How the FUCK did this become the norm?

How the FUCK did this become the norm?

works well enough for 99% of people
doesn't take much space

like it or not, this is enough for most people

A post died for this

Stop whining

Get a C64 if you're so badly hurt you can't use modern hardware

Because they work much better than a pen.

I know, the US ANSI layout is shit. The UK ISO layout is superior.

ANSI is best for programming

I live in central Europe but I can't stand anything other than ANSI long-term. It's always a bitch finding the right keyboard


with ANSI whenever I go to press enter I always end up pressing the slash above it too and it's really annoying

>the norm

That's probably because you have normie genes

With ISO whenever I go to press slash I always end up pressing enter and it's really annoying

How often do you actually need to use that slash though? Also that slash is right next to the left shift key.

Don't need the slash very often but I use the pipe all the time.

Every time I need to pass more, than one level of filesystem to a program.

I'm sure that a lot of people cared about that thread at the bottom of page ten.

They don't get hair and skin and sebum and crumbs stuck under the keys.

>not creating your own keyboard layout with xmodmap

Agreed. That key should be labeled "Return" rather than "Enter."

Fuck that left shift slash. Piece of shit. Yes, I love putting typos in my password.

The Chronicles of REEE: The Faggot OP

it hurts that thinkpads have this as well now

>cheap low quality shit
if that's modernity i'll pass