmission? Would more leechers be connecting to me? Would I be able to seed more torrents no-one wants?

in the torrent world 392 and 100 are the same number

you just need it set up to localhost

you are useless

i had 100 torrents once and everything worked like it should but the moment i added one more all my torrents went red and deluge crashed my whole computer. after reboot i found out that i had been b& from ggn because deluge had put so much load on their server and later got globaled. and if all that wasnt enough lb06 came to my door to punish me personally for ever violating the tracker etiquette of not using more than 100 torrents on deluge

>X client ftw!
>no! Y client ftw!
>boo! Z client ftw!
this general is shit

youre really making effort to change that

What idiots did not see this warning or even thought about what they were doing

Should tracker BP systems be more like AB's or more like BBT's?

The latter because it forces people to seek out low-seeded torrents if they want some kind of extra bonus out of it. It's good for retention.
Giving bonus points for seeding a super popular torrent is pointless. At that point having one seeder more or less affects nothing.

>BBT gives near 0 bonus points and they're only given out for seeding already dead trash no one wants
Gee which should be emulated

Why should you be awarded points for being the 200th seeder on a Naruto torrent?

>system that promotes preserving rare material is bad
kill yourself, retarded currynigger