>search YouTube for videos about tech
>click first videos
>pajeets begging me to subscribe with their curry accent
>literally just read off spec sheets
Why is this allowed Sup Forums
Search YouTube for videos about tech
Other urls found in this thread:
It's about technology so it's Sup Forums. If he was using terms like (and I'm quoting so don't be mean mods) "currynigger" it would be Sup Forums tier.
Also, JewTube is not technology related in any way
>he said nigger wwwwwaahhhhh
>muh feewings
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
straight outta dumblr/plebit which I suggest you go back to
Stfu Nigger
The worst part is ,that the title is in english and not hindi
>title in english
>pajeet speaks curry the whole time
why do they do this?
I want redditors out
dont mind me, just need to store this here for a moment
>>Why is this allowed Sup Forums
I don't know, you probably shouldn't be allowed on the internet if you want to learn something and watch video on a shilling site instead of reading.
>posts muh Sup Forums boogieman
>calls it jewtube
how many levels of irony are you on?
you are a little baby
Why the fuck does anyone rely on videos to check hard information?
I get the point of unboxing videos, wouldn't watch them, but I get the point, but seriously most tech videos just seem to be a waste of space and time.
Lately, some retarded manager tried to get rid of the (bad) text documentation of the company products by creating video tutorials. I don't know if they were trolling or just idiotic, but one development team actually documented some of their code on video and uploaded. Is literally some faggots scrolling the screen and explaining just a class, and it takes more than 1 hour. I don't what to think they are serious, but given that a lot of idiots watch a lot of technical stuff on YouTube, I can't be sure.
>Why the fuck does anyone rely on video to check hard information?
Either to see it done in practice or people cannot trust written resource on some site full of crypto mining scripts
Thank me later.
I can smell the FreeBSD on you.
>It's about technology so it's Sup Forums
People are not technology. He's complaining about people. That's /r9k/ or Sup Forums.
meant to quote
>I get the point of inbox ingen videos
PLZ illuminate me
the thing i look forward to about being an old fuck is making youtube videos or the future equivalent about tech for youngins to watch
> title in English
> annoying music in background
just mute it
> disgusting brown hands appear
close the tab and insult ganesh or who the fuck took a shit and invented indians