I actually hate SQL. The syntax is not very consistent
--column before table
SELECT column FROM table;
--table before values
INSERT INTO table VALUES (x,y,z);
my structural query language database
You are literally an idiot.
That's the way it should be pronounced.
I work in a place where SQL is always, just about everyone here, referred to as "sequel".
Fucking shits me
Nonsense. Get some time up
Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?
Go away, sonny
Fuck, I hate OP but he's right
[SQL was initially developed at IBM by Donald Chamberlin and Raymond Boyce. It was initially called “Structured English Query Language” (SEQUEL) and pronounced “sequel”]
ITT, Kids with no idea
Ass Kyu Eel
t. shit for brains
Do you guys use anything to autoformat SQL?
ApexSQL might be what you're looking for
why do people say postgres is much better than mysql? i doubt there's much difference.
Oh shit, this is Boyce-Codd normal form guy.
A sequel to what? What came before? When can we expect another sequel to the current sequel? I myself always call it by the abbreviations.
>Do you guys use anything to autoformat SQL?
Nah, I developed my own style that goes against basically all style guides but it's super duper legible once you get used to it and it's easy to write - I basically tab indent every individual item on a new line each after a standard statement like select, from, where, group, order, having:
Users inner join UserHistory
on Users.UserID = UserHistory.UserID
Users.IsActive = 1
and Users.Password not like '%password123%'
order by
You can easily navigate through any number of nested queries just by indenting the whole subquery properly.
es kyu el
>mfw unedcuated self-taught web devs try to tell me it's pronounced ess queue ell
How am I supposed to ever get proficient at SQL when the language specification docs cost $100 to read?
Who thought this was a good idea?
>not using ORM
>'you are elle' instead of 'Earl'
MY squirrel
it's uri now
Who thought reading SQL specification is a good idea? No one uses that.
People use Oracle, MSSQL, mysql, postgres. Each of those databases has syntax somewhat different from the specifications with a ton of specific extensions, and you have to use them if you want your software to work well.
Hey, nice, I use a very similar format except for joins and ands.
Funny, pastebin's syntax highliter makes the text uppercase. Here's an untampered code.
Also fuck Sup Forums for not letting me post it here.
Does mysql have expression indexes yet?
If I learned on oracle, how hard is it to go to mysql or postgres?
I hate calling it sequel. Sequel is already a word and it doesn't mean Structured Query Language. If you were going to pronounce it, it would be something like "squul." I always say Ess-Queue-Ell. Unless we're talking Microsoft Sql Server. They got me on that one.
Going for postgres should be very easy. Dont' forget that you should use a slightly older installer and get classic pgAdmin 3 instead of the new web-based garbage.
I will try and remember this. Postgres is totally free like mysql right?
Yes, it is.
Only thing I hate about it is the name. Like with fedora. More people would use it if it didnt have a shit name.
Postgres makes people think of the GRE or something.
That's the first time I see that said about postgres.
I do get what you mean though, I hated 7zip for the longest period of time just because of the name. Can't explain it.
7zip felt like it was related to Win7? Or something (i forget now if it existed during the XP days?)
Whereas winzip or the other one that was permanent trial version had names that made it feel almost like standard OS program.
According to this postgres seems totally superior but it seems like (totally anecdotally) mysql is more popular to me?
Does it even come with full utf-8 support yet? Last time i've checked they used some weird custom 3 byte max per char version.
Just didn't like the name. Like I said, I can't explain it.
I've read multiple articles about how due to its internal structure, postgres needs to write more to different places on the disk to add data to the database compared to mysql, so it makes it somewhat slower.
I'm not suited to give an honest comparison because I have abandoned mysql almost a decade ago (maybe 7 years) and have only been using postgres.
Then again...
Though the issues uber had with postgres seem to really only be issues with a really high scale/demand database with lots of concurrent users and actions.
But it is.
Its sequel except in mysql its s-q-l.
As far as I know Postgres is still not all the way there.
> uss kyuh ull
ess cue elle
In the early versions of SQL it was called Structured English Query Language.
I fucking hate how everyone tries to create an acronym for everything in the tech business
show databases
show tables
NO, ITS NOT *show columns* IT IS
You mean Yuri
SQL. Stop saying sequel you fags. S-Q-L
>plural form table name
>upper/camel case table/columns names
>lower case reserved words
>one-to-one relationship
No words can describe my disgust.
>be Donald Chamberlin
>design a language for querying relational databases
>call it SEQUEL: Structured English Query Language
>change the acronym to SQL because of trademark issues
>keep the pronounciation
>use it for half a century
>anonymous millenial faggot webdevs insist you've been doing it wrong